Su Mo is a scumbag? two girlfriends? Tomano Hikaru: Do I have a chance?

[Hmph, lying and cheating, and not good-looking. 】

[It’s no wonder that truth doesn’t choose you. 】

【Deserve it! ! ! 】

These words of Tian Yeguang are like sharp blades.

It mercilessly continued to be inserted into the heart of the Caojia people.

It caused him so much pain that his face darkened instantly.

Clenching his fists tightly, he stared at Tian Yeguang fiercely.

“Hey hey hey! What are you doing?”

“Could it be that you still want to hit me?”

“I warn you, if you hit me, you will never be able to catch up with the truth again.”

Hikaru Timano sensed Soka Masato’s murderous intent and hurriedly took two steps back.

Folding his arms across his chest, he said vigilantly and fearfully.


“who are you?”

“I have nothing to do with the truth, it has nothing to do with you!!!”

Cao Jiaya let out a cold snort and let go of his fist. He also understood.

Playing Tian Yeguang here will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

At the same time, I have some doubts about the identity of this woman.

What is the relationship between her and the truth?

It seems that I have never heard of such a person before.

“who am I?”

“Hey, since you asked sincerely, I will tell you mercifully! I am the senior of Truth in T-CLUB!”

“Tian Yeguang!!!”

Tian Yeguang raised his chest, raised his head, and said with a smug smile.

T-CLUB seniors…

Tim Yeguang…

“So, you are just a colleague of Truth?”

Cao Jiaya asked expressionlessly.

“Hey, hey, what is a colleague who is just the truth? We have a very good relationship, and we are the person with the best relationship with her in T-CLUB!”

“Also, I’m not an ordinary colleague, I’m her senior!!!”

It can be seen that Tian Yeguang is very concerned about the senior.


When Cao Jiaya heard the words, he just let out a few mocking and disdainful hecks.

Then he turned his head and continued to look forward to the truth that was anxiously waiting for Su Mo’s arrival, without the slightest intention to talk to Tian Yeguang.

“Damn it, are you ignoring me?”

Seeing this, Tian Yeguang gritted his teeth and asked dissatisfied.

After the words fell, Cao Jiaya didn’t know what he saw.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank sharply and his whole body trembled.

Deliberately hid his body completely behind the big tree next to him.

“Huh? What happened?”

Tian Yeguang curiously followed Soka Masato’s line of sight and looked towards the truth.

Then I found out.

At this moment, Truth’s anxiously waiting appearance disappeared.


It’s a cute expression of pouting while pretending to be angry despite being very happy.

And where the truth looks.

At some point, two people appeared.

A man and a woman.

They are all very tall in appearance and in good shape.

The temperament is even worse.

Especially that boy.

Hikari Timano has lived for so many years.

I’ve never seen such a handsome boy before.

“So handsome…”

“who is he?”

Hearing Timo Hikaru’s muttering, Soka Yaren beside him gritted his teeth.

Said word by word:

“Su Mo!”

The tone was full of hatred.

If it wasn’t for him…

The truth will definitely be her own woman! ! !

“Su Mo?”

Tian Yeguang was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized.

“Wait! Is this the truth’s boyfriend?!”

She remembered the rumor about Truth’s boyfriend.

He looks extremely handsome, very handsome.


It seems to be called Su Mo.

“Hehe, even Su Mo doesn’t know.”

“Are you still ashamed to say that you have a good relationship with the truth?”

Masato Soka sneered again and again, and made no secret of the fact that Hikari Timano was Truth’s best friend-colleague-senior in T-CLUB.


Tian Yeguang wanted to refute, but he couldn’t think of words to refute.

He could only stare at Cao Jiaya in dissatisfaction.

No wonder Truth doesn’t like this guy.


And keep saying some nasty things! ! !


He looked at Su Mo, Zhenzhen, and another girl in front of him again.

“Eh? That’s right!”

“Who is the girl who came here with Su Mo?”

Although I hate the grassy people, I want to know the answer.

Tim Yeguang still forcibly put his gaze on Soka Masato’s face again.


Sure enough, it’s still ugly and annoying.

“Hehe, you don’t even know her.”

Cao Jiaya has a thorough understanding of the relationship between Tian Guang and the truth.

It’s just a colleague on the surface.

The relationship between the two parties is not good at all.

“Do not talk nonsense!”

“Hurry up!”

“If you don’t say anything, I’ll call.”

Tim Yeguang threatened.


? ?? ? ?

When Cao Jiaya heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched, his head full of question marks.

“If I call, Truth, they will definitely find you peeking at them here.”

“I think, you don’t want them to find out that you’re here, do you?”

After all, Timano Hikaru is the daughter of old police officer Timano Joji.

Still inherited some abilities.

For example, keen observation skills.

Sogaya’s face was dark, and he was transformed into Kaixa, the majestic Kamen Rider.

He was actually threatened by an ordinary human being.


In this environment, he really couldn’t go against the other party’s wishes.

He could only clenched his fists and explained sullenly:

“That’s Nagata Yuka, Su Mo’s other girlfriend.”


? ?

? ? ?

Now, it was Tian Guang’s turn to be full of question marks.

He stared wide-eyed, looked at Su Mo and the others in shock, then turned his head to look at Cao Jiaya, and asked in an inconceivable tone:

“Another girlfriend???”

She thought Su Mo’s only girlfriend was Truth.

And that girl is Su Mo’s sister or something.


Another girlfriend! ! !

To put it simply, Su Mo is a scumbag with two legs? ? ?

Oh my God!

This is a big secret!

So exciting! ! !

“Well, another girlfriend.”

“Also, I only started looking for it after I was with the truth.”

“Su Mo, that bastard, is a scum!!!”

“He doesn’t love the truth wholeheartedly!”

“He can’t give the truth real happiness!!!”

Cao Jiaya suppressed his anger and said bitterly.

It turned out that Tian Yeguang beside him didn’t seem to hear it.

There was no response at all.

He even stared at Su Mo closely, with a weird smile on his face.

Can’t help but ask:

“What are you thinking?”

Tian Yeguang wiped the saliva that inadvertently flowed from the corner of his mouth.

She couldn’t hide her smile and said:

“I was thinking, anyway, Su Mo already has two girlfriends.”

“Then you shouldn’t mind having one more, right?”


? ?

? ? ?

Cao Jiaya suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough! ! !

“I don’t know if I will have a chance?”


Thank you list: [Chen Xie] [Tiandi Wolf King] [Salted fish like a salted fish] [Repair (repair)] [Gu King who loves cocoa nougat] [Taylor who likes cedar trees] [Likes the sea Chrysanthemum’s Tao Xi’er] [Chen Beihan’s favorite reading] [The Fengshen Beast of the Western Chamber of Commerce] [Yin Yetong] [Dasheng’s Fu Yunzhou] (6.13)

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