: Crocodile Ophelia! I play cloth, you play fist, I win

“Come out.”

“Hiding in a corner, are you preparing for a surprise attack?”

Hearing what Su Mo said, Zhen Zhen and the others looked at that corner in surprise.



In the end, it was really meow…

It’s just that it’s not appropriate to say that it’s human beings.

Because the guy hiding in the corner is an Orfi Enoch! ! !

【Name: Crocodile Ophelia! 】[Status: Fighting state! 】

[Battle evaluation: A+! 】

[Introduction: It has the characteristics of a crocodile. Its hard skin can easily block the attack of bullets. The huge mouth on the head can swallow the enemy in one bite. There are special shield-shaped weapons with tooth-like protrusions on both arms, and a punch is extremely powerful. ! 】

[The most important thing is that this Orfi Enoch has three lives. Every time he dies, he will be reborn from Nirvana and gain more powerful power! ! ! 】

Is it one of the lucky four-leaf clover?

Su Mo narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the guy coming out of the corner.

He remembered that in the lucky four-leaf clover, there was an Orfi Enoch who could be resurrected.

It’s just that I didn’t expect to meet here.


It shouldn’t be said that I encountered it, after all…

The target of the other party’s attack is obviously himself and others.


Is it the order of that guy Murakami Kyoji?

Knowing that Faiz’s equipment was taken away by him.

Feeling angry, so you sent the crocodile Orfi Enoch over here?

In fact, it was exactly as Su Mo thought.

At this moment, Zhinao Group.

In the president’s office.

“Dare to play tricks on me?”

“J will let you understand what a wrong choice it is to offend me.”

Kyoji Murakami smiled, and stretched out her hand to pick up the coffee cup in front of her.

She took a sip gracefully.

J, the fighting power is very strong.

And also has a very special resurrection ability.

Even Su Mo and the others control the power of the two Kamen Riders.

It is also very difficult to defeat J.

SmartLady, who was standing beside Kyo’er Murakami, sighed softly.

Thinking of Su Mo’s handsome face.

“Maybe I will never see such a handsome little brother again~”

“What a pity…”

“Although, he really deserves to die…”

SmartLady thought of the dark emperor’s appearance and almost killed her not long ago, her eyes were fixed, revealing a bit of murderous intent.

Zhinao Group, after all, is a big company.

Murakami Xia’er and others are not ordinary people.

I want to find out that Su Mo is the Dark Emperor Cavalry.

It’s not that difficult.


Xia’er Murakami understood that she had been tricked by Su Mo, Zhenzhen and other children, and she honestly handed over the Faiz equipment on the surface.

As a result, a few hours later, they mercilessly snatched it back.

SmartLady also understood that she almost killed her own people.

It’s that peerless little brother.

They were all angry at what Su Mo had done.

That’s why Murakami Kyoer sent J such a powerful Orfi Enoch.

The mission is to kill Su Mo and others, and steal the transformation equipment of Faiz and the Dark Emperor.

As for this, SmartLady naturally has no opinion.

Playground, J is the crocodile Orfi Enoch.

Glancing at Su Mo and the others, he didn’t say much.

Straight forward, quickly approaching.

At the same time, he waved his strong arms, before everyone could react.

The two arms stretched out quickly, like tentacles, and slammed directly at them.

The target of the attack, there are two people.

One is Su Mo!

The second is cleverness! !

In his mission, these two guys.

It is the transformation of Kamen Rider Faiz and Dark Emperor.

The only ones who can compete with him are these two people.

After eliminating them, the task this time is equivalent to being completed.


As soon as he makes a move, he uses all his strength.

“not good!

Seeing this, everyone turned pale with shock.

Gan Qiao hurriedly dodged to the side.

Fortunately, he escaped the attack.

That strong arm hit the ground.

A huge pit appeared on the originally flat land.

Countless cracks appeared around.

Gan Qiao swallowed, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

If this attack hits himself.

With a ninety-nine percent probability, he will directly turn into a lump of meat.

at the same time!

The crocodile Ofienuo’s attack on Su Mo has also arrived.

It’s just that Su Mo didn’t mean to run away.

Standing on the spot calmly, he stretched out his hand unhurriedly.


Quickly and firmly grasped the tentacle fist that hit it.

His body was as stable as Mount Tai, and his face was calm.

It seems that the crocodile Ofienuo’s fist has no strength at all.

It can’t have any influence on him.

Nani? ! !

Seeing this scene, everyone’s eyes widened.

Even the crocodile Orfienuo, who was still running wildly, was about to rush over.

They couldn’t help but stop.

“how is this possible……”

As the master of the body, no one knows his own strength better than him.

Not to mention Kageyama Saeko and Takumo Itsuro.

Even Kitaki, who has the strongest fighting power among the lucky four-leaf clover.

It is also impossible to block this blow so casually in human form.


Not only did they block it, but J wanted to withdraw his hand.

Still can’t get it back at all.

Su Mo’s white palms are like iron tongs.

Grabbing so hard that J’s fist couldn’t move! ! !

At this time, Su Mo took the initiative to let go of his hand.

puffed upWith his own palm, he said to the crocodile Orfienuo who was stunned in place:

“I make cloth, you make fists.”

“I’m sorry, but I won.”

“So… Next, it’s the winners who will be punished for the losers.”

The corners of Su Mo’s mouth turned up, revealing a faint smile.

With a perfect face, it is very charming.

Very handsome.

But in the eyes of the crocodile Orfienuo.

But I feel that this is the devil’s smile.

It made him shudder a little.

Immediately afterwards!

In everyone’s sight, Su Mo’s outstretched palm.

The five slender, white fingers gradually bent toward the palm!

They closed into fists.

At last!

Blast out with one punch!

It hit the tentacle-like strong arm of the crocodile Orfienuo who hadn’t retracted it.

It seems to be very slow and has no strength.

But actually…

But it was as fast as lightning, and its strength was astonishing! ! !

The moment the two fists collided.

The fist of the crocodile Ofienuo was directly punched back! ! !

Accompanied by that, there was a miserable scream.


Forced to withdraw his arm, he felt the severe pain from his fist.

The crocodile Orfienuo’s expression changed, and he looked into the eyes of the handsome human being in front of him.

full of dignified color.

This human being…

It’s not easy! ! !


Kneeling thank you list: [Xiaofeng Canye] [Yin Yetong] [Passing Emperor Qige] [Fei Duan with Heaven and Earth Longevity] [Leng Siye who loves sweet and spicy chicken legs] [ℳ๓龙ঞ: ᝰꫛꫀꪝ] [Morning Evil] [Qingfeng] [Don’t say autumn 㔓] [Wenren Chi Meng] [塓 Buddha] (4.11)

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