Kaido Naoya’s Love Goal

It’s been so long, and when he thinks that Morishita Chie, whom he once loved so deeply, will become what he will be later on, the ending of the two of them will be so tragic.

In Yuji Kiba’s heart, he couldn’t help feeling sad.

“Is this love?”

“Although it doesn’t sound very clear, I’ve already made up my mind!”

Hai Tangzhi also straightened up suddenly, his voice suddenly raised a bit.


“What did you decide???”

Everyone was stunned, they didn’t understand what Hai Tangzhi was talking about [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

“Jie Jie Jie~”

He noticed that everyone’s eyes were on him.

Hai Tang Zhi also let out a strange laugh, and then said slowly:

“I’ve decided, I’m going to fall in love!!!”

Qianqiao: “?”

Keitaro: “??”

Yuji Kiba: “???”

When everyone heard the words, they couldn’t help but have question marks all over their heads.

Hai Tangzhi also wants to fall in love? ? ?

“Hey, hey, what kind of eyes do you have?”

“I want to fall in love, is it a strange thing?”

“I don’t believe it anymore, you guys don’t want to have a girlfriend!”

The strange gazes of Ganqiao and the three made Haitang shout out in dissatisfaction.

The other people in the pizza shop also looked over curiously.

I don’t know what the four pizza shop employees are plotting loudly here without working.

“Eh…I really want a girlfriend or something.”

“But, you are too sudden!”

Keitaro scratched his head, wanting to talk about him in the past.

It’s true that I’m not very interested in feelings.

I was thinking about how to make my dream of “cleaning all the clothes in the world and making people in the world happy” come true.

But now, after every day of Su Mo and the truth, we are in love with each other.

Coupled with knowing the world of adults, Keitaro couldn’t help becoming very interested in these things.

He also wants a girlfriend.

It doesn’t need to be as cute as the truth, and it doesn’t need to be as gentle and beautiful as Yuhua.

It is enough to really like him, and he also likes the other party.

“Hmph, anyway, no matter what you think, I’ve made my decision.”

“Talk about a vigorous love affair!!!”

Hai Tangzhi also said seriously.

His guitar dream was due to a hand injury.

It was forced to give up.

Became a Kamen Rider and went to fight Orfienuo or something in order to protect human beings.

He doesn’t like these troubles too much.

As the snake Orfienuo, it is also very troublesome to obey the orders of the Brain Group to attack humans, and he understands it.

Once I do this, and Su Mo and others know about it.

Then my fate will be very, very miserable! ! !

For these reasons, he these days.

I’ve been living in a daze, very boring, I can’t find my purpose in this world, and I don’t know what to do.

but now!

Finally, something that interested him appeared.

fall in love!

Find a girlfriend! ! !

He has lived for so many years, but he has never had a girlfriend.

If you live alone like this for the rest of your life.

Thanks to that?

At this time, Kiba Yuji couldn’t help reminding:

“Well… Haitang, I don’t object to you wanting to find a girlfriend to fall in love with, but… you can’t be an irresponsible scumbag who plays with girls’ feelings .”

The scumbag is an existence that Yuji Kiba hates very much.

It’s too much to play with a girl’s feelings but be irresponsible! ! !

Although Su Mo is still hugging left and right now, he has two girlfriends.

But in Kiba Yuji’s heart, he is not a scumbag.

Because whether it is flowering or truth.

Su Mo didn’t abandon them, but stayed with them all the time.

It’s not the kind that leaves suddenly after playing with their feelings and then disappears.

His feelings for every girl are true.

So, regarding Su Mo having two girlfriends.

Yuji Kiba didn’t feel disgusted.

On the contrary, I admire Su Mo even more.



“Is that why you don’t trust me? I’m serious!!!”

Hai Tangzhi also heard the words, curled his lips in dissatisfaction.Kiba Yuji smiled helplessly, he didn’t want this either.

Can be Kaido Naoya’s companion, among the crowd.

He is most familiar with Kaitang Naoya’s personality.

In addition, he just suddenly announced that he wants to find a girlfriend to fall in love.

It’s hard to doubt whether he will become a scumbag.

After all, Hai Tangzhi is also a very unscrupulous and weird person.

“By the way, if you want to find a girlfriend, try not to find a human being, right?”

Ganqiao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly thought of something and said aloud.

“Ah? Why?!”

Kaitang Zhiya didn’t react at first.

But as soon as the words fell, he understood what Ganqiao meant.

Although Kaitang Naoya looks superficially, he is just an unshaven, unkempt, ordinary-looking, weird guy.

But in fact, he is a member of Orfienuo.

Controlling a very powerful and terrifying force.


Has another face.

Will human girls be willing to find a “monster” as their other half?

Haitang was also silent.

Although Kiba Yuji was also Orfienuo, he nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, it’s better not to find a human girl.”

“Unless you make it clear to her from the beginning, and she is willing to accept.”

If you cheated other girls at the beginning, then the girls found out about it.

Then it’s unacceptable.

It was a very painful thing for both of them.

“Yes, yes, don’t harm human girls.”

Keitaro nodded again and again, and said in agreement.

He didn’t want those kind-hearted human girls to be ruined by the seemingly unreliable Hai Tangzhi.

Everyone thought that Hai Tangzhi would also be in a bad mood.

But who knows…

The next moment, Kaitang Zhiye said with a strange smile indifferently:

“Jie Jie Jie~”

“If I’m not looking for a human girl, then I’ll just look for Orfienuo.”

“Anyway, I already have a goal!!!”


? ?

? ? ?

When everyone heard this, they were all taken aback.

Got a goal so soon?

And it’s a female Orfi Enoch? ? ?

real or fake?

“do we know each other?”

Kiba Yuji asked curiously.

Hai Tangzhi didn’t speak, but stretched out his hand and pointed to the dining table not far away.

Everyone looked over subconsciously.

Then found out…

“There’s no one…wait a minute!” Looking at the empty dining table with no guests, Keitaro suddenly remembered that when Saeko Kageyama’s Orfi Enochs came over to eat pizza, they were sitting on this table table.

And among those Ophelia, only Saeko Kageyama is a woman.



Kaido Naoya’s target is Saeko Kageyama? ! !


Thank you list: [Salted fish like a salted fish] [Di Jiajun] [Bei Xiaoxuan] [Gu King who loves cocoa nougat] [Bao Fanqing who likes primroses] [Chen Xie] [User

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