Cao Jiaya: Wait for me! ! ! me too

“Su Mo! Just wait for me!”

“I don’t believe it anymore. In this world, there will be people without weaknesses.”

“Next time we meet, I will definitely make you pay ten times… No!”

“A hundred times the price!!!”

Cao Jiaya gritted his teeth and said viciously.

“There is still truth!!!”

“It must be mine…”

“It can only belong to me!!!”


The speed is too fast, the cool breeze keeps blowingCurling the lower body of Sogaya.

It hurt a little from being scratched, Cao Jiaya gasped.

Hastily reduced the speed of the sidecar slammer.

“Ahem…then I’ll continue…”

“Well~ Hurry up.”

Hearing the responses from Kaitaro and Kaido Naoya.

Yuji Kiba continued what the restaurant said before:

“You should have seen that woman before.”

“It’s SmartLady, the president’s secretary of Smart Brain Group!”

“She told me that I became Orfienuo, what is Orfienuo, and… what is the mission of Orfienuo!!!”

At this time, Su Mo and others have already arrived at the Juchi laundry through the aurora curtain.

Everyone sat on the sofa in the living room, Su Mo sat in the middle, Zhenzhen and Jiehua sat on either side of him, Ganqiao and Kaitaro sat on the single sofa on both sides.

As for Kiba Yuji and Kaido Naoya, they are the opposite of Su Mo and the others.

The snail Orfienuo – Tsuruta Hideyoshi, standing at the door of the laundry.

While observing the situation outside the store, he pricked up his ears and listened curiously to everyone’s conversation.

Yuji Kiba didn’t really tell Su Mo and others everything.

For example, things about ex-girlfriend Chie Morishita and cousin Kazuki Kiba and squid Ophelia…

These things [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″5.;6 West, there is no need to speak out, the truth they want to hear.

Not these either.


“Ofienoch’s mission?”

Truth couldn’t help interrupting.

The others also looked at Kiba Yuji curiously.

I don’t know what this so-called mission is…

Kiba Yuji nodded slightly, and said with a serious face:

“Ofienuo’s mission is to attack other human beings, so that these ordinary humans will experience death and become the same kind as Orfienuo!!!”

“As I said before, there are two kinds of Orfienuo. One is the native species like me who has not been attacked by other Orfienuo and has naturally awakened the power of Orfienuo!”

“By the way, the reason why I died was because of an accidental car accident.”

“And the second type of Ophelia is evolved from human beings who have been attacked and died by Ophelia. Although the probability of evolution is very low, for example, if a hundred people may be killed, only a few individuals can become Ophelia. Nuo, but compared to the natural death of human beings, this method can indeed increase the number of Orfienuo at the fastest speed!”

Speaking of this, Kiba Yuji stopped, ready to give everyone time to digest.

But Kaitang Naoya immediately said:

“I am the Orpheenoch I became through the second way.”

Not only him, but also…

“That… me too!”

Tsuruta Hideyoshi, who had been eavesdropping silently, spoke cautiously at this time.


“You are all…”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and angry.

If it’s really what Kiba Yuji said.

The probability is very low. It’s just that Naoya Kaido and Hideyoshi Tsuruta will become Ophelia.

At least dozens of humans have been killed! ! !

If you add the Ao Fei Enuo that everyone met before, at least half of them became the Ao Fei Enuo after being attacked and killed by Ao Fei Enuo.

In this case, the death toll would be hundreds of people!

And these are all the well-known Orfi Enoch.

They don’t know how many Orfienuos in the world they don’t know.

“After I became Orfienuo, someone came to find me. It was the secretary of the Intellectual Brain Group. She threatened me that if I didn’t attack humans, I would be regarded as a traitor and be cleaned up!”

When Tsuruta Hideyoshi said this, his heart became heavy.

In order not to attack humans and avoid the brain group, he had no choice but to be a thief.

Those days were very painful.



The appearance of Su Mo made him no longer have to live that kind of life. . 0′. 58″5.;6 Days of hiding in Tibet.

“Before I got the Faiz belt, the task I got was to clean up the traitor… that is him!” Kaitang Naoya stretched out his hand and pointed to Tsuruta Hideyoshi.

“I see……”

After listening to the words of the three members of Kiba Yuji, everyone was stunned.

No matter how he became Orfienoch.

People from the Intellectual Brain Group would come to their door and threaten them to attack other humans.

If you don’t do it, you will be regarded as a traitor and cleaned up!


If you want to make Orfienuo and mankind peaceful, you really need to destroy the Brain Group first.

The eyes of everyone involuntarily focused on Truth and Su Mo.

“Father, he probably wouldn’t do such a thing, would he?”

When Truth thinks of that kind-faced middle-aged man, it is really unimaginable. He will order the people of the Intellectual Brain Group to threaten Orfienuo to attack humans!

“Well, it shouldn’t be him.”

“Did you forget it?”

“Hanagata is just the previous president. The reason why Zhinao Group became what it is now has little to do with him. It is mainly the current president’s problem.”

“Otherwise, if Huaxing is the president, Zhinaoji willThe regiment started to do this. After so many years, the whole world is estimated to have been occupied by Orfienuo long ago. ”

“He won’t send the belt to everyone in Meteor School either.”

Su Mo patted Zhen Zhen’s little head and said softly.

When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but nodded.


The reason why Zhinao Group became what it is now should be the changes that occurred during this period of time.

To be precise… after Kyoji Murakami became the new president!

Then in this way, everyone seems to be able to stand on the same front again.

Kiba Yuji couldn’t help showing a smile.

Intellectual Brain Group can not be destroyed, but Murakami Kyoji and other high-level officials.

Must die! ! !

After figuring this out, Zhen Zhen’s mood improved a lot.

That’s right!

Huaxing is so kind, how could it be…

“No! Stupid Su Mo! That’s our father.”

“Really, can you stop calling him by his first name?!”

Truth pouted and looked at Su Mo angrily.

She was almost led astray!

“And! Did you know these things from the beginning?!”


Thank you list: [Xiaofeng Canye] [Cancelled a] [Jiangyuyu] [Yunshan wants to raise a cat] [User

】【Gu King who loves cocoa nougat】【Destroyer of the world decade】【Lincoln Rhyme of Milan Road】【Morning evil】(5.8)

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