They are all employees, why is there such a big difference in treatment

The young man in front slowly turned around, spread his hands, his face was full of disdain.

Just when the man was about to curse severely…

A sound like a meat grinder sounded.

Accompanied by the strange pattern on the young man’s face.

“This… what is this?!”

The man in the suit was startled, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Both feet subconsciously retreated backwards.

Immediately afterwards, the young man on the skateboard was in his eyes.

It suddenly turned into an ugly and terrifying inhuman creature! ! !

The companion is like a skeleton, with countless tentacles intertwined on top of its head.

After the transformation was completed, the guy named Ofienuo, the earthworm, did not attack immediately, but stretched lazily.

Seeing this, the man in the suit thought he had a chance to escape.

Quickly turned around, stepped forward with weak legs, and ran forward.


“Hahaha, want to run?!”

The earthworm Orfienuo lowered his head, and the tentacles above his head flew out instantly.

It’s like an extremely sharp blade.




One after another, they stabbed into the body of the escaped man in the suit.


The man in the suit screamed again and again, before he could make unnecessary movements.

Countless tentacles moved towards his heart, injecting the power of Orfi Enoch.

next moment!

The heart spontaneously ignited a blue flame.

It disappeared out of thin air in the body.


The man lost consciousness. At the same time that countless tentacles left his body, his eyes widened and he fell to the ground with resignation.


The whole person fell into ashes! ! !

The earthworm Orfienuo got rid of his transformation state and returned to his human appearance.

With a hook at the corner of his mouth, he raised his foot and stepped on the skateboard.

Just as he was about to leave, a blue super sports car drove up.

The car window fell, revealing a heavily made-up female face.


“Haoyi, you are a very, very, very good Orfi Enoch~”

With that said, he opened the car door and got down.

Wearing a short blue tight dress, her name is obvious.

It’s the secretary of Kyoji Murakami – SmartLady.

“so what……”

“Maybe, maybe…”

“You can become a member of Lucky Clover!”

SmartLady put her finger on her lips lightly, showing a smile that she thought was infinitely charming, and said to Hao Yi delicately.


“Just thinking about it makes me excited~”

“You are really amazing!!!”

“In this way, your mother in the country will definitely be happy for you.”

“Sister, I…”

Before he could finish speaking, SmartLady’s body was forcibly squeezed away.

SmartLady pouted, dissatisfied and fearful looking at Saeko Kageyama who appeared beside her at an unknown time.

She was very angry when she was interrupted!


In front of this person, she dared not say anything more.

Saeko Kageyama ignored her, took a step forward, looked at Koichi who was close at hand, and said with a charming smile: “Let me test it, your ability is good…”

Raising his hand, he lightly touched Haoyi’s young face with his fingers.

This distance!

This move! !

These words! ! !

If people who don’t know the details saw it, they would probably think that Saeko Kageyama and Koichi were going to shoot some kind of indescribable movie.

In a park, a man wearing glasses was eating a boxed lunch.

There are several sausages in the rice.

Just as I was about to eat one, before the chopsticks caught it, it was snatched away by a palm wearing a blue glove. At the same time!

The healthy people in the surrounding parks lost consciousness at the same time.

fell to the ground.

The man didn’t respond to this, as if others were immortal.

It doesn’t matter at all…


It should be said that even if something happened to him.

There was still no reaction.

The man was not surprised or angry when the sausage was taken away.

Just continue to eat other sausages.

SmartLady, who snatched a sausage, put it in her mouth, and after chewing a few mouthfuls, she showed a satisfied smile.



Then, he licked his lips and looked at the man with glasses in front of him.

“You have to take good care of your body~”

“Maybe you can become a member of Lucky Clover…”

Just finished speaking, SmartLady’s body was forcibly squeezed away again.

This time it’s not Saeko Kageyama.


Think about Yilang.

Damn it!

Why are these Lucky Clover members like this…

SmartLady stomped her feet, feeling very dissatisfied.

But because the object is Zhuomo Yilang.

So she dared not speak out, so she murmured a few words in her heart.

Zhuo Mo Yilang pushed his glasses, looked up and downlooking at the man in front of him.

The man with glasses saw that he was thinking about Yilang, and finally had some reaction.

The figure suddenly changed into a sea cucumber, Ophelia.

Immediately afterwards, it changed back again.

It seems…

I want to prove that I have the qualifications to become a member of Lucky Clover.

“Stupid Su Mo!”

“It’s too easy for you as an employee, isn’t it?”

“Everything that shouldn’t be done has been done, and what should be done is handed over to Yuhua and the others!”


In the 4th-chome pizzeria, Zhenzhen put her hands on her hips, pouted, and said dissatisfiedly looking at Su Mo who was sitting leisurely on a chair drinking tea in front of her.

Everyone is working hard, so you can take it easy.

like a boss.

Is this appropriate?

This is inappropriate! ! !

Yuhua and the others work, but Su Mo doesn’t.

This is not the main reason for truth’s dissatisfaction.

The main reason is that when Truth thinks of his hard work experience in T-CLUB.

Look at the leisurely Su Mo again…

I couldn’t help being envious and jealous.

Damn it!

Obviously they are all employees.

Why is there such a big disparity in treatment? ? ?


“Is it because I don’t want to do it?”

“Obviously everyone didn’t want me to do it.”

Su Mo took a sip of tea, and slowly put the teacup on the table.

Then he turned to Jie Hua, who entertained guests not far away and wiped the tables, chairs and benches, and asked:

“am I right?”

The nearest, Yuhua, nodded obediently.


“Mo Jun usually fights very hard.”

“This kind of thing, just leave it to us.”

Yuka would say this, the truth is not unexpected.

Therefore, I set my sights on other people.

Ganqiao wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He looked at the truth, and then at Su Mo.

Finally said:

“I think Yuhua is right.”

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound.

“me too.”

This is the voice of Kiba Yuji.


【Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone~】

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