People in the heavens are as rich as the enemies of the country

Chapter 85 Your appearance is timely, Wizard (Additional update)

"I thought your brain was more flexible than that of a dwarf!"

Gandalf looked at Tang Sen who was talking eloquently and could hardly restrain his temper: "What are you going to use to crush three thick-headed and powerful trolls?"

"With a hammer, of course."

Tang Sen said matter-of-factly: "Otherwise it wouldn't be called smashing, but would be called cutting off or piercing something like that."


Gandalf's white beard trembled and he slammed the staff in his hand.

"I'm done!"

He quickly scanned the surrounding environment, and finally fixed his gaze on a huge boulder behind the fire, and said quickly: "You guys try to delay the time, and when the morning light rises from the horizon, I just need to smash this boulder, and the food will be eaten." The shemales must have been caught off guard and turned into stone statues."

Well, this is the origin of the Three-Headed Troll, a scenic attraction in Middle-earth.

"But, since you can break the boulder, why can't you just break the troll?" Tang Sen asked the key question.

"Because they are alive!" Gandalf roared so furiously that his long beard almost hit Tang Sen's cheek with the spurting breath.

Tang Sen spread his hands and said: "But I still think it would be faster to just smash them. I -"

Before he finished speaking, Gandalf had turned around, lowered his center, and carefully walked into the jungle with his staff.

He was obviously too lazy to waste time on this topic with Tang Sen. Obviously, instead of arguing about smashing or cutting off, it was better to act as soon as possible to save the dwarves who were about to be roasted.


Tang Sen put down his hand helplessly, "Stubborn and irritable wizard."

"Let him go around slowly. It will take time for him to gradually realize that sometimes, the traveler's advice is more useful than the wizard's."

Shalin clenched his hammers: "So, can we charge forward now?"

"Of course not." Tang Sen said: "At least what the wizard said is right, the troll's vitals are not on its toes."

"I can jump up and smash its nose!" Shalin growled.

Tang Sen looked down at the top of her head, and then looked up at the trolls.

The most you can do if you jump up is to hit their knees!

But he just nodded in agreement: "I believe in your jumping ability, Sarin, but I have a simpler way."

"For example, change a weapon."

Panting, Gandalf walked around behind the boulder and finally heard movement from behind the boulder.

"Huh? Another group of dwarves is coming!"

"Charge! Smash them!"

Gandalf's cheek twitched as he recognized the voices of trolls and Sarin.

"Well, you really have to rely on yourself. At least this traveler's recklessness can help me delay for a while." He complained in a low voice with dissatisfaction: "Although it is in the most irrational way!"

"Travellers always know a lot?" He imitated Tang Sen's tone and muttered to himself: "Then he should at least know that trolls' IQs are notoriously low! Just do anything to divert their attention. It's better to use force than to rush forward and fight head-on!"

He squinted his eyes and looked to the east, where the fish belly white had already appeared.

Behind him, the howls of the dwarves mixed with the roars of the ogres.

"I hope these poor dwarves won't be injured by the trolls."

He carefully raised his staff and, under the cover of the chaotic sounds over there, struck the boulder time and time again.

A tiny crack began to form in the center of the boulder.

It's not impossible to break a boulder at once, but it's much more laborious than lighting. Gandalf doesn't want to use this kind of magic unless it's absolutely necessary. In fact, it's rare compared to the types he can still use. Magic, he trusts the power of this body more.

Soon, the first golden ray of sunshine emerged from the horizon.

Gandalf quickly stood up and climbed onto the boulder. His almost chanting voice echoed through the jungle:

"Let the dawn take you all away!"

The lower end of the staff was inserted neatly into the boulder. The boulder split into two halves along the gap, and the dawn came out from the gap in the boulder.

Under the influence of the dawn, the three trolls were beyond recognition, and the trolls that collapsed on the ground quickly turned into huge stone sculptures.


Gandalf was stunned for a moment.

Collapsed to the ground?

This seems a little different from what you imagined?

He looked around the field behind the boulders again and saw that the dwarves were working hard to put out the fire and rescue the dwarves on the grill. Shalin, the talented female dwarf, was stepping on the nose of a troll. .

On her shoulder was a silver-white hammer.

No. That thing cannot be described as a hammer. When it is held in the hands of the female dwarf, it looks like an ant carrying an elephant.

It's an exaggeration to say this, but it is indeed like that visually. Gandalf made a rough visual inspection and found that the handle of the hammer was probably two or three meters long, and the hammer head was ferocious, with spikes on both ends, stained with blood. A scary thing, at least as thick as four dwarves holding it!

"Your lines are majestic and your appearance is timely, wizard."

Tang Sen's voice sounded: "They almost breathed their last breath."

"If dead trolls didn't turn to stone due to sunlight, Middle-earth would be missing a famous attraction."

Gandalf turned his gaze to the annoying traveler. The other person's expression was sincere, but Gandalf could clearly hear the yin and yang in the words, which was obviously a reward for his previous impoliteness and stubbornness.

The key is that I really have no way to refute it.

So he could only climb down from the boulder and said dullly: "You should have told me that this is the way you said smashing it flat."

"You didn't give me a chance to say it, did you?" Tang Sen did not continue to stimulate Maiya's irritable mood, and smiled: "No matter what, the result is good, we successfully avoided Durin The ending where the royal family turns into a barbeque of trolls.”

It's a pity that the dwarf with the legendary title of the Durin royal family - Thorin Oakenshield was not in the mood to pay attention to this side at this time. The first thing he did after being rescued was to run up to Shalin and said in a low voice:

"Shalin, why are you here?"

"And with so many clansmen!"

Shalin excitedly jumped down from the troll's nose and shouted: "Thorin! Did you just see that? I defeated three trolls!"

"Although everyone is protecting me, there is no doubt that I smashed them all myself!"

Thorin's expression did not change for the better because of Shalin's request for credit, and his gaze shifted to the formidable huge war hammer.

"I don't need you to stress to me that you saved my life."

"I just want to know why you are here when I ordered you to stay in Eredlon."

"And where did you get so much mithril!"

Four updates tomorrow.

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