Chapter 86: Explosive Video, Completely Banned! 【Full Order】

At this moment, the melon-eating masses on the Internet are still enthusiastically discussing the previous topic.

Since Gu Manman issued that statement, the wind direction of the fishing ship has gradually been controlled.

Under the unsparing whitewashing of fans, the vast majority of passers-by also began to believe that Gu Manman himself was also a victim.

A lot of people ran to the bottom of that video to erupt the initiator of the video.

Spraying this trumpet has bad intentions, deliberately smearing Lin Chen and Gu Manman, and provoking contradictions between the two.

At first, the trumpet was sprayed and nothing happened.

Because this trumpet is a new trumpet opened by a staff member in Gu Manman’s studio.

At this time, of course, it is impossible to make any response.

To everyone’s surprise, this trumpet suddenly released a new dynamic: but!

“A lot of people are spraying me, I don’t carry this pot! I feel that there are some things that I must stand up and say clearly. ”

“I am a member of Gu Manman’s studio, and the previous video was sent by Gu Manman’s agent.”

“You may not believe me, it’s okay, I’ll show evidence for you to believe!”

At the back of this news, the owner posted several photos in a row. The first photo is the work card of the owner.

On the work card, the identity of this person is clearly and in detail, and he is a member of Gu Manman’s studio.

The next few photos are of the owner and other members of the studio.

Among them, it includes a photo with Gu Manman’s agent and Gu Manman himself!

These photos are meant to prove that the identity of the owner is genuine.

And the last photo, and the most important one, is a screenshot of the chat history!

In the screenshot, it is the conversation between the owner and Gu Manman’s agent.

In the chat, Gu Manman’s agent sent a clipped video to the owner.

And, instruct the trumpet owner to send this video out with a trumpet!

When this dynamic of the trumpet owner was sent, the masses who were eating melons directly boiled.

Good fellow, the owner directly blew himself up!

Moreover, the photos sent out are almost all ironclad evidence.

“666, this wave, this wave is super self-detonation!”

“Gu Manman’s studio overturned, hahaha.”

“If it weren’t for this wave of self-detonation, I would almost believe Gu Manman.”

“Gu Manman is simply a scheming! First let people post a video on the Internet Black Linchen God, and then issued a statement themselves, saying that they were troubled by others and were also victims, winning everyone’s sympathy, and by the way, there were several waves of hot searches. Sure enough, people are invincible! ”

“Many acts of unrighteousness will kill themselves, and now it has finally overturned, happy to see it!”

Netizens ridiculed Gu Manman wildly.

At the same time, Gu Manman’s studio was collectively dumbfounded.

Gu Manman’s agent angrily found the owner and used the mobile phone on the staff’s face.

“Why are you crazy about posting these things on the number?”

“I didn’t send it! It’s really not me! ”

The staff wanted to cry without tears, he really didn’t do anything.

“I see, someone must have hacked my trumpet and issued it with mine.”

He guessed correctly!

It was indeed Lin Chen who blackened his trumpet, and then, released the content just now.

“Quick! Hurry up and get the studio to send a statement! ”

The broker ordered.

The members of Gu Manman’s studio immediately took action.

Soon, Gu Manman’s studio issued a statement in a hurry.

The statement said that the response sent on the trumpet was complete slander!

Photos are stolen, chat logs are fabricated, there is no such thing.

At the end of the statement, the studio said that those who fabricated rumors and spread rumors would be resolutely held legally responsible!

Although Gu Manman’s studio reacted quickly.

But at this time, netizens no longer believe in Gu Manman and Gu Manman Studio.

“Ed! Then edit! I just want to ask, does Gu Manman and her team have a truth? ”

“Anyway, what she says now, I won’t believe a single punctuation mark!”

At this moment, an even more powerful video was sent out on Gu Manman’s Weibo account.

The title of this video is very eye-catching: “You spicy chicken sunspots, think I will be afraid of you?” And don’t look at who my gold lord dad is! ”

When netizens clicked on this video, they were instantly stunned……. In the video, it is Gu Manman and an old man in his fifties.

“Sleep, I’m blind!”

“Shock my mom!”

“Is Gu Manman crazy? This kind of video dares to be sent out! ”

“I recognize who this old man is, he is the boss of Lehui Entertainment Company, no wonder Gu Manman is so arrogant, it turns out that she is the boss’s lover!”

Because the video content was too spicy, the video survived for less than two minutes before it was blocked on Weibo.

However, there are still netizens with fast eyes who saved the video. Countless people are talking excitedly, and netizens who have not yet watched it have asked for video resources.

The whole Internet is blown up!

Gu Manman and Gu Manman’s team, when they saw this video, their souls were almost scared.

“Who and who sent this video with my number?!”

Gu Manman shouted hysterically.

Soon, the matter reached the ears of the boss of Lehui Entertainment.

Lehui Entertainment’s boss’s lungs almost exploded.

He still has a wife and children at home, and being exposed like this has caused a great blow to his reputation and the reputation of the entire company.

The stock price of Lehui Entertainment Company plummeted off a cliff, and in less than an hour, it fell to a halt!

The market value of more than a billion evaporated instantly. And according to this trend, it will continue to fall tomorrow.

The damage caused by this video will be estimated at 0.8 as it is! The CEO of Lehui Entertainment is furious in the office.

“Let Gu Manman come to the office to see me!”

The boss yelled at the secretary. A moment later, Gu Manman walked into the office in a panic.

“Boss, you listen to me explain, that video…”

“I video Nima!”

Before Gu Manman finished speaking, the boss went up and slapped Gu Manman to the ground.

Gu Manman held his swollen cheeks and looked at the boss in horror.

“[Broken man! I tell you, from today your life is completely over, don’t want to mix in the entertainment industry, Lao Tzu will kill you infinitely! ”

Gu Manman’s eyes were full of fear and regret.

She suddenly remembered the root of it all.

If she hadn’t posted that video at that time and didn’t guide fans to storm Lin Chen online, the latter would not have happened!

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