As soon as the truth left, Yuhua came again! breakfast and lunch

“By the way, what did you just say?”

Kaitang Naoya also turned his head, and looked at Kiba Yuji suspiciously.

“I said, why don’t you leave me.”

Kiba Yuji patiently said it again.


“You want to drive me away???”

Hearing Kiba Yuji’s words clearly, Kaido Naoya’s expression changed drastically, and his eyes widened.

Looking at Yuji Kiba in disbelief.

He is very comfortable staying here these days.

You don’t need to pay rent, and you don’t need to pay for water and electricity.

And ah!

You can also eat all kinds of things for free [resource group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

Hai Tangzhi didn’t want to move out either.

After all, he left here, but he was looking for a job again.

He doesn’t like the days of nine to six.

Seeing Kaido Naoya’s reaction, Kiba Yuji smiled, feeling warm in his heart.

Sure enough…

Haitang is still very reluctant to leave her…

“I understand how you feel, it’s just…”

“The Intellectual Brain Group regards Ao Fei Enuo, who does not attack humans, as a traitor. They will definitely send people to trouble me, or even kill me.”

“It will be dangerous for you and me to stay together.”

“Of course, even so, I will stick to my own ideas. No matter what, I will not attack people who have no grievances or enmities with me at will.”

Kiba Yuji had firm eyes and a serious tone.

Although he is Ofienuo, it is absolutely impossible for him to kill those innocent human beings.

Then, he said to Kaitang Naoya:

“However, if you want to obey the orders of the Intellectual Brain Group, I will not stop it. After all… I am not your boss or leader, and I do not have the power.”


So it’s because of this.

Kaitang was also stunned. He admitted that Yuji Kiba was right.

Kiba Yuji continued to maintain his thoughts, not to attack human beings.

They will definitely be regarded as traitors by the Brain Group.

And Kaitang Naoya, who stayed with the traitor, would definitely be treated as the same kind.

Let’s destroy together! ! !

It’s really dangerous to be with Kiba Yuji now.


After leaving this guy, where else can I go?

Hai Tangzhi was also lost in thought, and he didn’t know how long it had been.

When he came back to his senses, he found that Kiba Yuji had already stood in front of him.

She was looking at herself expectantly.

“What are you doing?”

Haitang said angrily, and immediately took a step back.

Why are the two big men standing so close together?

It’s not like he has any special hobbies!

“Haitang, have you made a decision yet?”

“Think clearly about what to do next.? ”

Kiba Yuji didn’t care about Kaido Naoya’s disgust, and asked expectantly.

“What I want to do, I haven’t figured it out yet.”

“Let’s talk about it after I’ve figured it out.”

“Before I think about it, I’ll stay by your side and live as a human being. As for the dangers, don’t worry~ I’m Kaitang Naoya! Will you be afraid?!”

I lost my dream of playing the guitar, to be honest.

Kaitang Zhiya is very confused now, and he doesn’t know what he should do next.

Before there was no goal, he felt.

It’s better to stay with Kiba Yuji first.

At least you don’t have to work, you have a house to live in, and you have food to eat.

As for the Intellectual Brain Group or something.


Kaitang Naoya, who has lost his dreams, has no desires or pursuits.

Death or something, it doesn’t matter anymore…

The next day, Kikuchi Laundromat.


“Today! Work hard too, for everyone’s happiness!!!”

Keitaro opened the door of the laundry shop, showed a sunny smile, and shouted.

For him, he is very happy to be able to work for people.

There are quite a few people who get up early, but there are also people who continue to lie in bed.

for example……

Su Mo!

“Stupid Su Mo! Get up and send me to work!”

Truth stood beside Su Mo’s bed, with his hands on his hips, and shouted angrily.

“It’s all your fault! I’m going to be late.”

Hearing her voice, Su Mo woke up, but still closed his eyes.

“You are late for work, and I have a fart relationship.”

“It’s so big, do you still need me to deliver it when you go out?”

“go alone!”

After the words fell, Su Mo turned over.


“I’m going to be late by myself, why don’t you come with me~”

At the end of the truth, she acted coquettishly in a rare way.


Su Mo still didn’t open his eyes to look at her, and even stretched out his hand!

With a pull in the void, an aurora curtain appeared!

He didn’t speak, but the meaning was already obvious.

Let the truth go to work through the aurora curtain.


By going to work this way, you really don’t have to worry about being late.

“Damn it!”

“Stupid Su Mo! You’re mad at me!!!”

Truth stomped her feet angrily, wanting Su Mo to send her to work.

Is it that difficult?

Isn’t that how it’s done in TV dramas?

The boyfriend sent his girlfriend to work, and then had all kinds of sweet interactions on the way. How come Su Mo is completely different!

Obviously I’m so cute, you don’t even bother to look at me! ! !

The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

In the end, Truth opened her mouth even more, and let out a whimper!

Suddenly, he rushed towards Su Mo who was on the bed.

“See if I don’t bite you to death!!!”

at this time!

Su Mo opened his eyes, and then let out a smirk.

Between him and the body of truth, another curtain of aurora was created.


The truth entered the aurora curtain very smoothly!

The aurora curtain disappeared, and no more noisy voices could be heard.

Su Mo smiled with satisfaction.

“It’s clean now!”

I yawned, changed into a comfortable position, and prepared to continue sleeping.


“Bang bang—”

“Mr. Mo, can I come in?”

Well, this is the sound of Yuhua.


Without hesitation, Su Mo directly agreed.


The door opened, and a tall and beautiful girl came into view.

Like the perfect facial features carefully sculpted by nature, and the fair skin that can be broken by blows.

Plus a pair of slender and well-proportioned eye-catching long legs.


It’s very pleasing to the eye.

“What about… the truth?”

Yuhua thought that the truth was also in the room, but it turned out not to be.

I couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled.

She got up and was ready to send Zhen Zhen to work with Su Mo.


The truth is not there!

“He was sent away by me.”

Sent away?

Jie Hua nodded. It seems that Mo Jun used the ability of the light curtain.

“Then I won’t disturb Mo Jun’s rest…” Jiehua was just about to leave, but she thought of something, looked at Su Mo and asked softly:

“By the way, what would Mo Jun want for breakfast or lunch today?”

She is going to prepare the required ingredients in advance.

Who knows…

“Well… can I eat you?”


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