Rowe's purpose of coming to London was naturally to determine how far the plot of Harry Potter had developed.

As for the purpose of coming to London, it was naturally to find the male protagonist Harry Potter in this world.

Those who have seen the Harry Potter movie know that Harry Potter's family lives on Privet Drive. Rowe forgot the specific house number.

But it doesn't matter. Rowe came to Privet Drive and asked around. He knew where Harry Potter's uncle's family lived. Then he hid his figure and went through the wall to Harry Potter's uncle's house.

Rowe forgot what Harry Potter's uncle was called. He only remembered that his son was called Dudley, a little fat boy. This family often bullied Harry Potter.

Harry Potter's aunt didn't care about it, and even took the initiative to join in, picking on Harry Potter.

All this actually came from childhood experiences.

Harry Potter's aunt and his mother are sisters, but one of them has the potential to learn magic, and the other is an ordinary person.

When Hogwarts sent the admission notice to her home, Harry Potter's aunt knew that she had no way to learn magic, and she became jealous of her sister.

This jealousy later evolved into hatred.

Even though Harry Potter's mother died, this hatred was still not eliminated, but transferred to Harry Potter, which is why she abused Harry Potter.

Sometimes human hearts are so ugly, no wonder some people say that there are two things in this world that cannot be looked at directly.

One is the sun, and the other is the human heart.

One is too dazzling and will blind the eyes, and the other is too dirty and will distort the soul.

Rowe was not interested in the grievances between Harry Potter and his uncle's family. He came to this house purely to find out where the plot of the Harry Potter world has progressed.

It turned out that Harry Potter was still living in the stairwell and did not have his own independent room. There was neither a wand nor clothes for the little wizard in the room.

This means that the plot of the Harry Potter world has not yet begun.

When night fell, Harry Potter's uncle's family fell asleep, and Rowe took this opportunity to take Harry Potter away. The two appeared in an uninhabited area of a big country in the East.

"Wake up."

Rovi patted Harry Potter's face and woke him up. Harry Potter opened his eyes dazedly and was shocked to see an unfamiliar man in front of him.

"Don't worry, I have no ill will towards you."

Rovi quickly comforted Harry Potter. He still needed Harry Potter to do something for him, and of course he would not hurt Harry Potter.

Harry Potter gradually calmed down under Rovi's comfort. He looked around and found himself standing in an endless wilderness. There was a desert under his feet and an endless desert in the distance.

"Where is this?"

"As you can see, it's a desert."

"and who are you?"

"I am your lucky star." Rowe replied.

Harry Potter didn't quite understand,"Lucky star? Why are you my lucky star?""

"Because I can make your wish come true."

Love took out the magic lamp and waved it in front of Harry Potter,"You should have read the story of Aladdin."

Harry Potter nodded.

Love said,"I have Aladdin's magic lamp in my hand. Rubbing the magic lamp can summon the genie and make three wishes come true. I can make you three wishes come true, but you have to use two of them on me."

"As for the last wish, I'll give it to you."

Harry Potter opened his mouth in surprise. There is such a good thing, isn't it a pie in the sky?

Luo Wei asked with a smile:"Do you agree or refuse?""

"I agree, I agree."

Harry Potter agreed without thinking. A child would not think about why he was chosen. He would only think about what wish he would make next.

Rowe handed the magic lamp to Harry Potter. Harry Potter carefully rubbed the magic lamp and summoned the genie.

The huge genie looked at Rowe with resentment. He was sure that Rowe was using him like a cow and a horse.

But he could not resist.

"My respected master."He looked at Harry Potter and said,"Excuse me, do you have any wish to fulfill?"

Harry Potter looked at Rowe, and Rowe said,"Let me master all the magic in the world."

Harry Potter nodded, looked at the genie and asked,"Can you fulfill this wish?"

The genie said,"It's easy, my master."

The next second, the genie rubbed his hands and fulfilled the wish.

Rowe's brain suddenly had a lot of magic knowledge, such as the traceless extension spell, the levitation spell, the door-opening spell, the petrification spell, the crushing spell, the dancing spell, the sleeping spell, the fierce fire spell, the armor spell, the enlargement spell, the shrinking spell, the flying spell, the recovery spell, and even the unforgivable spell all entered Rowe's brain.

In addition to these, there are a lot of ancient magic.

At this moment, Rowe felt that he had become stronger.

Although his magic power has not increased, it is undeniable that his magic attainments are better than those of the black and white. The Demon King and others combined are even more terrifying.

Even Merlin in this world may not be able to compare to Rowe.

Even the four founders of Hogwarts are somewhat inferior to Rowe. 660

Not to mention that Rowe also has magic from several other worlds, which makes Rowe's understanding of magic surpass anyone else in this world.

The magic of the two magic worlds added together is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

At this moment, a lot of inspiration flashed in Rowe's mind.

However, he did not retreat immediately, but asked Harry Potter to make a second wish.

"Let me master all the alchemy and potion science in this world."

Harry Potter conveyed this wish to the genie of the magic lamp, and the genie of the magic lamp fulfilled this wish.

Rowe also mastered the potion science and alchemy in this world, and could completely reproduce the Philosopher's Stone made by Nicolas Flamel.

After fulfilling two wishes, Rowe gave the last wish to Harry Potter as agreed.

Harry Potter looked at the magic lamp and made his last wish.

"I want to live with my real family." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"It's very simple, my master."

The genie rubbed his hands, resurrected Harry Potter's parents, James Potter and Lily Potter, and summoned them to Harry Potter's side.

Rowe snatched the genie from Harry Potter's hand, and teleported away before James Potter and Lily Potter could react.

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