Ugly to the extreme! Meeting of Yuji Kiba and Kyoko Murakami

“Hey, you might not believe it if you tell me.”

“That guy’s human appearance is just one feature!”

“Ugly! Ugly to the extreme!!!”

Hai Tangzhi also pretended to be very serious.


“how come?”

Kiba Yuji was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.

The human appearance of the Dark Emperor Rider is ugly? ? ?

“Well, it’s just ugly.”

“Perhaps this is also the reason why he doesn’t reveal his human appearance in front of us.”

“In short, if you want to find him, you have to go to the ugly one. The ugliest and ugliest one is him!”

Hai Tang Zhi also said that he couldn’t help but smirked.

Damn Emperor Cavalry!

I can’t beat you face to face, why can’t I speak ill of you behind my back?

“So that’s the case, although it’s actually unbelievable.”

“But… thanks anyway, Haitang!”

long timeAfter that, Kiba Yuji accepted the general nod.

There’s no way, the Dark Emperor is such a handsome Kamen Rider.

The human form of the shapeshifter is actually an ugly monster…

Anyone who heard it couldn’t believe it.


Because this was said by Kaitang Naoya, his companion.

In addition, the other party has no reason to lie to himself.


Kiba Yuji believed it.


This guy!

It’s really stupid…

Seeing that Yuji Kiba didn’t have the slightest doubt, he just believed it.

Hai Tangzhi also felt a little uncomfortable.

Is it really good to deceive this guy like this?

But soon, Haitangzhi also became firm.

“It should be all right? It’s just a joke.”

“This guy Kiba also knows how to do it. If he can find it, he will be able to find the human form of the Dark Emperor Rider. It’s easy to find.”

At this time, Kiba Yuji thought of the proposal not long ago.

He looked at Kaitang Naoya with fiery eyes.

“Haitang, will you come with me to meet Su Mo and the others tomorrow?”

Su Mo?

Are those so-called good people?

Hai Tangzhi also curled his lips, obviously reluctant.

After all, he doesn’t want to make any friends.

But look at Yuji Kiba, a fool who is easily deceived.

Still sighed, and said helplessly:

“All right, all right.”

Anyway, I don’t have much to do these days, it’s very boring.

It’s okay to meet those people.

The key is!

He felt that he had just deceived Kiba Yuji.

In conscience, I feel a little sorry.

I want to make up for Yuji Kiba.



“You will definitely become good friends!”

Hearing Kaitang Nao agreed, Kiba Yuji was overjoyed.

Hai Tangzhi is also his friend, and Su Mo and the others are also friends.

A friend of a friend is a friend. Let’s get to know each other.

The relationship will definitely get better!

He was really happy today.

First, I met Su Mo and the others again and got to know their addresses.

Then I also learned about the human appearance and appearance of the Dark Emperor Cavalry.

In the end, Hai Tangzhi also agreed to go with him to meet Su Mo and the others.

Three good news!

Today is really his lucky day!

Kiba Yuji thought so.

If Hai Tangzhi also heard this, he would definitely roll his eyes.


My unlucky day, your lucky day? ? ?

Intellectual Brain Group, inside the president’s office.

“Kaitang Naoya? I’ve heard about you.”

“The matter of Kamen Rider Faiz’s equipment, the sudden appearance of that dark knight has nothing to do with you. It’s understandable that you couldn’t beat him after transforming, so I don’t blame you.”

Murakami Kyo’er crossed her legs and leaned lazily on the back of the chair.

Cross your hands together.

His eyes moved away from Kaitang Naoya’s face.

He looked at Yuji Kiba!

“As for you…is that Yuji Kiba who always wanted to see me?”

“I finally saw you.”

Kyoji Murakami smiled, and looked at Yuji Kiba.

Yuji Kiba, who was sitting opposite him, nodded and said slowly:

“Yes, I am Yuji Kiba.”

“I’ve always wanted to see you.”

“After experiencing death, you are a proto-body awakened as Orfienuo by virtue of your own strength. You are a very rare Orfienuo with high potential!”

Kyo’er Murakami said with a smile, obviously.

For the appearance of a proto-body like Yuji Kiba, Orfienuo.

He is very happy.

Therefore, when Kiba Yuji and Kaido Naoya came in.

He paid the most attention to Kiba Yuji.

Yuji Kiba is a protoform with great potential.

Kaitang Naoya is not, the potential is limited.

In addition, they just lost Faiz’s equipment.

Kyo’er Murakami was somewhat displeased with her.

“However! I heard that you are unwilling to attack humans?”

Speaking of this, Murakami Xia’er’s eyes became a little sharper.

Yuji Kiba, who were directly in front of him, felt restless.


“because I……”

Kiba Yuji wanted to explain, but he didn’t know how to say it.

He is just being honest.

Not stupid!

It is absolutely unwise to say in front of Murakami Kyoji, the boss behind the scenes in Orpheus, that he wants to protect human beings.

However, in fact, Yuji Kiba didn’t say anything.

For his thoughts.

Kyo’er Murakami is also clear.

After all, for so many years.

It wasn’t just Yuji Kiba who appeared with Orfienuo who didn’t want to attack humans.

Kyoji Murakami said in a serious tone without waiting for Yuji Kiba to explain:

“Occasionally, I will meet a diehard like you.”


“The current president is me!”

“Ofienuo doesn’t attack human beings, I will never allow it!!!”


To everyone’s surprise.

Before, it seemed that Yuji Kiba had always been honest.

Suddenly he became stiffer.

There was a wave of Murakami Kyoer when I chose.

Slightly smile on the faceShowing sarcasm, Kiba Yuji retorted:

“So, why do I have to ask for your permission?”

So many Orfienuos are all under the orders of this man in front of him.

That’s why they attacked humans.


Still forced! ! !

This made Kiba Yuji very angry.

Kaitang Nao who was beside him also glanced at Kiba Yuji in surprise.

This guy!

Is it the honest guy he knew who was easy to bully?

How dare he talk to the boss of Murakami Xia’er like this.

SmartLady, who is the president’s secretary, was also present.

Covering her mouth with both hands, she stared at Yuuji Kiba in disbelief.

She, brother Kiba, is so courageous~

Kyo’er Murakami twisted her neck, making a crisp sound of bones colliding.

Then she smiled instead of anger, but that smile was a little cold.

“you are interesting!”

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