Lin Chen put the 400 kg barbell back on the barbell rack and sat up from the bench bench.

Countless shocked, adoring, and adoring eyes looked towards him.

Many of the girls present have begun to be dazzled.

There is no shortage of girls who love fitness, and they like strong and powerful men, which will make them feel safe.

Lin Chen is not only powerful, but most importantly, he looks so handsome.

Simply their ideal boyfriend!

If it weren’t for Lin Chen still testing, they would have rushed to find Lin Chen plus Weixin.

Even the beautiful host An Tiantian looked at Lin Chen with a little heartbeat, forgetting her hosting work.

Several crazy people in the fitness circle couldn’t help but surround themselves and cast themselves on the five bodies that Lin Chen admired.

Mao Yi said excitedly: “God, you are simply too strong!” Bench press 400 kg is so easy, this is certainly not your limit. ”

“Yes, yes, you can definitely bench press heavier!” Other fitness freaks chimed in.

An Tiantian finally remembered her hosting work and asked Lin Chen:

“Handsome, do you want to continue to aggravate?”

Lin Chen pondered for a moment and asked, “How much can the heaviest be added?” ”

A staff member replied: “The barbell in our gym can be increased to 500 kilograms.” If it is heavy, you can only go to a professional competition venue. ”

“Okay, then add to 500 kilograms.” Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, a group of fitness enthusiasts, including Mao Yi, gasped suddenly.

That’s because the current world record for bench press is 1102 pounds, or 496 kilograms.

Lin Chen bench press 500 kg, this is to pick the world record!

“Come, add barbell tablets to the gods!”

Mao Yi and many fitness enthusiasts only felt full of energy and helped add barbell tablets together.

They suddenly have a hunch –

Today, they will witness history!

Soon, the 500 kg barbell was ready.

Mao Yi clapped his palms and said excitedly to everyone at the scene:

“Many people may not know what the concept of bench press 500 kg is, and we generally only use two words to describe this kind of person: god man! The current bench press world record is 496 kg. Our previous record of 280 kilograms is more than 200 kilograms short of the world record. Of course, the domestic record of 280 kg has just been broken by the gods. And now, the god is about to challenge the world record! Today, we may witness history! ”

As soon as the words fell, there was thunderous applause at the scene.

“Come on God!”

“Come on God!”

Everyone present did not know Lin Chen’s name, but it was very appropriate to use the title of “Great God”.

Thinking that Lin Chen might break the world record, the scene suddenly became enthusiastic!

Even Lin Chen, who had been calm, had a little ups and downs in his mood.

Everything was ready, Lin Chen lay on the bench press bench and grabbed the bar with both hands.

The audience held their breath, and time seemed to stand still at this moment.

In the next second, everyone saw Lin Chen slowly lifting a 500-kilogram barbell.

The heavy barbell pads have already bent the barbell bar.

But Lin Chen’s arm was very stable, without a trace of trembling.

The 500 kg bar slowly fell, rose to the highest point, and finally put back on the barbell stand.

The whole action is done in one go!

“It worked!”

“Sleeping, the god is awesome!”

Deafening cheers erupted from the scene.

Mao Yi and several of his fitness friends hugged each other excitedly, and even a few people’s eyes were red.

“! I see who will dare to say in the future, we Longguo people can’t keep fit? ”

“Let those foreign Hercules take a look, what is the power of the Dragon Country!”

Because of the congenital differences in physique, there is a huge gap between the domestic bench press record and the world record.

Foreign Hercules do not put the Hercules of the Dragon Country in their eyes at all.

But now, Lin Chen has broken this record!

This is the pride of all Dragon Country!

Looking at the people around him who were celebrating and cheering, a smile also appeared on Lin Chen’s face.

Actually, 500kg bench press is not his limit, he just completed it easily.

However, Lin Chen already had a general understanding of his strength, and there was no need to continue to challenge.

Mao Yi and a group of fitness experts excitedly surrounded Lin Chen.

“God, I obey! From now on, you will always be the god of our fitness circle! Mao Yi said feverishly.

If Lin Chen wanted to accept the little brother, these fitness freaks might kneel on the spot.

Seeing these muscular men looking at him with burning eyes, Lin Chen’s heart was furious.

I’m not interested in men, bastard!

Fortunately, at this time, the host An Tiantian came over.

“Handsome man, congratulations on winning the first place in this bench press competition and breaking the world record in one fell swoop! The award will be presented to you in a moment, our staff needs to register in advance, may I ask your name? An Tian looked at Lin Chen with a smile.

“Lin Chen.” Lin Chen said.


Next, An Tiantian began to announce the results of the game.

“Let’s congratulate Lin Chen for winning the first place in this bench press competition with a prize of 30,000!” The second place Mao Yi, with a prize of 20,000! The third place Su Zhengjun, with a prize of 10,000…”

As soon as the award ceremony ended, more than a dozen girls in the gym couldn’t help but pounce and surround Lin Chen.

“Handsome guy, can I add your WeChat?”

“Little brother, do you have a girlfriend? My bel voice sweet legs are still long, am I good to be your girlfriend? ”

Lin Chen saw for the first time what it was like for a woman to go crazy, and almost drowned him!

Even the beautiful host An Tiantian also chased Lin Chen and added Weixin.


PS: Ask for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes, the new book needs everyone’s support!

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