: Skillful Faiz! Grass plus Kaixa! Battle of Red and Yellow

Come to his side.

Saeko Kageyama stretched out her hand, and her jade fingers gently lifted Tsomo Yirou’s chin.

Forcibly let Zhuomo Yilang’s eyes look at him.

With their eyes facing each other, Saeko Kageyama gently parted her red lips:

“Don’t worry~”

“If you’re impatient, you won’t be able to eat hot tofu.”

“Right now, relying on our strength alone, it’s impossible to beat that dark knight.”

“Since that’s the case, face such a dangerous thing as him.”

“It’s better for us to do less.”


“It doesn’t mean we have failed, it’s just a strategic retreat.”

“Wait! Wait until that kid from Beizaki has had enough fun and is willing to complete the mission with us.”

“At that time, it will be our chance to have a decisive battle with that dark emperor!”

“Do you understand it?”

Speaking of this, Saeko Kageyama leaned forward, keeping the distance between Takumo Itsurou.

It’s getting closer.

Faced with such close contact, Zhuo Mo Yilang obviously couldn’t resist.

Swallowing her saliva, she quickly responded:


Saeko Kageyama smiled in satisfaction, and the moment she let go of her fingers.

The cell phone in her pocket rang.

He took out his phone and looked at it.

It belongs to Murakami Kyoer.

Line connected.

“I have a new task here, and I need you to do it.”

At the same time, in a remote forest not far from the 4-chome pizzeria.

Caojia Yaren and others were standing face to face with Qianqiao and the others.


“You really want to get involved, don’t you?”

Cao Jiaya squinted his eyes, and fixed his cold eyes on Qianqiao’s body.

“Admixture?” Ganqiao’s face remained calm as usual.

“My friends are in danger. If I don’t help, it’s a bit unreasonable, right?”

“Remember! This is not meddling, it’s a friend’s duty!”

Kiba Yuji and Kaitang Nao also heard the words, and looked at Qianqiao movedly.

Although he said little and had a cold face.

But at the critical moment, it was unexpectedly powerful!


Hai Tangzhi couldn’t help but speak out.

Behind a tree behind them.

There is another person, and he is Keitaro Kikuchi!

After all, he’s just an ordinary person, so he doesn’t dare act like a clever person.

Side by side with Yuji Kiba and Naoya Kaido, we faced difficulties together.

“Come on, Aqiao!!!”

Keitaro clenched his fists tightly and looked ahead worriedly.


“Who can’t speak big words!”

“I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you guys.”

“If you want to die, then do as you wish!!!”

Kill two traitors, plus Faiz’s belt.

You are definitely qualified to become a member of Lucky Clover, right?

Thinking of this, Caojia Yaren no longer hesitated, took out the Kaixa driver, and quickly put it on his waist. Belts automatically appeared on both sides of the driver and fixed it.

Immediately afterwards!

Open the Kaixa phone that looks like a flip phone.




The transformation code was entered in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Ganqiao also threw away Faiz’s phone.




【ENTER! 】(confirm!)


Closing Faiz’s phone, Qianqiao took a deep breath.

When inserting them vertically and horizontally into the central slot of the belt.

With a low drink:

“Hen-shin!” (Transformation!)

Red and yellow photon blood flowed from the bodies of Caojia Yaren and Qianqiao at the same time!

These photon blood follow the route preset in advance.

It spread towards the two of them, looking from a distance.

It’s like a blood vessel!


When the lightWhen the child’s blood is all over the body, the light is dazzling!

Gan Qiao and Cao Jia Ya are like two suns.

One red, one yellow!

When the light dissipated, their human appearances disappeared.

Instead, there were two powerful warriors covered in metal armor!

[Kamen Ride! ! ] (Kamen Rider!!)

【Kaixa! ! ! ] (Caesar!!!)

【Faiz! ! ! ] (five five five!!!)

【Complete! ! ! 】(Finish!!!)

Two Kamen Riders appeared, and Kiba Yuji and Kaido Naoya were waiting for Ophelia.

She didn’t just stand there in a daze.

Qiqi mobilized the energy of Orfi Enoch in his body, and there was a sound like a meat grinder.

Strange patterns appeared on everyone’s faces.

next moment! ! !

At the same time, his figure changed! ! !

The transformation of five humanoid monsters named Orfienuo was completed at the same time! ! !

Enoch Maofi, also known as Yuji Kiba.

With a flip of the palm, a sharp long sword appeared out of thin air.

This is his exclusive weapon.

Horse Demon Sword! ! !

With the weapon in hand, Kiba Yuji’s aura suddenly changed.

She showed her sharpness, and her momentum was overwhelming!

Without saying anything, he took a step forward and killed the enemies in front of him.

“Hey, hey! Wait for me!”

Seeing this, Haitang Nao of the snake Orfienuo also hurriedly followed.

Although everyone has not discussed tactics.

But Ofi Enuo, who had a very tacit understanding between the two sides, went to fight Ofi Enuo.

Kamen Rider!

Let’s fight Kamen Rider! ! !

Cao Jiaya attacked fiercely, and with a flicker of figure, he came in front of Qianqiao.

He punched hard, and at the same time took down the Kaixa blade gun placed next to the Kaixa driver with the other hand! ! !


Gan Qiao snorted coldly, and punched out her fist without fear.

The two fists collided, evenly matched, without victory or defeat.

But the problem is, Cao Jiaya’s attacks are not just fists.

And the Kaixa blade gun!

Seeing that the fist attack had no effect, he immediately swung the Kaixa blade gun and slashed towards Qianqiao.

Right on Qianqiao’s shoulder!

A series of sparks shot out.

Before Ganqiao could react, Cao Jiaya quickly switched the mode of the Kaixa blade gun again.

Switched from blade mode to gun mode.

Pull the trigger!

The light that contains Kaixa energy is ejected, the distance is too close.

Gan Qiao didn’t have time to dodge, so he unceremoniously swallowed all the bullets with his body.

Both legs couldn’t stop retreating, and screams inevitably rang out.


Gan Qiao managed to stop his figure, barely kneeling on the ground because of the first confrontation.

“Sure enough, when Su Mo is around, the power is stronger.”

Gan Qiao thought to herself.

After these few battles, he has already noticed it.

When fighting with Su Mo, his strength increases.

It’s not as simple as the psychological effect.

Instead, it was really strengthened without Su Mo.

The strength is obviously not as strong as before.


“Even if he’s not here, I won’t back down!”

Coincidentally, she has never been anyone’s follower.

He is him!

The Transformer of Kamen Rider Faiz! ! !

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