: The scalp is numb, and the charm he drew is actually real!

: Shocked! Some people are amateur guests on the surface, but behind the scenes they are legendary hidden masters!

: Since my brother drew the exact same and exactly the same four pieces of paper, I knew that he was not simple, but I still didn’t expect that the exorcism charm he drew casually would have such an immediate effect on sneaky things!

: You are all concerned about the charm in Brother Lei’s hand, only I see, the guy who was ghosted, jumped four or five meters after one step?

: Maaa It’s numb, and my worldview today is completely shocked!

At the same time, Maoshan Dojo.

Ling Yunzi, who had just sat down, seemed to have a spring on his butt, and bounced up from his seat with a bang.

One grabbed the mobile phone in the disciple’s hand, and his hands trembled

“This, this is actually a real Dao Talisman!”

Ling Yunzi is now more than a hundred years old, and he has seen countless winds and waves, but at this moment, he is physically and mentally shaken, and his body is trembling

It’s really here!

He never dreamed that in his later years, he would see a true Dao talisman that drives away evil appear in the world!

You know, after the war and the change of dynasties, many of the skills passed down by the ancestors have been lost.

In their Mao Mountain, there are only some drawing methods of charms such as praying for disaster relief, gathering wealth to protect peace, and it is difficult to say whether such charms are really good to use, or whether they are completely a psychological comfort.

In ancient times, driving away sneaks, suppressing evil spirits, and ensuring stability was the real power of Maoshan Taoists?

Now, the true ability of Fu Dao, which has been lost for a long time, has appeared again!

How does this not get him excited?

Ling Yunzi didn’t dare to imagine at all, but he didn’t expect that in the hands of a 21-year-old young man, he reproduced the glorious glory of the Dragon Country Dao Rune!

The old man was too excited and overjoyed, and two tear tracks had fallen from the corners of his eyes.

By the way, since this young brother can draw symbols, can I invite him to Maoshan Mountain?

With this idea, he continued to watch, ready to use means to contact the program team after the storm was over, and let them help him talk.

Let the little brother meet him.

After all, he is the head of the Maoshan Dojo, and countless big figures are vying to befriend him.

As an old man who has lived for hundreds of years, his energy and his background are still terrifying!

Back to the scene,

Although Huang Lei was holding a charm in his hand, he still felt timid, which was normal

People are always afraid of the unknown, not to mention the young man who was ghostly in front of him, his body was hard as a steel plate, his strength was terrifying, and he had already fully demonstrated his aggression.

If he hadn’t taken out the paper charm himself, the baby might have been strangled alive by him at this moment.

Huang Lei is very afraid, but there is no way, now here, only he can deal with him.

Huang Lei stiffened his head and rushed forward step by step.

Hong Lei said anxiously: “Hurry up, which of you has the contact information of the little brother?” ”

Brother Xun nodded immediately: “Yes, go and invite the little brother!” He must have a way! ”

At this time, the lone wolf stood up, and I have to say that he is still very responsible

“Teacher Huang, can you borrow your paper charm for me to use.”

Of course, Huang Lei didn’t want to face the young man who was ghosted, so he immediately handed the charm to the lone wolf and patted the latter:

“Little brother, then it’s up to you!”

The lone wolf took the paper charm and was surprised by this small object in his heart.

Sure enough, after the paper charm was handed over, Xiao Liu, who was ghostly on the body, immediately turned his hostile gaze towards the lone wolf.

“Humph! Honza will not play with you! ”

Xiao Liu’s body flipped backwards, jumped three or four meters high, and landed steadily on the roof.

Turn around and cross a roof in three or two steps, bizarrely fast, and run towards his grave in the mountains!

Xie Tianyang was puzzled and asked his master why he could jump so far in one jump, which was already beyond the level of an Olympic champion!

Ling Yunzi rubbed his beard and explained, “In this world, there is a group of people who practice the inner strength heart method, and really breed a breath of True Yuan internal qi in the body!” ”

“When I was young, I once met an old Daoist, who only cultivated more than a dozen True Yuan internal qi, and he could already break through the air, a boulder five meters away!”

“This kind of person’s internal qi is infused into the body, and the power is infinite!”

Xie Tianyang nodded, many practitioners who practiced horizontal kung fu had said that they should practice a breath of true qi.

This True Qi is very mysterious, and when it boosts True Qi in the belly of the body, they can even lift heavy objects that they couldn’t move before.

Ling Yunzi: “The person on this picture was taken away by the tomb owner with hundreds of years of accumulated qi, of course, it is not something that ordinary people can deal with. ”

Xie Tianyang thoroughly understood that it turned out that he was using Qi instead of True Qi to infuse his body, no wonder he was so powerful.

Similarly, similar ones appear in dojos that watch live broadcasts all over the country.

Including the yearning live broadcast room at this time, there were also Taoist disciples who appeared to explain what true qi is and why the person who was ghosted was so terrifying!

:Astound! It turns out that the true qi in martial arts novels is real, Teacher Jin Yong, Teacher Gulong sincerely do not deceive me!

:Boy! I watched the live broadcast for a while today, and the true anger came out for me, and I can’t refute it yet.

: Let’s say, the first few issues of Kowloon Coffin are debuting, looking forward to it online!

: Hehe, don’t say that when the time comes, you can really touch the red-haired rice dumplings!

: What red hair zongzi, that is the Heavenly Emperor (dog head) who was muddled in his later years and could not be updated on time.

: Don’t be laughing, if this really makes people escape, what can the villagers over there do?

: Yes, before the news sneaked a few leopards, all caused panic among the surrounding residents, this hundred-fold dangerous person really escaped, the consequences are unimaginable.

Of course, the physical strength of the lone wolf cannot be compared with the other party, he just jumped on the roof, and the other party has already run out for hundreds of meters!

At this time, the program team was anxious!

The chief director roared: “All the drones, give me to chase him, and you must not let him run away!” ”

In the dark night, more than two dozen drones, like legions of rising artificial intelligence, flashed points of light, buzzing in the sky at great speed, chasing towards the fleeing figure.

More than twenty shots, all locked on the figure of the man who was quickly turning over the roof!

The audience was almost suffocated, and they watched the video at this time, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

: I can’t imagine how good it would be if he really escaped.

: I have to say that today’s live broadcast is the most exciting I have ever watched in my life!

: He has a temperament, where can a normal person catch up, fortunately, the drone is in the sky, there is no obstacle, and he can always lock on that person.

: But what to do in the woods in front, there are too many obstacles, and the speed of the drone will slowly drop down.

: If he escapes, it will only be more tricky than tigers and cheetahs!

: Wait, just now in the picture of the chicken strip live broadcast room, I seem to see another figure moving at high speed.

: I saw it too! What’s that? It can’t be another person who has been ghosted, right?

The viewer with good eyes finds something different in the picture.

The director of the director group, his brows were tightly wrinkled, staring at dozens of screens, and he also saw another figure.

That kind of extremely fast body, is it really the second person to be ghosted?

Damn it!

Obviously one is tricky enough!

However, the moment he saw the second black shadow clearly, his pupils immediately shrank, his body and mind were shaken, and an irrepressible ecstasy immediately emerged in his heart.

“Wait! Is that! Little brother!!! ”

At the same time, the live broadcast room was set off again, and the explosion level was shocked!

(Readers, ask for a wave of data, strive to break through yourself today, and two more!) Start by completing the small goal of five changes a day!!! )

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