Chapter 112: Into the Tiger’s Den! 【Full Order】

Two days later.

An unnamed and unknown area of the Pacific Ocean, a ship is sailing on the surface.

In the dark night, a thick white fog rose on the sea.

The image looks like a ghost ship moving through the night.

At the bow of this ship stood a man with an eastern face.

It was Lin Chen, who had already disguised himself as an intruder of the Shadow Organization!

Behind him, there was also a stout black man and a white man with a long beard.

These two people are Xiang Yong, who has been disguised, and another deputy captain of the sword department, named Xu Lie.

Unlike Vice Captain Cui, who is good at hypnosis, Xu Lie is best at firearms and fighting.

The personal strength value is second only to Xiang Yong in the entire sword department.

“What a big zero, is this ghost place really the base of the Shadow Organization?”

Xiang Yong was drumming a little in his heart.

They have been floating at sea for a day and a night, and have yet to find the hidden island.

“It should be nearby.”

Lin Chen said.

As soon as voice 25 fell, the silhouette of an island appeared on the white foggy sea in front of him.

“Finally found!”

Xiang Yong said with some excitement.

The ship approached the island in the distance.

When I was about to reach the shore of the island, the lights on the pier flashed irregularly several times in a row.

This is using lights to code words.

Only if the code code is correct, the ship is allowed to dock.

Otherwise, what greeted Lin Chen and them was an overwhelming bullet!

The three intruders were hypnotized by Deputy Captain Cui and had already explained all the information.

Soon, the boat on Lin Chen’s side gave the correct light information.

The boat stopped on the pier.

“After a meeting on the island, try not to talk.”

Lin Chen ordered.

Lin Chen could disguise the intruder’s voice and speak, Xiang Yong and Xu Lie did not have such ability.

If you open your mouth to speak, it is easy to be exposed.

“Yes, boss!”

Xiang Yong and Xu Lie nodded.

A moment later, Lin Chen and Xiang Yong disembarked together.

Ten members of the sword were also left on board to serve as receptions.

As for the three invaders, they have sunk to the bottom of the sea.

After disembarking, several pick-ups from the dock came up to pick them up.

When the responder saw Lin Chen and Xiang Yong’s faces, he immediately bent down respectfully and saluted.

A-level members have a high status in the shadow organization.

Every A-level member is synonymous with strength.

When ordinary members see A-level members, they must be respectful.

Lin Chen was expressionless, and took Xiang Yong and them into the base of the Shadow Organization.

On the perimeter of the base is a reinforced concrete wall six meters high.

Above the city wall, several members of the organization armed with firearms are patrolling.

At the gate of the base, there are also members of the organization guarding it, and the security is tight.

Most of these patrols at the door are the lowest D-level members, and a very small number are C-level members.

After seeing the three A-level members, he hurriedly opened the door and let them go.

Lin Chen, Xiang Yong, Xu Lie, when they passed through the gate of the base, the scanners on both sides of the gate automatically recognized Lin Chen and them without finding anything abnormal.

Lin Chen’s [God-level disguise] is simply superb.

Unless the iris of the eye is scanned.

Otherwise, there is almost no problem with the appearance alone.

Passing through the gate of the base, a modern base appeared in front of Lin Chen’s eyes. Being able to build such a huge base on this hidden island shows how powerful the Shadow Organization is.

Lin Chen took out his mobile phone and dialed a call.

“Chief, I’ve arrived.”

“Come to the council chamber, members above grade A, and have a meeting together.”

A deep voice came from inside the phone.

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, but he didn’t expect a meeting as soon as he came.

“Got it.”

Lin Chen said.

“When you see the opportunity, do not act rashly without my orders.”

Lin Chen ordered Xiang Yong and Xu Lie.



A moment later, Lin Chen, Xiang Yong, and Xu Lie appeared in the council chamber together.

At this time, there were already about ten people sitting in the council chamber.

Seeing Lin Chen and the three walk in, several people looked back at them.

“Vulture, I heard that you went to the Dragon Country to do a mission in the past two days?”

A man with a knife scar on his face asked.

“Vulture” is the code name of this A-level member disguised by Lin Chen in the Shadow Organization.

Every member of the organization basically has their own code name and rarely uses their real name.

Lin Chen ignored the scar man.

His gaze was fixed on a middle-aged white man sitting at the front of the council chamber.

The white man looks to be in his early 40s, his hair is meticulously combed and his eyes are as sharp as a falcon.

This person is the leader of the Shadow Organization, Shadow!

This is also the code name of each chief.

“Chief, mission accomplished.”

Lin Chen said.

The Shadow Leader nodded slightly: “Okay, the task will be discussed later.” ”

Lin Chen stopped talking and sat down with Xiang Yong and Xu Lie.

After sitting down, Lin Chen secretly observed the others in the council room.

Everyone in it, the lowest level is an A-level member, and their strength is not much different from Xiang Yong and Xu Lie.

Even, the strength of several people is above Xiang Yong. Among them, there was a man wearing a hood, which attracted Lin Chen’s attention.

Half of his face, hidden under the hood, exuded a gloomy and dark aura.

Lin Chen’s heart moved: “This person is likely to be one of the two level 3 410 members.” ”


Suddenly, the hooded man suddenly turned his head and looked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen just glanced at him more, and this person noticed something different.

So perceptive!

Lin Chen quietly turned his head

“Who else hasn’t arrived?”

The Shadow Leader asked.

“Back to the chief, except.”


“Rose’ is out on a mission, and Toker is still not there.”

“Grim Reaper” and “Joker” are the two S-class members of the Shadow Organization.

Apart from the chief, these two people have the highest status.

The Shadow Leader’s eyes narrowed.

Except for Lin Chen and the three who had just returned, the remaining members had already arrived in the council chamber half an hour ago.

Even the Grim Reaper is no exception.

Only Joker was nowhere to be seen.

And, this isn’t the first time Joker has done this.

In a way, this is a kind of contempt for the Shadow Lord! The Shadow Lord was about to send someone to call Joker when footsteps sounded outside the council chamber door.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the council chamber was pushed open.

A man with a chicken nest head yawned and swaggered in.

The chicken nest head man pulled a chair and sat down with a big grin.

“Please, why are there meetings again? We are killers, not white-collar workers! ”

Joker complained.

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