: Dark Armor Fighter! Run away without a head! Knight kicks! escape

[Name: Chumo Yilang/Centipede Ophelia Enoch! 】

[Evaluation of combat effectiveness: S-! 】

[Weapons: long whip, poisonous feet like barbs! 】

【Name: Kageyama Saeko/Lobster Orpheus! 】

[Evaluation of combat effectiveness: S-! 】

[Weapons: Both hands – shell club, saber! 】

[Name: J/Crocodile Offi Enoch! 】

[Status: Runaway without a head! 】

[Evaluation of combat effectiveness: SS-! 】

[Weapon: Self! 】

[Introduction: The head was beheaded by the host due to the third life, a special form formed by chance, the power of the whole body skyrocketed, extremely destructive, infinite energy gathered in the two thick arms, the disadvantage is that the defense power, vitality Weak, the state maintenance time is extremely short, after being attacked, the duration will decrease rapidly! ! ! 】

“how come……”

Truth covered her mouth with her hands and looked forward in disbelief.

No one thought of it.

The body of the crocodile Orfienuo whose head had been beheaded by Su Mo.

She would suddenly stand up again! ! !

Everyone froze in place, even Yu Hua and Cao Jiaya.

Also a shocked expression.



The headless crocodile Ofienuo raised his hands high, and two scary scarlet pupils and a huge mouth appeared on his abdomen. There were actually sharp teeth in the mouth.

He raised his head and roared, the sound resounded through the sky, deafening! ! !

And the original head of the crocodile Orfienuo disappeared instantly.

At this moment, Gan Qiao, Zhuo Mo Yilang and the others who were fighting also saw the headless runaway form of the crocodile Ofienuo.

“how come?”

Obviously, they were also very shocked by this.

After yelling, the headless crocodile Aofei Enuo stepped forward and killed Su Mo in front of him. His two pupils were fixed on Su Mo’s back.

It exudes a substantive terrifying murderous aura.

At this time, the headless crocodile, Orfienuo, was already dead.

The headless runaway form was just transformed by too much anger and unwilling obsession.

For the crocodile Ofienuo, his three lives were all because of Su Mo.


He hates it! ! !

Even if you die, you have to bring Su Mo to hell with you! ! !


“Su Mo! Get out of the way!”

“Mr. Mo…”

“Student Su!!!”

Seeing Orfienoch the headless crocodile with his back to him, and even stuck the giant sword and the control box sword on the ground, and killed Su Mo who looked defenseless.

Truth and the others immediately panicked and spoke out one after another.

I want to remind Su Mo.

And in fact.

There is no need for their reminders at all.


Su Mo knew for a long time that the crocodile Ofienuo was not completely dead.

After all, he is a systematic man.

But before, when the crocodile Ofienuo’s head was cut off, there was no system prompt. This is obviously not right.

So, although Su Mo didn’t take care of the body of the crocodile Ofienuo, he was always on guard and noticed a figure with a terrifying aura suddenly appeared behind him.

Su Mo raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly.

I understand that the crocodile Orfi Enoch has been “resurrected” again!

“Are you finally willing to get up from the ground?”

Before he finished speaking, Su Mo’s fingers caught a knight card shining with dark purple light at some point.

Immediately afterwards!

Just toss it at will! !

The knight card automatically goes into the card slot of the drive! ! !

[Form Ride! ! ] (Masque control!!)

[Dark Kabuto! ! ! ] (Dark Armor!!!)

At the same time as the sound effect sounded, Su Mo’s body changed.

The purple energy crystal on the forehead disappeared and turned into a symbol like a unicorn fairy horn.

The Dark Emperor Cavalry disappeared, and the Dark Jiadou! ! !

Appeared again! ! !

“It changed again?!”

Seeing Su Mo switch forms, Soka Masato, Masuda Jiaoyu, Zhuo Mo Yilang and others shrank their pupils sharply, and their expressions changed drastically! ! !

Not only did he become a Kamen Rider again.

Moreover, it was a name they had never heard of!

Darkness! !

Jiadou! ! !

Su Mo raised his right hand slowly, four fingers were naturally bent, only the index finger was straightened, pointing at the fiery red sun above the sky, a magnetic voice sounded:

“Grandma said it’s not polite to sneak up on someone from behind.”

Immediately afterwards!

On the right index finger, a knight card appeared out of thin air.

Su Mo smiled lightly, holding the knight card in his hand.

“My hand has grasped the future.”

“Remember, I am the one who killed you!”

“Su Mo!!!”

As soon as the voice fell, he flicked his palm downward, and the knight card entered the card slot of the driver in the blink of an eye. The next moment!

[Final Attack Ride! ! ] (Final Attack Control!!)

[Ka-ka-ka-Dark Kabuto! ! ! ] (A-A-A-Dark Armor!!!)

[Rider Kick! ! ! ] (knight kick!!!)

Countless energies rushed towards Su Mo’s right foot in an instant.

Su Mo turned his back to the crocodile Ofienuo, without any panic, and even remembered the numbers.




At the same time as the three beeps fell, Su Mo quickly turned around!

Raise your legs high! !

Round kick! ! !

The right foot, which gathered energy that seemed capable of destroying heaven and earth, slammed into the chest of the crocodile Orfi Enoch! ! !


The body of the headless crocodile Orfienuo was instantly kicked away.

And the moment it fell to the ground, a dark purple strange flame spontaneously ignited.

At the same time, around his body, a horn-shaped emblem with the symbol of a unicorn on the head of a dark Jiadou appeared! ! !

Immediately afterwards, the crocodile Ofienuo didn’t even have time to let out a scream.

The whole body quickly ashes.

In the blink of an eye, the huge body was completely reduced to a pile of dust.

Finally drifting away with the wind!


Seeing this scene, Zhuo Mo Yilang shouted angrily.

But what responded to him was the avatar – the dark emperor cavalry holding the sword that controls the Kahe sword.

“Zi la!”


The sharp blade slashed at Zhuo Mo Yilang’s chest.

Splendid sparks appeared, followed by screams.

Thinking about Yilang’s stature retreating suddenly, clutching his painful chest, looking at Su Mo and others in front, his heart was full of fear, would he be killed by these guys like J? ? ?

After fighting for a while, I thought that although Yilang didn’t want to admit it.

But helplessly, he really can’t beat the Dark Emperor!

Even if it’s just a clone…

Zhuo Mo Yilang looked at Saeko Kageyama not far away, who happened to be looking at him too.

As long-term partners, the two instantly understood each other’s meaning!

Escape! ! !

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