Kaixa Blade Gun! Dire Crocodile Orfi Enoch


A miserable scream sounded.

Sparks shot from the body of the horsetail Orfienuo in an instant.

The figure couldn’t stop bursting back.

Looking at the black and yellow figure in front of her, she felt terrified.

This guy……

So strong! ! !

“Hmph! Next, it’s the final blow!”

At this time, Cao Jiaya was very proud.

Although heFacing Su Mo and the others, one could imagine Su Mo’s expressions of shock because of their great strength.

Thinking of this, Cao Jiaya’s mouth hidden under the visor rose uncontrollably, and at the same time, he opened the Kaixa phone on his waist.

Prepare to use Kamen Rider Kaixa’s nirvana.

But at this moment! ! !

A figure struck like lightning, and Cao Jiaya was startled.


But because it was too sudden, there was no time to deal with it.

Therefore, before Cao Jia finished speaking, there was a piercing pain in his chest.


It’s the same scream, but.

The person who sent it was different.

The last scream was from the horsetail Orfienuo.

But this time, it was Cao Jiaya! ! !

“Tap Tat Tat…”

Cao Jiaya’s legs kept retreating, and he barely stopped his figure with difficulty.

Panting, he looked at the guy who just appeared in front of him and sneaked up on him.

That was also an Orfienoch.

However, whether it’s the pain in his chest or the breath on his body.

It is enough to prove that this Orpheus is much stronger than the horsetail Orpheus.

The most striking thing is that this Orfi Enoch’s hand.

Holding a huge sword!

The body of the sword is covered with fang-like things [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

The flickering cold light lowered the surrounding temperature a bit.

Just now, Cao Jiaya was cut by this giant sword.

Cao Jiaya’s eyes are solemn, a horsetail Orfienuo, to him.

More than enough!

But if you add the new Orfi Enoch in front of you…

It’s a bit difficult…

[Name: Crocodile Orfieno/J! 】

[Battle evaluation: S+! 】

[Status: Violent state! 】

[Weapon: A huge long sword transformed by Fakirs Horn. The blade has crocodile-like sharp fangs, which can cause huge damage to the enemy! 】

[Introduction: The last life form of the crocodile Orfi Enoch formed after two lives died, with extremely strong combat power and extremely brutal fighting style. full strength! Either the enemy dies, or he dies! ! ! 】

The appearance of two Orfienuo made the Sogaya people dare not fight with them easily.

Standing where she was, her eyes were serious.

In his hand, he held a weapon named Kaixa Blade Spear.

This weapon looks like a cross.

Just because the Caojia people didn’t move, didn’t mean that the crocodile Ofienuo and the others would follow suit.

The crocodile Orfienuo roared, and rushed towards the Sogaya.

Anyone who died two lives in a row would be very angry.

He needs to vent his anger! ! !

Seeing this, the horsetail Orpheus also rushed over.


Cao Jiaya snorted coldly and pulled the trigger!

next moment!

A series of golden energy light bullets burst out from the Kaixa blade gun in his hand!

This weapon is called the Kaixa Blade Spear.

It is because it can not only be used for close combat, but also can release long-range attacks.

It’s a combination of a spear and a blade.

The energy light bullet quickly shot towards the two Orfi Enoch.

But surprisingly.

That crocodile, Orfienno, turned a blind eye to this.

They don’t dodge or dodge, they don’t seem to care about these energy light bombs.

He even took the initiative to use his body to block these energy light bullets.

Don’t let them attack the horsetail Orfienuo behind you!

And when these energy lights bounced off the crocodile Ofienuo, sparks shot out instantly.


There were no screams.

The footsteps of the crocodile Ofienuo did not slow down in the slightest.

It looked like these energy light bombs didn’t work on him.

“Damn it!”

Cao Jiaya gritted his teeth, this guy…

It’s really not that simple…

One side of the body tensed up, ready to fight.

While opening his mouth, he shouted to Truth and the others behind him:

“Truth! Teacher! Get out of here quickly!”

“Here, leave it to me!!!”

The appearance of the crocodile Ofienuo made the Caojia people feel a little emboldened.

After all, he is only using the power of Kamen Rider Kaixa for the first time, and he can’t use it perfectly. Therefore, the probability of winning is not high…

He wanted Truth and the others to leave here first and go to a safe place.

Especially the truth!

As long as she doesn’t die, Cao Jiaya doesn’t really care what happens to the others.

When the truth and the others leave, the Sogayas rely on the power of Kaixa.

It is relatively easy to escape.

At the same time as the words fell, the crocodile Ofienuo also came in front of the Caojia people, waved the giant sword in his hand, and slashed at Caojia.

The Cao Jiaya quickly raised the Kaixa blade gun in his hand!

The two weapons touched together in an instant!

Gold and iron collided, and the crisp sound of metal collisions resounded!

The sharp fangs on the giant sword rubbed against the Kaixa blade gun.

There was also an ear-piercing sound, which caused the Caojia people to frown involuntarily.

let moreWhat made him uncomfortable was that Cao Jiaya discovered his own strength!

It’s far worse than the crocodile Orfienuo! ! !

As soon as it touched it, the giant sword was like a mountain, with amazing strength!

The Cao Jiaya who was crushed was a little out of breath, his legs backed up uncontrollably, the ground began to crack unbearably, and his palms were constantly shaking due to the shock of the terrifying force.

Almost couldn’t hold the Kaixa bladed gun steadily!

“So strong…”

Cao Jiaya thought inwardly.

Immediately afterwards, the crocodile Ofienuo in front of him quickly kicked again, as if he didn’t want to give the Sogayas any chance to breathe.

Seeing this, Cao Jiaya immediately wanted to dodge, but the speed gap between the two sides was not small.

He is still one step too late! ! !


In the middle of the abdomen, Cao Jiaya didn’t have time to let out a scream.

That crocodile, Orfienuo, swung the huge sword in his hand again!

From top to bottom, it was cut down fiercely! ! !


Sparks burst out from Cao Jiaya’s body in an instant.

If he didn’t have Kaixa armor on his body.

Estimated by Masuda Jiaoyu and others.

There is a high probability that Cao Jiaya will be cut in half by this blow.


it’s not finished yet! ! !

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