A group of stars, Huang Lei, Hong Lei, Wang Baobao, Brother Xun, Huang Bo, and the lone wolf of the soldier king, all went out of the yard.

Red Lei pointed to a courtyard to the east, which was the direction in which the village was running in its prime

“Over there!”

In the middle of the night, there was a sudden outbreak of chaos, and when you looked away, it didn’t look like a group fight.

Several people were extremely curious, plus they had just eaten their fill, and they were full of energy and nowhere to go.

They all want to come forward and join in the fun.

“Go, go over and take a look!”

At Huang Bo’s suggestion, several people walked quickly to the small courtyard two yards away from the No. 3 station!

This small courtyard, three large brick houses, the floor is paved with stone slabs, the roof is placed with a solar water heater, and a hundred thousand Passat is parked in the carport.

Six guests, who were not familiar with the villagers, spoke to the village chief.

Huang Lei saw the sloppy village chief in the crowd, on crutches, stopping in the courtyard and anxiously patrolling.

Huang Lei stepped forward and asked curiously, “Village chief, what happened here?” ”

The three major program groups come together to record the program, which is of great benefit to the development of the village, builds popularity, and is conducive to attracting investment.

In addition, the filming of the program team, coupled with the consumption of a large group of staff, can make the village make a lot of money.

At this moment, although the village chief was anxious and irritable in his heart, his attitude towards Huang Lei and the others was still friendly:

“It’s not a big deal, it’s just that a person in the village has committed hysteria, and it will stop after a while, you guys go back to sleep!”


Huang Lei is a university teacher, of course, he knows what the disease is

Honglei didn’t understand: “What are the symptoms?” ”

Huang Lei whispered: “This is not easy to explain, you can understand it as intermittent psychosis, just go crazy.” ”

A group of people stood in the courtyard, and seven or eight big men in the house pressed a man with a thin body, a white body, and bulging blue muscles to the ground.


The man was also in his twenties, and at this moment he really seemed to be crazy, yelling, and a string of saliva sprayed out of his mouth.

Brother Xun was startled, he was timid, unconsciously took two steps back, and hid behind Huang Bo like a little daughter-in-law.

Several people frowned, looking at the man on the ground

His parents were on the sidelines, wiping their tears and crying!

Huang Lei let out a long sigh, he was very emotional, a good family, such a sick condition on the stall, it was indeed torturous.

The drone was in the sky, and all the things that happened at this time were broadcast live.

The water friends in the live broadcast room expressed sympathy one after another

: It’s terrible!

: If my loved ones had this disease, I think I might have collapsed.

: How long has it been, hey! This disease is difficult to diagnose and treat, not to say that taking medicine can cure it, whether it can be good or not, it really depends on the individual!

: His body is so thin, how can it look so big, seven or eight big men add up to thousands of kilograms, and it is a little laborious to press him!

: This kind of thing is difficult to explain, you can understand the potential of adults, the outbreak is really terrifying, I once saw a news, a parent child was pressed under the car, he was excited, he actually overturned the car directly!

: This, won’t it?

: When it comes to potential, it’s sometimes really hard to understand!

The young man’s mother held her head and cried, and when she saw the people in the program group, she suddenly ran up like crazy and grabbed Huang Lei’s arm.

This frightened Huang Lei a clever

“Auntie, what are you doing?”

“It’s all you guys!” The aunt grabbed Huang Lei’s arm and didn’t let go.

The villagers hurriedly ran over to pull the fight, and all the stars present were really going to hurt, and they couldn’t afford to sell their houses.

Huang Bo shouted, “What’s the matter with us?” ”

Hong Lei blushed: “Auntie, are you reasonable, we just came to the village today, how can we blame it?” ”

The aunt angrily rebuked: “My son just followed your program group, dug that Song tomb, and that’s it after he came back!” ”

“I don’t look for anyone for you, you have to treat my son!”

In the village, some old people have come forward to prove it for the aunt.

An old woman: “I can testify that it was after returning that day that the child had a sallow face and vomited once before he developed madness!” ”

An elderly man with a white beard: “What kind of madness, he is full of ghost words, it is clear that he has been ghosted!” ”

Ghost upper body?

Hong Lei forced down the fire and persuaded: “Auntie, let’s let go first, there is something to discuss, we can’t run again?” ”

Huang Lei exclaimed, “Yes! Auntie, you have caught purlins for me! ”

Brother Xun: “Yes, let go first!” ”

Aunt still does not let go, she has already made up her mind, if she can’t hear the promise of a few people today, she will never let go.

Just when there was a stalemate here, a nagging voice suddenly came from the other side!

The loud sound is not the movement of young people at all!

“Obstacle! Don’t let go of the main seat yet! ”

Everyone turned their heads to look over, and suddenly found that the young man who was suppressed by several people actually had faint signs of breaking free.

Wang Baobao suddenly remembered something and exclaimed, “Are you sure he is a ghost?” ”

He grew up in Shaolin Temple when he was a child, and he had heard an old monk talk about many rural strange things he encountered when he was young.

So he believes a little about the ghost upper body.

The red bud urn said: “Baby, what are you going to do, don’t scare me!” ”

Seeing Wang Baobao’s eyebrows horizontally, he took out the piece of Heavenly Lu Beast Jade that Zhang Yuan gave him.

Came to the man’s side, squatted down, and suddenly pushed the green treasure jade down on the young man’s forehead.

Laugh at!

The moment the jade block touched the young man, he really stopped struggling.

The baby was shocked, the audience seemed to be still, and everyone held their breath and was extremely nervous.

This little piece of jade, really effective?

However, the next moment, the person who was pressed suddenly trembled and laughed.

“Hahaha, a little piece of broken jade, also want to deal with the main seat, delusional!!”

“Humiliate Honza, I’ll kill you today!”

The young man with his blue muscles suddenly broke free and rushed forward, throwing Wang Baobao down, and strangling the other party’s neck with both hands.


The jade block fell to the ground and shattered.

The baby’s face was instantly swollen and red.

At this moment, whether it is the audience in the live broadcast room, the director team, or everyone at the scene, they are all terrified in their hearts.

What the hell is this?

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