: Su Mo’s Battle with Mori Morishita’s Justice! Kiba Yuji was dumbfounded

【Name: Armadillo Orfieno / Morishita Yoshimasa! 】

[Status: Demonic rampage! 】

[Battle evaluation: S+! 】

[Weapon: One-handed sword and shield! 】

[Introduction: Falling into demonization because of hatred and desire for the resurrection of sister Qianhui! Losing his mind, his combat power has skyrocketed, and he will do everything possible to kill the enemy-Yuji Kiba! ! ! 】


Seeing the demonized Morishita Yoshimasa, Kiba Yuji and the others gasped.

“What’s happening here?”

Everyone was dumbfounded. They didn’t expect such a sudden change.

“Did it change form?”

Qianqiao frowned.

It is guessed that Morishita Yoshimasa’s change at this time is similar to Kamen Rider Faiz’s acceleration form and Kiba Yuji’s sprinting form [source; source group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

It is an enhanced form based on the basic form.

Jiehua pursed her lips, the picture at this time.

Still familiar.

after all!

Yuhua had encountered two battles with the demonized Orfienuo.

Once was a member of those basketball clubs, and another time.

It was Nagata Michiko and his parents.

Subconsciously looked at Su Mo beside him.

These two battles with the demonized Orfienuo were finally resolved because of Su Mo.



“Mr. Mo?”

Jiehua’s pupils shrank, and her face was full of shock.


Su Mo, who was sitting next to him, disappeared out of thin air.

Quickly stood up and looked around, only to realize that Su Mo didn’t know when.

Already standing between Kiba Yuji and Morishita Yoshimasa.

It seems to have heard the sound of knotting flowers.

Su Mo, who was on the battlefield, smiled and waved to him.

Only then did Jie Hua breathe a sigh of relief, and then gave Su Mo an angry look.

Really, it disappeared suddenly.

Startled her.

“Eh… Su Mo, this is a battle with me, Morishita.”

“Let me handle it myself?”

Yuji Kiba did not expect that Su Mo would suddenly appear in front of him.

After being stunned for a moment, he hurriedly said.

However, Su Mo did not agree.

“Your battle has ended just now.”

“Now, it’s my battle with him.”

“In addition, if you continue to fight, I think it may not end at night. You are too inked.”

The reason why the demonized Orfienuo appeared was because of the existence of Su Mo.


The moment Morishita Yoshimasa became Mokaorfienuo, this battle was no longer between Kiba Yuji and Morishita Yoshimasa.

The demonization of Ophelia Enoch was initiated by Su Mo.

Naturally, he will be the one to eliminate it! ! !

Before Su Mo could finish his sentence, a dark purple evil spirit lingered all over his body.

The breath changed suddenly.

Under the condensed airflow, the dark emperor’s driver automatically appeared and fixed on Su Mo’s waist, and a knight card appeared in front of him out of thin air.

With a thought in Su Mo’s mind, the card flew into the card slot of the drive.

Now he is too lazy to even throw it into the driver.

Immediately afterwards!

Push both sides of the driver with both hands crossed, and the driver in the open state will be closed instantly.

Then, Su Mo whispered:

“Hen-shin!” (Transformation!)

next moment!

Ten invisible phantom figures appeared from both sides of Su Mo’s body.

And quickly overlapped towards Su Mo’s body.


two! !

Every phantom in human form overlapped with Su Mo’s body.

The aura on Su Mo’s body will become terrifying.

at the same time!

Seeing Su Mo’s transformation, the demonized Morishita Yoshinori raised his head and roared angrily.

Two pitch-black tentacles attacked Su Mo.

He understands!

I can’t let Su Mo complete his transformation, otherwise…

Willwill become his great enemy.


Seeing this scene, Kaitang Naoya and the others became slightly nervous.

But Su Mo’s expression remained the same, and even the corners of his mouth turned up, a little wanting to laugh.

“Attack when I transform?”

“Don’t you know…”

“There is such a thing as being invincible [resource; source group]: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0′. 58″5. ;6 West exists? ”

The voice fell!

The two tentacles were already within easy reach, and they were about to attack Su Mo.


There’s no after that!

Those two tentacles inexplicably stopped in midair.

Even Morishita Yoshimasa wanted to withdraw his tentacles, but he couldn’t do it.

“Nani! What’s the situation?”

Hai Tangzhi was also shocked, he didn’t see what Su Mo was doing?

Become invincible?

Does it mean that when transforming, you won’t be attacked?


Why wasn’t it like this when I transformed? ? ?

Gan Qiao couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he thought of the scene where he was attacked by the owl Orfienuo and failed to transform when he was about to transform.

Looking at Su Mo in front of him, his eyes were full of envy.

He really wants this ability! ! !

When the last phantom of a human figure overlapped Su Mo’s body.

The dark purple light flickered fiercely.

At the same time, a series of sound effects sounded.

[Kamen Ride! ! ] (Kamen Rider!!)

【Dark Decade-Violent Emotion! ! ! 】

(Dark Emperor Cavalry-Passionate State!!!)

When the dazzling light dissipated, Su Mo’s handsome face disappeared, replaced by diffused demonic compound eyes and bewitching purple crystals.

no doubt!

Kamen Rider-Dark Emperor Rider! !

Appeared again! ! !

As soon as the transformation was completed, Su Mo stretched out his hands as quickly as lightning, and directly grabbed the two tentacles in front of him. The terrifying force made the demonized Senxia Yizheng scream.


The pain made him want to retract the tentacles even more, but the things that had already fallen into Su Mo’s hands [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

Where is it so easy to take it back?

On the contrary, the harder he tried, the more painful it would be for Morishita Yoshimasa.

Those two tentacles seemed to be crushed by Su Mo’s palm.

“Die to me!!!”

Yoshita Morishita raised his hand and threw out the long sword in his hand.

The long sword was like an arrow flying from the string, with cold light flashing, attacking Su Mo with a murderous aura.

Trying to make Su Mo loosen those hands that were like iron tongs.


Facing the long sword attack, Su Mo remained motionless and did not dodge.

There was no intention of letting go of his hands.


“Is he going to resist the sword head-on?”

Hai Tangzhi couldn’t help asking.

at this time! ! !

The long sword shot Su Mo in the head.

But it’s unbelievable that he was hit by a long sword.

Su Mo’s body disappeared transparently in an instant.

“what’s the situation?!!”

Not to mention Morishita Yoshimasa, Kaitang Naoya and others.

Even Yuji Kiba, who had been standing behind Su Mo, couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

Seeing that because Su Mo’s body disappeared, the offensive continued unabated, and he went straight to the long sword that was attacking him.

The whole person is stupid.


Thank you list: [Chenxie] [Yunshan wants to raise a cat] [User

】【The Gu King who loves cocoa nougat】【The handsome Koga ninja frog】【User

】【The half-brother Ji family patriarch】【Xiaozong who loves to eat fried Artemisia annua】【Silver Soul】【Unfamiliar PS】【Love R】(5.15)

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