Soka: It’s chilly! Does not exist anymore! abolished

“The truth…”

“You are so cute…”

“Do you know? From the first day I entered Meteor School, I have fallen in love with you deeply. You… are my angel, exclusive to me!!!”

The Caojia people did not answer the truth, but showed an evil smile.

The tone was serious… Confession?

Both eyes were staring at the truth, and the two hands were controlling her two arms respectively. The tremendous strength made the truth unable to resist.


“I don’t want to be your angel!”

“If I knew you were such a pervert, I shouldn’t have stood up to help you!!!”

Seeing the Caojia people who were so close at hand, Truth was full of resentment.

She regrets it!

I am very sorry!

If Su Mo hadn’t spoken up for Su Mo when he was in Meteor School, maybe he wouldn’t have been stared at by the other party until now…



Hearing the truth, the Caojia people laughed instead of anger.

“However, my perversion is only for you!!!”No matter what, he must get the truth!


is his! ! !

at this time……

“Da da da……”

“Cao Jia, although I know you’re disgusting, I didn’t expect you to do such a thing in broad daylight and in public…”

A burst of footsteps and familiar voices entered the ears of Makoto and Soka.

Hear this voice!

Truth’s beautiful eyes were pleasantly surprised, but Cao Jia trembled all over, and the evil smile on his face instantly froze.

The two turned their heads together to look at the source of the sound.

It caught my eye!

That is, a man and a woman.

The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful.

It was Su Mo and Jie Hua!

Seeing that it was really Su Mo, Truth was overjoyed.

Then, while the Cao Jiaya people were stunned by the appearance of Su Mo and the other two.

He directly raised his foot and kicked Cao Jiaya’s lower body!

next moment!

A miserable scream sounded out.


Even Cao Jiaya couldn’t bear the damage to his fragile lower body.

The severe pain distorted his expression. The two palms holding Zhenzhen’s arms subconsciously let go, and he collapsed to the ground in pain.

After a successful blow, Truth quickly ran towards Su Mo.

In the end, he threw himself directly into Su Mo’s arms.

Her beautiful eyes were moist, and she said dissatisfiedly crying:

“Stupid Su Mo!

“Why did you come here?!”

Feeling the softness in his arms, Su Mo stretched out his hand and patted Truth’s back lightly.

Seeing the red handprints on Truth’s tender arms, Su Mo didn’t answer, but asked softly:

“Does it hurt?”

Truth nodded honestly.


She was grabbed by Cao Jiaya with both hands just now, and she felt her arms.

It’s as if they will be crushed directly.

How is it possible that it doesn’t hurt?

After hearing the answer, Su Mo didn’t say anything more.

Gently pushed the truth away with her hand, and handed it to Jiehua.

Afterwards, he twisted his neck and made a series of crisp sounds caused by the collision of bones.

Immediately afterwards!

Take a step forward and walk towards the Caojia people step by step.

On the extremely handsome face, the corners of the mouth were raised, revealing a smile.


This smile, without a trace of warmth, fell into Cao Jiaya’s eyes.

Even more like the smile of Death in the abyss hell! ! !

“He’s going to be unlucky…”

Yuhua looked at the Cao Jiaya who was lying on the ground and said.

The voice was still gentle, but her beautiful eyes were full of coldness.

Just now, she saw the Caojia people bullying the truth.

The truth is Su Mo’s woman, so she is naturally her relative of Jiehua!

My relatives were bullied by scum like the Caojia people.

In her heart, Yuhua had already given Cao Jiaya the death penalty.

“It deserves it!”

Truth bit her lip and said bitterly.

She was scared to death just now.

What will happen if Su Mo doesn’t show up in time.

It’s really hard to say…


Cao Jiaya lay on the ground with his legs clamped tightly.

His face was pale, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Soka would never have thought that his angel would suddenly attack him.


It’s still terrible to cut off all children and grandchildren! ! !

As long as it is a normal man, it is believed that no one can resist the injury of this foot.

“Is it painful?”

Arriving at Cao Jiaya’s side, he looked down at him from a high position.

Su Mo said with a smile.

The Cao Jiaya gasped heavily, but did not answer.

There is no need to answer!

after all……

Someone kicked my fragile lower body, that kind of thing.

Even seeing and hearing it!

You can imagine how much pain the hurt person will have.

“However… I think it’s still not enough.”

“For someone like you, it’s just a kick, it’s too cheap for you.”

Su Mo’s voice lowered the temperature of the scene by a few points.

Cao Jiaya’s eyes widened and he swallowed wildly.


“what are you going to do?!!”

He has already thought about what Su Mo might do next.

I’m so terrified! ! !

“Don’t worry… it will be fine soon!”

“It’s just… there will be a little pain of a hundred million dollars!”

“Just bear with it.”

After Su Mo’s words fell, he stretched out his hand and walked towards Cao Jiaya.

“no, do not want!!!”

Cao Jiaya was terrified, and his legs were clamped even tighter.

Both hands desperately covered his vulnerable parts.


Cao Jia blocked it with his hands and feet, and Su Mo can also cripple his hands and feet first.

Not only did Su Mo’s combat effectiveness explode when he transformed.

Even in human form, it is very powerful.

Even Cao Jiaya is definitely not an opponent.

Then, a series of screams rang out.




Wait until Cao Jiaya’s hands and feet are no longer able to resist.

Su Mo smiled and raised his foot.

Aiming at Soka’s lower body, he stepped on it as fast as lightning! ! !

“Ah——!!! ”


“Hiss… so miserable~”

Truth couldn’t bear to watch it any longer. He took a deep breath, covered his eyes with his two small hands, and heard the screams, his little face turned pale.

After a long time, the screams were no longer heard.

Only then did he put down his hands and looked at the positions of Su Mo and Cao Jiaya.

Su Mo still had a smile on his face. On the surface, he looked like a harmless, elegant and easy-going young man.

As for the Cao Jiaya, he was still lying on the ground, his face was covered with beads of sweat, his eyes were dull, and there were obvious bloodstains on his lower body.

The Caojiaya people can no longer feel the existence there.

It’s chilly…


Thank you list: [Yunmengmu] [Kamen Rider passing by] [—Momoga—] [User

】【Don’t say autumn 㔓】【Boring reader 1】【Dangdang yo】【Peng Nannan is difficult】【Cronus (Cronus)】(5.3)

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