Hearing that the Prometheus was still three days away from its destination, Lo Wei breathed a sigh of relief and began to recall the plot.

Prometheus is actually the prequel to the famous Alien movie. The plot is actually very simple, which is the story of humans looking for the Creator.

Many, many years ago, when there were no living creatures on Earth, a group of aliens called engineers arrived on Earth.

One of the engineers drank something special, his body was decomposed, and then fell into the water.

After that, life was born on Earth and gradually evolved into today's humans.

Although there is only one alien in the plot of the movie, in the deleted version of the plot, the aliens that appeared on Earth are indeed a group rather than one.

After the birth of humans on Earth, aliens once came to Earth to guide the people on Earth.

Therefore, there are many murals about aliens left on the ancient Earth.

Among these murals, there is also an interstellar coordinate.

Time has advanced to the end of the 21st century.

Scientist Elizabeth, yes, it is called Elizabeth, but not Elizabeth Swan, but Elizabeth Shaw.

After all, the name Elizabeth is really common in the West.

Elizabeth Shaw and her husband Charlie Holloway discovered many murals and speculated the existence of engineers, and then announced them.

This attracted the attention of one person, who was the president of Weyland Corporation, Weyland.

Before obtaining the system, Rowe watched the film commentary about Prometheus, in which Weyland Corporation and its president Weyland were described in detail.

Weyland is undoubtedly a genius. His full name is Peter Weyland. He was born in 1990 and is a British.

When he was fourteen years old, he already had 12 registered patents. As an adult,

Weyland founded Weyland Corporation, integrating all of Peter Weyland's previous patents and becoming the company with the highest market value in history.

Apple and Qualcomm are nothing in front of the Weyland Group.

After the establishment of Weyland Corporation, the first thing it did was to install solar panels in space.

They are playing with high technology.

The success of this energy project enabled Weyland Corporation to obtain funds from three venture capital projects.

A few years later, the company invented an atmospheric processor that can synthesize an atmosphere above the polar ice cap to prevent global warming. Peter Weyland won the Nobel Prize for this.

This is awesome, but there is more to come.

This guy's life is like a cheat, never stopping for a moment, constantly expanding, expanding, and expanding.

By 2022, the health department of Weyland Corporation has deciphered the genetic chain of more than 98% of cancers, which can cure almost all cancers on the earth.

Peter Weyland won the Nobel Prize again.

When Luo Wei heard this explanation, he exclaimed,"Wow!" He got the system in 2024, and cancer had not been conquered.

But Weyland Corporation cured almost all cancers on the earth in 2022.

The gap between people is greater than that between people and dogs.

After that, Weyland was hailed as a living legend. If placed in the Marvel world, this is at least a genius of the same level as Iron Man.

Later, Weyland Corporation launched a holographic environment simulator.

The military department developed the Weyland Storm Pulse Rifle, which has a shooting range of 500 meters, can lock and track multiple targets, and can display information such as the target's health and physical condition.

After that, bionic people were created. David, who was held hostage by Lo Wei, was the first bionic person.

After waiting for 2029, the company developed a fully automated atmospheric processor, and interstellar colonization became possible.

A few years later, Weyland Corporation launched a lunar colonization plan. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In 2034, the company created a superluminal spacecraft. Even Iron Man Tony Stark felt ashamed of himself when he saw this technological leap.

But even so, Weyland Corporation did not stop, but continued to advance.

In the next few decades, many black technologies were developed one after another.

For example, the large transport vehicle RT01 can adapt to any known terrain. The car looks ordinary, but there is almost no upper limit to its load.

The space exploration vehicle ATVNR6 can traverse various extreme geographical environments. This technology allows scientists and exploration teams to go to destinations that were once inaccessible.

Mobile exposed skeleton.

The automatic diagnostic surgery platform Medpod720i is worth talking about.

In the plot of Prometheus, Dr. Elizabeth Shaw used this operating table to remove the opposite sex from her body.

This thing is really useful[]

3Dlive drawing technology can draw 3D images of any area on the spot. In"Prometheus", the team members used this technology to draw the terrain inside the spacecraft.

The technology to restart the brain activity of the dead. In the plot of Prometheus, scientists picked up the head of an engineer and used this technology to start the engineer's brain.

However, the brain later exploded and the scientists got nothing.

This shows that this technology is not as mature as imagined, but it is also very powerful.

Just looking at these technologies and Wieland's resume, you can know how powerful this genius is.

No wonder this guy is hailed as a living legend.

He is really awesome.

The contemporary Da Vinci and Einstein are equivalent to Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic.

However, no matter how powerful a person is, he will get old one day.

So Wieland also began to fear death and look for ways to prolong his life.

He set his sights on the creator of mankind. Since humans are all created by engineers, have engineers mastered the method to make humans immortal?

Later, Elizabeth Shaw of Scotland discovered a star map mural dating back 35,000 years, locating a planet in the Reticulum II system, 34.56 light years from Earth.

This planet was the destination of Prometheus.——LV-223.

Dr. Elizabeth Shaw sent a video email to Weyland Company, which attracted the company's attention. So Weyland decided to fund Elizabeth to go to the information coordinates in the mural to find the creator of mankind.

After the plan was launched, Weyland Company spent trillions to build the Prometheus under Luo Wei's feet.

In the year when the Prometheus set out to find the creator, Weyland disguised his own death and quietly hid on the ship.

He was going to meet the creator engineer who created humans in person and get the method of immortality from him.

And no one knew about this except the bionic man David.

Even Elizabeth and others didn't know a thing..

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