Only with good character can two people live happily together.

If the character is not good, even if the two people are together, they will only quarrel and eventually break up.

So from the results, Princess Jasmine was quite serious when choosing her husband.

Aladdin is lucky.

But the problem is that he has found the miracle cave and obtained the magic lamp first. Without the help of the magic lamp, can Aladdin still marry Princess Jasmine?

It seems, it seems, unlikely.

Otherwise, return the magic lamp to Aladdin?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

This idea just emerged from Rowe's mind and was strangled to death by Rowe.

The whole process does not exceed one second. One more second is disrespectful to the magic lamp.

It is impossible to return the magic lamp, and it is impossible in this life.

So Aladdin should stay wherever it is cool.

Rowe can only help the Sultan to eliminate Jafar, the traitor. As long as Jafar is dead, Agrabah will be safe.

The Sultan will not be manipulated, and Princess Jasmine does not have to marry Jafar, but can choose a suitable prince consort.

In a sense, this is a happy ending.

It's just that Aladdin suffers.

After making the decision, Luo Wei put down the burden in his heart and wandered around the city in the desert.

As long as I have no moral bottom line, I will feel very happy.

In a sense, the city of Agrabah is still very prosperous.

But this prosperity also depends on who you compare it with.

In this era, the city is indeed very prosperous.

The streets and alleys are full of people, there are hawkers soliciting customers, patrolling guards, wandering customers, and thieves hidden in the crowd.

But if compared with the modern world, it seems very backward, even the urban-rural junctions in China are not as good as them.

I don't know how many centuries the ancient empire was, it was far from being as prosperous as portrayed in movies and TV.

More importantly, the people on the street are pale and thin, which is the result of long-term malnutrition.

Luo Wei was surprised by this, but it didn't seem so unexpected.

Unexpected, but reasonable.

After all, this is a kingdom in the Arabian Desert, and it is also a feudal empire.

It is not easy for ordinary civilians to have enough food. If they don't eat well, it is normal to be sallow and thin.

Of course, if these are put aside, this city is not without merit.

At least it is full of exotic customs that Luo Wei has never seen before.

And it is an ancient exotic customs, which is not charming, but at least it makes Luo Wei feel fresh enough.

Luo Wei walked in the streets and alleys here, and soon found that people around him would involuntarily bypass the road when they saw him.

Many people would look at him with a very strange look.

On the one hand, it was because his dress was incompatible with the people here.

On the other hand, it was because he was a yellow man, and his appearance was completely different from that of the Arabs.

Even if Luo Wei didn't need to promote it, people here knew that Luo Wei was definitely an outsider.

And seeing Luo Wei's ruddy complexion, delicate skin, and gorgeous clothes, he was very likely a nobleman.

No one wanted to offend a nobleman here, so everyone kept a distance from Luo Wei.

To be honest, Luo Wei's clothes were just a very ordinary casual suit, which was far from gorgeous.

But in the eyes of the people around, this dress is indeed very gorgeous.

This is the benefit brought by technological progress.

Even if it is an ordinary piece of clothing, in the backward ancient world, it is still a high-end product or even a luxury item in the eyes of countless people.

Luo Wei didn't like the feeling of being watched and watched, so he simply found a place where no one was, cast an illusion, and turned himself into an inconspicuous local.

Then he continued to wander around the streets and alleys of the city.

This time, no one looked at him with strange eyes. After strolling for more than an hour, Luo Wei was a little bored, so he found a hotel to stay in, and asked the owner of the hotel by the way, what fun places there were in the city.

The boss said:"There is nothing fun in this city. If you have money, you can go to the dance hall next door. It is a paradise for men."

"Every man who has been there will be reluctant to leave."

Hearing these words, and seeing the boss's wretched smile with a bit of nostalgia, how could Luo Wei not know what the dancer's hall the boss was talking about.

Prostitutes and killers are the two oldest professions in the world.

Even in modern society, these two professions have not been completely eliminated.

Wherever there are people, there will be these two professions.

Even here is no exception. However,

Luo Wei is not interested in the fireworks here. It's not that Luo Wei looks down on this group of people.

It's that there are so many beautiful beauties in the world that are worth conquering. Why spend energy on this group of people?

So that night, Luo Wei went to the dancer's hall mentioned by the hotel owner.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't go there to play, he just wanted to appreciate the Arab dancers' outstanding and moving dance.

After all, Luo Wei had only seen Arab dance on TV, and had never seen real people dancing.

Now that there is a chance, he naturally wants to appreciate it.

Not to mention, Luo Wei still appreciates the ancient Arab dance.

In modern times, such dances have probably been lost long ago.

The next morning, Luo Wei walked out of the dancer's hall with satisfaction. He was very happy about the dancers here. Luo Wei highly praised the dancing posture of the dancer.

In one word, smooth.

It was really too smooth.

As expected of someone who specializes in this field, she could perform any difficult movements with ease and without any effort.

It really opened Luo Wei's eyes.

Luo Wei felt that it was not enough to appreciate this kind of dancing posture for just one night, but he had to appreciate it for several nights.

So on the second night, Luo Wei came to the dancer's hall again.

After a few days, Luo Wei had become a regular customer here.

One morning, when Luo Wei went out, he unexpectedly found people gathering At the gate of the city, it seemed that someone was being welcomed.

He asked around and found out one thing.

The King of Agrabah, the Sultan, was selecting a consort for his daughter, Princess Jasmine. Princes from other countries came here after hearing the news.

People gathered at the gate of the city to welcome the princes of other kingdoms.

Luo Wei suddenly realized that the plot had begun.

He had been so engrossed in the dancing house these days that he almost forgot the plot.

Speaking of which, he had been in this country for so long, but he hadn't seen Princess Jasmine yet.

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