Don’t even let a child go? abnormal! look for a job

“Then, please continue to collect the information I want.”

Intellectual Brain Group, in the president’s office.

A mature male voice suddenly sounded.

I see!

At this moment, a middle-aged man was sitting at his desk, holding a mouse.

Browsing the content on the computer screen in front of him.

The content is actually very simple.

It is the personal information of some children.

And these children all have one thing in common…


“Is it still the same as this one?”

Standing in front of the desk, there was another man.

He is an employee of Zhinao Group.

Hearing the staff’s question, Murakami Kyoji, who was browsing the materials, smiled.

“of course can.”

“Just like this is enough, very emotionally understandable.”

The male employee nodded slightly, and then said curiously:

“That… Mr. President.”

“Why do you collect so many materials about children who survived disasters? I heard that the previous president also collected and even adopted many children who had these experiences…”

“And a welfare institution was created specifically for them…”

“Get out!”

Before the male employee finished speaking, he was interrupted sharply by Kyo’er Murakami.

Kyo’er Murakami stared at the male employee with cold eyes.

It made him startled, his scalp tingled instantly, and his heart was terrified.



He wanted to explain something, but because he was too nervous, he couldn’t say a complete sentence.

Cold sweat continued to flow from his forehead.

“Your job is to follow my orders.”

“Others, you don’t need to know!!!”

Kyo’er Murakami’s words fell, and she didn’t look at the male employee again.

Fingers turn the wheel in the center of the mouse.

What’s on the computer screen hasn’t changed yet, it’s changing rapidly.

The files of the children who survived the catastrophe appeared in Murakami Kyo’er’s sight.

Seeing that Murakami Xia’er didn’t care about what she meant.

The male employee sighed, bowed, and walked out the door.

When the employee left completely, Murakami Kyoji also turned to the end of the materials.

The photo of the last child is a cute little girl.

“Hey, why haven’t you spoken since you came back?”

In the Kikuchi laundry, Keitaro looked at Keiko Noguchi, who was sitting on the sofa, who had been silent all this time, and asked a little strangely.

“Aren’t you angry?”

“Although I forced you to apologize, didn’t those people whose clothes were stained by you didn’t say much? They even praised you for being cute!”


Forced to apologize!

Keiko Noguchi actually didn’t want to apologize, but she is a little girl.

How could it be possible to resist Su Mo and other young people?

This is something that can’t be helped, this thing.

After all, it was her fault first.

It’s just an apology to the victim, not compensation.

Keitaro felt that this result was already very good.


Keiko Noguchi sneered again and again, and turned her head away.

He looked like he didn’t want to talk to Keitaro.

At this moment, there are only two of them in the laundry.

Only Tsuruta Hideyoshi was left working silently.

When they came back, Su Mo and the others came back with Kaitaro and the others.

Not long after rewinding, they felt too bored.

So we went out together again.

Keiko Noguchi wanted to follow her when she went out.

Looking outside, the figures of Su Mo and others disappeared without a trace! ! !

This made her return to the laundry shop.

Alone, with a feeling of being abandoned.

Well, although Keitaro and Tsuruta Hideyoshi are there.

But the two of them did not give Keiko Noguchi a sense of security.


A little scared.

Su Mo and othersNot there, plus the matter of apologizing.

This made Keiko Noguchi silent until now.

“Come talk to me, I want to know more about you.”

Keitaro sat beside Keiko Noguchi and said softly.


Keiko Noguchi immediately sat aside.

I don’t want to sit so close to Kaitaro.

Very indifferently said:

“So what can you do if you understand?”

This look of not allowing strangers to enter gave Kaitaro some headaches.


“I hope you will be happy.”

Hearing this, Keiko Noguchi’s eyes widened, and she glanced at Keitaro in disbelief.

Then he stood up quickly, and quickly backed away with his arms folded.

He stared at Kaitaro warily.

“You don’t like me, do you?”

“Even a little girl like me…”

“Pervert! Bastard!! Pervert!!!”

“You want me to live here, but you really have no good intentions!!!”


? ?

? ? ?

Hearing these words, Kaitaro was completely dumbfounded.

The corners of her mouth twitched crazily, wanting to laugh and cry at the same time.

Who did he provoke?

Obviously didn’t do anything!

How did you get labeled as a pervert? ? ?

“No, don’t get excited!”

“I don’t like you…No! I like you…Hiss…It doesn’t seem right either!”

“Oh, my liking is not the kind of liking between a man and a woman, you should understand, right? And even a little girl like you won’t be spared… How is that possible!!!”

“I’m not that hungry!”

When Keitaro said this, he was a little dissatisfied.

It is true that he has been single until now. Even not long ago, he just learned about those indescribable things between men and women.


No matter how single he is, it’s impossible for him to attack a little girl like Keiko Noguchi! ! !

Not far away, Tsuruta Hideyoshi couldn’t help laughing loudly when he saw this scene.


Immediately, he received two cold gazes, and quickly faked a cough.

She suppressed her smile and continued to work.

However, the upturned corners of her mouth couldn’t be concealed no matter what.

“By the way, what exactly are we coming out for?”

On a street, the three of Su Mo were wandering aimlessly.

“I don’t know…but at least it won’t be as boring as staying in the laundry all the time.”

Gan Qiao said helplessly, she has been staying in the laundry shop and has nothing to do.

Orfienuo hasn’t appeared yet, so there’s no battle to fight.

This made him extremely bored.

So they pulled Su Mo and Jie Hua together and continued to hang out together.

Compared with the boredom of Su Mo and Gan Qiao, Jie Hua’s mood is much better.

As long as Su Mo is around, she won’t feel bored.

Seeing the bored look of the two of them, she smiled sweetly.

Thinking of something, he suggested to Su Mo and the others:

“How about… let’s find a job too?”


Thanks list: [zjd○dong [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58 “5.; 6 Dong [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0′. 58″5. ;6]【Cronus (Cronus)】【Chen Chen who loves sauced meat buns】【Fried Sky Gang—Nine-Tailed Sky Fox】【Gu King who loves cocoa nougat】【Songshu. ◕‿◕。】【Kibago Antenna】【Handsome Koga Ninja】【Time No Talk】【User


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