Chapter 162: Overseas Markets Opened, Profits Soared! 【Full Order】

As it turned out, Caroline was indeed very capable.

Although she had never done secretarial work before, she quickly became proficient.

Most of the company’s affairs are handed over to Caroline to connect with the people below, and then Caroline summarizes and reports to Lin Chen.

The work assigned by Lin Chen, Caroline can also be well executed.

Moreover, the efficiency is particularly high.

Lin Chen’s days were a lot more comfortable.

It really became: there is something to do with the secretary!

A few days later, the [cure-grade anti-cancer special drug] was officially released in the open sea.

The first stop overseas is the lighthouse country.

Using the channels of the five pharmaceutical giants in the lighthouse country, [cure-level anti-cancer drugs] are fully rolled out and sold in the lighthouse country!

Although, before the start of sales, there were many voices of resistance on the extranet.

Because Lin Chen’s price in the Dragon Country is 50,000 bottles.

The price of 500,000 bottles in overseas regions has increased by 10 times.

The people of foreign countries are very dissatisfied with this and think that Lin Chen is completely differentiated.

Lin Chen’s attitude is also very simple – I just treat it differently, who told you that you are not from the Dragon Country, love to buy or not!

It turns out that when [cure-grade anti-cancer drugs] really began to be sold overseas25, these foreigners began to be really fragrant.

Anyway, of course, more important than money!

500,000 bottles, converted into US dollars, is less than 80,000 US dollars.

Many foreign cancer patients spend more than $80,000 combined. Moreover, spending money does not necessarily cure it. Now, for less than $80,000, cancer can be completely cured. As long as you are not a fool, you know how to choose.

Therefore, don’t look at the previous Internet that many people are resisting.

In fact, many are foreign media, deliberately fanning the flames.

When the [curative-grade anti-cancer drugs] really started selling overseas, those people grabbed it faster than anyone.

The 150,000 bottles that were on sale on the first day were sold out in the online and offline stores of Lighthouse Country in less than a few minutes!

That’s right, it’s that fast!

Moreover, it was like this for several days on end.

The demand is much greater than the supply!

In the chairman’s office, Lin Chen leaned comfortably on the deck chair and leisurely played mobile games.

Since Caroline became his personal secretary, Lin Chen has become very relaxed in the company.

After a while, the office door was pushed open and Caroline walked in with a cup of coffee.

“Mr. Lin, coffee.”

Caroline said.

“Thank you.”

Lin Chen glanced up at Caroline.

Today’s Caroline is a classic women’s professional wear.

The upper body wears a small women’s suit, an A-line skirt underneath, and black stockings wrapped around the feet.

Lin Chen found that Caroline was really suitable for this outfit.

If you add a pair of black-framed glasses to your face, it will be even greater!

I have to say that having such a beautiful and well-built secretary by his side is indeed eye-catching.

After Caroline handed the coffee to Lin Chen, she began to report on her recent work.

“At present, the daily sales volume in China is maintained at about 100,000 bottles, and this data is still declining every day.”

Caroline said


Lin Chen nodded slightly,

“This is a good thing, it shows that there are fewer and fewer cancer patients in the country!”

As cancer patients decline, a decline in sales is inevitable.

Caroline continued: “For three consecutive days, the anti-cancer drugs of the lighthouse country were sold out within minutes of going on sale. 150,000 bottles on the first day, 200,000 bottles on the second day, and 250,000 bottles on the third day. ”

“The total sales of the lighthouse country in these three days have reached 300 billion!”

When Caroline read the number, she couldn’t hide the surprise in her tone.

This is really exaggerated!

If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she couldn’t believe it.

Tmall’s sales on Double 11 are more than 400 billion.

But sales all day at that time.

In the lighthouse country, the sales time of these three days may be less than 10 minutes.

10 minutes, 300 billion!

What is this concept?!

In fact, for this result, Lin Chen had long expected it.

Previously, in the Dragon Country, the daily sales had exceeded ten billion.

However, because Lin Chen was almost sold to the compatriots of the Dragon Country at cost price.

Therefore, there is no money at all, which is equivalent to doing social charity.

It wasn’t until overseas markets started selling that it really started to make money!

“Lin Chen, the situation of supply in overseas markets is so serious, why not continue to expand new pharmaceutical factories?”

Caroline wondered.

Expanding new pharmaceutical factories can produce more [curative-grade anti-cancer drugs] and make more money.

Such a simple truth, of course Lin Chen understood.

The reason why Lin Chen didn’t do this was because the medicinal materials required by [Cure-level Anti-Cancer Special Drugs] were very rare and difficult to find!

In particular, the growth cycle of some medicinal materials is very long, and after consumption, it is even more difficult to find.

Some time ago, the company’s daily production volume could reach 600,000 bottles.

Now the daily production is only 300,000 bottles.

No matter how much productivity there is, there is not enough raw materials to produce, and there is no way to increase production.

After listening to Lin Chen’s explanation, Caroline understood the reason.

Think about it, the special drugs that can completely cure cancer must require very special and scarce raw materials.

Of course, even according to the production volume of 300,000 bottles a day.

The sales generated are also very exaggerated.

According to this rate of making money, it won’t be long before Lin Chen becomes the richest man in the Dragon Country.

Even the richest man in the world!

However, as more and more cancer patients are cured around the world, daily sales will also decline.

In the future, the speed of making money, 803 will definitely not be as fast as it was at the beginning.

Even so, it is only a matter of time before Lin Chen becomes the richest man in the world!

After reporting on her recent work, Caroline did not leave immediately.

It is a rare opportunity to be alone with Lin Chen, and Caroline must of course grasp it.

At this time, Caroline saw Lin Chen put down her mobile phone and moved her shoulders slightly.

Before Caroline came in, Lin Chen played games in the office for more than two hours.

In fact, Lin Chen’s shoulders are not sore, after all, he has 10 times his physical fitness.

He just subconsciously made this action.

When Caroline saw Lin Chen moving her shoulders, her heart couldn’t help but move.

“Mr. Lin, I’ll pinch your shoulder.”

Caroline said.

“Huh? Are you going to pinch my shoulders? ”

Lin Chen was stunned.

Caroline blinked: “Yes, isn’t that what a private secretary should do?” ”

Since Caroline said so, Lin Chen certainly wouldn’t refuse.

“Well, I’ll also enjoy the boss’s special treatment today.”

Lin Chen said with a smile.

Then, Caroline walked behind Lin Chen, put her hand on Lin Chen’s shoulder, and began to help Lin Chen squeeze his shoulder.

“How’s the strength?”

Caroline asked.

“Well, not bad.”

Lin Chen closed his eyes and looked very enjoyable.

“That’s good, it’s the first time I’ll pinch someone’s shoulder, you don’t dislike it.”

Caroline said with a smile.

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