Contents of Text Messages from Meteor School Members! another belt

The one who sent a text message to the truth.

Not Su Mo.

It’s a boy from Meteor School.

After seeing clearly the text message sent by the boy, Truth took a deep breath.

Find the proprietress, and then…



“I may… still need to ask for leave in the afternoon…”

When the proprietress heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Although I feel sorry for you, but…

Ask for leave or something.

Can it not be so frequent?

Give me enough time, hey! ! !

I just had a successful interview. I asked for leave on the first day, and half a day off on the second day.

Is this playing work like a joke?

The proprietress was about to refuse.


“Woooooh, my boyfriend… found another one…”

“I want to stop him…”

With tears in his eyes, Truth looked at the proprietress pitifully.


From the perspective of a woman, the proprietress agreed softly.

“Really, what a surprise.”

“I didn’t expect Su Mo to be the Dark Emperor!”

“I should have thought of it a long time ago…”

“However, does he know my real identity?”

“If I don’t know, should I tell him?”

After leaving the Kikuchi Laundromat, Yuji Kiba has been in two states of excitement and hesitation, constantly switching between ecstatic and hesitant.

Hai Tangzhi also rolled his eyes, just about to say something.

A beautiful girl suddenly rushed towards the front.

“Get out of the way! Please get out of the way!!!”

Before the two could react, a gust of wind blew past.

The beautiful girl bypassed them and quickly ran to Juchi Laundry.

“The one just now seems to be Miss Truth, right?”

Yuji Kiba looked at the girl’s back and said uncertainly.

The reason why I’m not sure is because…

At this time, Truth should still be working hard, right?

Did she ask for leave again? ? ?

Kaitang Naoya sighed.

One flower, one truth.

They are all beautiful.


I really envy Su Mo, that bastard.

It’s too much to step on two boats! ! !

Kaido Naoya has lived for more than 20 years and is still single.

The resentment towards Su Mo deepened in his heart.

“Hmm? Good guy, that idiot Truth actually sent so many text messages.”

Because Kiba Yuji and Kaitang Nao also left, Su Mo finally had time to look at his phone.

Seeing more than a dozen text messages with resentment on the screen, he smiled helplessly.

This guy must be fishing at work.

Otherwise, why would you send so many text messages?

Just about to reply, let the truth’s grievances be put away.


“Su Mo!!!”

A loud shout was accompanied by a mysterious figure.

Before Su Mo could react, a soft body appeared in his arms.

Looking at the truth that he laughed straight, with a baby fat and cute face.

Su Mo froze for a moment, then looked at his phone.

He looked at the idiot Truth greedily absorbing his own scent.

Angrily, she touched her smooth forehead with her fingers, and her brain collapsed.


The pain made Truth wake up a lot, and she quickly covered her head with her hands.

He stared at Su Mo angrily.

“Damn it! Why did you hit me?!”

Su Mo frowned, seeing the truth covered in sweat.

He took the tissue on the side and wiped it gently for her.

At the same time, he said softly:

“You still have the nerve to ask me?”

“You don’t work hard, why come here?”

“Isn’t it because you didn’t work hard and got fired?”

Yuka, Ganqiao, Kaitaro, and Tsuruta Hideyoshi also looked at the truth.

They all know it.

Truth went to work today.

At this time, it’s still noon.

It’s not time to get off work.

Hearing what Su Mo said, Truth was very unhappy.

What does it mean to be fired?

She is so cute, who would fire her?

He didn’t avoid Su Mo’s random rubbing on his face.

Wei pouted and said loudly:

“Not at all!”

“I have very important things to do, and then I asked for leave with the proprietress.”

When Keitaro heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

Asking for leave again? ? ?

As the current store manager of Juchi Laundry, he has some sympathy for the boss of Truth.

It has to be said that there are such employees.

It’s also quite unlucky…

Then, he looked at Tsuruta Hideyoshi.

His eyes became softer and hotter.


It’s great to have such hard-working employees! ! !

CraneSensing Keitaro’s eyes, Tian Hideyoshi frowned slightly.

Subconsciously took a few steps back.

He has reason to suspect that this guy…

Has a special hobby…

Just started working, and asked for leave twice in a row?

I have to say, that lady boss has a really nice temper…

Su Mo shook his head and laughed, ignoring why the proprietress could tolerate the existence of employees like Truth, and asked:

“Then may I ask…”

“Our Miss Truth, has something important happened to you?”

Before Su Mo finished speaking, he remembered the dozen or so text messages from Truth in his mobile phone.


It can’t be because of this, right?


When Truth heard Su Mo’s words, she immediately took out her mobile phone.

He also pointed to the screen with his finger.


On the screen, there was indeed a text message interface.

However, it’s not the SMS interface with Su Mo.

Instead, with a guy named Dog Feeding.

“Dog feeding?”

Su Mo frowned slightly, this name.

It seems a little familiar.

Soon, a vague figure of a boy appeared in his mind.

“Is it from Meteor School?”

Su Mo asked softly.


Truth nodded her head quickly, as if her fingers were moving upwards.

A photo and a paragraph appeared.

The content of the speech is:

“At four o’clock this afternoon, meet in front of the carousel in Bajingdao Ocean Paradise.”

And that photo is a metal belt! ! !

The style looks very similar to Faiz’s belt.

But there are some differences.

“It was because of this text message that I asked for leave.”

“Su Mo! Will you go with me in the afternoon?”

Truth blinked and asked expectantly.

The reason why she didn’t call to tell Su Mo about it, but ran back directly.

One is because of excitement, she forgot.

The second reason is that this can give Su Mo a big “surprise”! ! !

She was very curious, what was Su Mo doing when he didn’t reply to her text messages.

It’s just that, after coming to the laundry shop, I didn’t see any unsuitable scenes.

She was relieved that she didn’t care about Su Mo’s non-response to text messages.

Say more.


Kneeling thanks list: [Chen Xie] [The passing demon king decade] [Li Fu who loves shrimp and seaweed soup] [User

】【Xiaofeng Remnant Ye】【Underworld General – Heinous】【Yin Yetong】【User


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