Chen Xi is a descendant of the orthodox Captain Touchgold

This tomb robbery sect is characterized by the extensive use of tools

This time, she brought a total of two tools, a compass engraved with the 24 directions of east, west, south, and north, and a pair of clubs.

The two sticks, one large and one small, one black and one white, seem to reflect the ancient doctrine of yin and yang.

Long black bar, 1.2 meters, cast in extra grade black steel, made of pure steel mixed with special alloy material.

Extremely intensive, specially designed to deal with sudden crises in the wild.

The other short stick is made of silver, 0.8 meters long, and the surface is engraved with four elephant beast gilt and a large number of strange patterns.

In ancient times, there was a saying that gold suppressed shock, silver warded off evil spirits, and jade kept safe.

A short stick made of gold and silver, specially designed to deal with evil spirits and rice dumplings.

Captain Mojin called it ‘ghost whip’, if Chen Xi was present to deal with Xiao Liu on the ghost’s upper body.

Using the ghost whip has a high probability of breaking away the tomb master’s anger!

Several juniors from the Jin family are the leaders of the younger generation of each family, and they have real skills in their hands, and at this moment, in front of the drone camera, they all want to show their brilliance as young people.

Lin Chuan played the head, Huang Lei walked in the middle, and Chen Xi walked at the end of the team.

A few miles of flat grass in front of the mountain, there is no danger in walking, Huang Lei exclaimed, smoked incense again, and it really had a miracle effect!

Mosquitoes all the way avoid themselves.

At nine o’clock in the morning, the three people in the yearning group came to the foot of the mountain selected by Lin Chuan.

Looking up, the green mountains are majestic and smoky.

At this time, the chicken strip group also drove here.

When the two groups meet, of course, they have to come down and exchange a few words.

Honglei is too envious of the large MPV of the yearning group, and the space capacity is enough to seat about ten people:

“Teacher He, why haven’t you seen anyone else?”

He Jiong: “They’re going down here.” ”

When Li Muzhi heard this, his eyes narrowed, and he wondered in his heart, how could Chen Xi get off here?

He looked around and suddenly found the mountain that Lin Chuan had chosen earlier!

Li Muzhi’s heart was shocked, of course, he didn’t know that this was Lin Chuan’s proposal.

I thought it was Chen Xi’s choice!

Li Muzhi marveled in his heart, the descendants who touched the golden vein have a bit of ability!

At this moment, he also thought in his heart that there was something wrong with his previous thoughts.

Li Muzhi was originally going to drive on the first day and walk all over the road in the neighboring mountains.

According to the calculation of the station given by the program team, the Song tomb should not be too far away

What he thought was to first explore the mountains along the outer edge to see if he could hit the luck and find the cemetery in advance.

Wuling Mountain Area of Nanhu Province, most of the mountains here are typical karst canyon landforms, overlapping peaks and forests, protruding peaks, very precipitous, one mountain after another as if split by a knife, this kind of mountain is extremely difficult to climb.

I almost overlooked such a smart mountain, the peak is high enough to climb to the top, this mountain is just enough to serve as an observation platform.

Stand on it and look around, just enough to cover the nearby area.

Longsha cave water, unobstructed.

Li Muzhi pointed to the mountain ahead: “Let’s stop here too, go to that mountain.” ”

Making this decision, the chicken strip group naturally received a kind reminder from the program group.

After private discussion, Hong Lei and Brother Xun decided to stay, after all, this time they entered the mountain, not to explore the ancient tomb.

Just to climb to the top of the mountain, observe the surroundings, and follow in is meaningless, and it is easy to slow them down.

Just stay and play poker with Teacher He!

Huang Bo has acted in the scene of tomb robbery and is very curious about the legendary dragon hunting for gold.

Is there really such a dragon hunting magic in this world?

He decided to follow Li Muzhi and the lone wolf into the mountain together.

Back to the yearning group,

Huang Lei insists on running every day, looking a little fat, but his body is really good, and he can keep up with the climbing rhythm of Lin Chuan and Chen Xi.

Huang Lei was curious: “Xixi, what does this dragon sand cave water in feng shui mean?” ”

The drone followed into the mountain, and the group was not fast.

Chen Xi also has the heart to do some popular science, after all, he can improve the popularity of himself and the yearning program group at the same time.

“Then I’ll tell Teacher Huang and the audience in the live broadcast room.”

The live broadcast room was once again excited.

: Sister Xixi’s small lecture hall, the second class has started.

: When the star archaeology is finished, a new star in the dragon kingdom touching the golden world is about to rise.

: Longsha cave water, I know all these four words apart, put together I don’t understand what it is?

Chen Xi said as he walked:

“Longsha cave water, corresponding to the four means of finding the dragon point cave, dragon hunting, sand detection, water observation, and point cave.

First of all, the dragon, of course, is not the dragon that rides the clouds and rides the mist, and the clouds spread the rain, in the ancient times of the dragon country, the ancestors believed that everything in the world has spirituality

Therefore, in feng shui, the undulating mountains are likened to dragon veins, soil as flesh, stone as bones, and trees covering mountains and fields as dragon scales!

The process of finding the dragon and finding the dragon is to judge the qi pulse, don’t be angry, divide the yin and yang, watch the situation and drink the shape, and determine the fierce and prosperous,

According to the buckling and undulation of the dragon vein, judge the dragon vein fierce!

The sand in Chasa is actually the hill around the main mountain, and the mountains around Longshan are the sand protection, that is, the green dragon and white tiger, and the hill in front of Longshan is called Case Mountain when it is close to it, and it is called Chaoshan Mountain far away.

The ideal feng shui emphasizes the closed mountain shape, if it is in a hug trend, it is a place of prosperity, and vice versa!

In addition, looking at the water, it is-”

Suddenly, a scream interrupted her next words.

The cry was made by Huang Lei!

Just in front of his eyes, a yellow shadow the size of a ping-pong ball suddenly flew by.

Chen Xi immediately stopped explaining and ran to Huang Lei’s side, “Teacher Huang, what happened, are you injured?” ”

Huang Lei shook his head, “I’m fine, just now a bug the size of a child’s fist flew in front of me, startling me.” ”

Live room barrage.

: What was it just now, I saw it too!

: Huang Bula’s ball flew directly from the camera, I was shocked, and I didn’t dare to imagine Mr. Huang’s mood at the moment.

: It should be a bee!

: I hope it’s not the legendary killer bee!

: My God, it hasn’t gone yet, it’s entangled in the yearning group.

A yellow worm buzzing in the sky seemed to be eyeing a few people in the yearning group, and flew back extremely provocatively.

Chen Xi lit incense, hoping to drive away the strange insect with a pungent smell.

But it didn’t seem to be afraid of Chen Xi’s incense at all

Apparently this is a tricky creature!

The yellow bugs flew around provocatively, moving like a rabbit, like a yellow lightning

Huang Lei was a little panicked, and his head was full of cold sweat: “What is this thing!” How did you identify us? ”

The sudden incident caused the barrage to panic for a while.

: So nervous, the poisonous insects in Xiangxi are very dangerous, blame Lin Chuan, what the hell did you choose blindly?

: This is at the foot of the mountain, there is such a dangerous poisonous insect, what will be encountered later, I dare not imagine!

: That thing seems to have recognized Teacher Huang, and it flew over again!

Chen Xi hurriedly pulled out the short stick and stood in front of Huang Lei!

In the face of the poisonous insects that flew over at great speed, they were in strict formation.

However, at the same moment, Lin Chuan’s figure flashed in front of Huang Lei and Chen Xi like a black wind.

Like a wall, protect everyone behind you.

In the midst of the electric light and flint, he quickly stretched out his right hand, and his strangely long two fingers directly clamped the poisonous insects flying at great speed.

With a little force, it directly burst the head of the poisonous insect.


Throwing the body of the poisonous insect to the ground, Chen Xi and Huang Lei, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, only now did they see the true appearance of the poisonous insect.

The whole body is yellow, shaped like a slender bee, with a pair of wings, and a pair of praying mantis knives!

The audience was shocked

: Oh my God, do flying mantis really exist?

: This Nima, wings and knives, this can’t be a two-evolution Kazik, right?

: Is this a hybrid of bee and praying mantis? Brothers, I’m confused!

Huang Lei had never seen such a creature before, and now that the crisis was lifted, he asked, “What kind of bug is this?” Like a praying mantis, and like a bee’s! ”

Chen Xi looked at the corpse of the poisonous insect, thinking about the knowledge in his mind, but after thinking for a long time, he didn’t know what it was?

Finally, Lin Chuan gave the answer: “It’s called a praying fly!” ”

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