Chapter 50 The Great Secret Exposed, Western Lianying Call! (1 subscription required)

With the assistance of a large number of classics, Professor Guwen has successively translated the subsequent contents of the book.

A huge and shocking secret, placed in front of the public! Xiangxi actually survives,

A super tomb!

The scale is likely to be equivalent to the imperial tomb, the internal Qi Men Dun Jia, and countless organs!

The mausoleum of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, was built by Zhang Liang, an outstanding feng shui master, as long as the three treasures on the book are gathered.

Then you can unlock the secret of immortality!

The news was so explosive that it detonated the entire online media.

Ten minutes after the message was sent, fifty percent of the posts on Tieba were discussing, and major social media software such as Douyin, Weimei, and Toutiao were all occupied by the Overlord’s Mausoleum!

So far, thinking of Xiangyu, refusing to cross the Jiangdong!

Overlord Xiang Yu is a historical figure that the people of the Dragon Country relish, and it is really unbelievable that his tomb is here.

Moreover, it was suppressed with a special formation, causing the corpse and soul to suffer for thousands of years!

: The content of the book should be partially dramatic, but I guess that there is an overlord mausoleum in Xiangxi should be true.

: Xiang Yu is my favorite historical figure, I didn’t expect that he would not be able to live in peace after death, and he was even suppressed by a large array, so that the soul could never be surborn!

: Although the content of the book is a bit ridiculous, let’s not forget that in our current world, many forbidden places are recovering, and before this, who has really seen a ghost on the body, and has seen a vicious corpse that will scream when pressed by the rune paper! In this way, who knows whether it was true or false thousands of years ago?

: Lin Shen is not in Xiangxi now, Ming 10-star archaeology can’t end in two days, the next tomb will choose the Overlord Mausoleum!

:It’s too dangerous! That is the Feng Shui Feng Shui, Zhang Liang of the Great Grandmaster level, designed the Imperial Tomb-level tomb with the art of Qi Men Dun Jia.

: I don’t think Lin Shen is weaker than Zhang Liang in feng shui tomb robbery, I support Lin Shen!: The overlord is the most powerful god of war in my heart! Lin Shen, please save the overlord Xiang Yu!

: Don’t be foolish, what is written on it is clear, you need three treasures left by Zhang Liang to future generations to open the Overlord Mausoleum, it is difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice, and there is no way for Lin Shen to do this kind of thing!

On TV, some deeds about the bully curtain were broadcast!

It immediately attracted the strong attention of the Zhang family, the head of the eight great gold families today.

The head of the Zhang family was shocked in his heart, took the mobile phone that was being broadcast, and hurried to the library of the family mansion.

In his memory, there seemed to be a few pages in the thick yellowed ancestral book at home, which happened to record some things about the Overlord’s Mausoleum.

Because I didn’t know where the Overlord’s Tomb was for many years, plus the mystery of the content, the Zhang family thought it was the imagination of the ancestors, but they didn’t expect it to be true!

The head of the Zhang family, in the Zhangjia library cabinet, a high-priced custom-made, ultra-high-specification explosion-proof safety box from abroad, took out a heavy ancient book.

There are some secrets of touching gold, as well as some tomb robbery secrets mastered by the Zhang family,

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is an ordinary ancient book, but in the world of touching gold, this is a supreme treasure!

The head of the Zhang family was extremely excited, followed his memory, and turned the ancient book to the record page of the Overlord’s Mausoleum.

It is recorded on the purpose of the three treasures, as well as the requirements when the mausoleum is opened

It is said that this overlord tomb needs to be found in a specific celestial phenomenon, and the pen is used to open the door!

Jade is used to guard against internal murder,

The last Heavenly Circle was the key to taking away the treasure and finding the overlord’s body, and the Zhang family owner immediately contacted the other seven family owners with an internal video.

The head of the Chen family: “Brother, what did you call us?”

The head of the Zhang family: “Regarding the Overlord Mausoleum, you have information, let’s exchange it with each other.”

The heads of other families looked at each other, and in terms of background, they were not as good as the Zhang family.

In addition, after all, the Zhang family has the same surname as Zhang Liang, as for whether it is a line, this is not clear, but there is always something to do with it.

The head of the Chen family: “Brother, you wait, let me mobilize my forces to find it.”

The Zhang family took the initiative to gather all the family owners, it must be that they have some information in their hands, and now all of them have mobilized their subordinates to collect and find all kinds of information about the Overlord Mausoleum.

The eight masters, with profound heritage, have accumulated a lot of wealth, not only firmly occupying most of the rivers and mountains of the dragon country and touching the gold world, but also abroad, but also a large number of talents they have cultivated.

After all, there are not only ancient tombs in the Dragon Country, some lost ruins, Mayan civilization, etc., but also a large number of heirloom-level treasures, and even artifacts with special power!

Network information has narrowed the distance between the world, and the eight great families have naturally expanded their vision to the world long ago!

Soon, the information network of the eight masters was running at great speed.

They put together a large number of messages.

First of all, a sad truth!

The three treasures are indeed real, but in addition to the three-ring armillary sphere that finally opened the treasure, the other two treasures, because of the loss of modern national treasures, all went to the hands of foreigners!

Another more important event, after the Qi family masters who are good at celestial speculation, used the astrolabe for calculus,

The opening of the Overlord Mausoleum requires celestial phenomena to appear once in about thirty years.

The most recent one, exactly a week later!

The patriarch of the Chen family frowned: “In a week’s time, this time is too urgent, we must work together, on the one hand, to determine the location of the tomb, and on the other hand, to contact those crooked nuts and find a way to get the treasure back from them!”

The head of the Qi family sighed: “Where is it so easy, if there is no such show, we may still be able to buy those two treasures back, now that strange goods can live, that cunning Western collector, will definitely ask for a sky-high price!”

“Can we people wait another thirty years?”

If you miss this time, you will have to wait at least another thirty years!

Thirty years is too long, the times are changing with each passing day, who knows what will happen in thirty years?

Another person, several thirty years, these heads of the family are fifty or sixty years old, they have only survived to become the head of the family.

Thirty years later, eighty or ninety years old!

Who knows if by then, they will still be alive and open the Overlord Mausoleum, this kind of heaven-throwing work, they don’t want to give it to anyone.

Thirty years, they can’t wait that long.

The head of the Zhang family sighed: “Providence! This is truly providence!”

In the end, there are its own days, this is what the gold world has always believed.

In this world, many things are mysterious, but they are also romantic.

It’s like gravitational waves, just after the detector was invented, slowly coming from endless light-years away, as if waiting for people to discover it.

The Eight Great Families of Mojin have maintained close cooperation with the official archaeological community of the Dragon Kingdom.

The family has technology, the official has money, the two sides have cooperated with each other for decades, and together they have successfully located and opened many tombs.

The Mojin family has made great contributions to the archaeological community of the Dragon Kingdom, and many people in their family hold important positions in the official archaeological community.

The two forces have long been inseparable.

On the side of the Song tomb, in front of more than 30 million viewers around the world, after the Chu State Book was exposed, the archaeological community unexpectedly received an active call from the Western Exploration Alliance

The Western Expeditionary Alliance claims that, given the bizarre changes in parts of the world’s exclusion zones,

The whole world should unite to deal with these changes from nature.

It is difficult to solve the problem by relying on some countries alone,

For example, the pharaoh kingdom in the desert, they will capture the people who travel through the desert, which has caused a great impact on the people in the desert, daily production and life.

For example, a mysterious Sengoku General Tomb in Japan has affected many surrounding villages, and many people can see some men wearing samurai clothes and sabers on the streets at night.

The changes of these worlds come from those ancient ruins,

Invisibly, there is an extremely inexplicable force that has been given to these ruins,

Causes abnormalities.

In order not to cause great damage to these ancient ruins, the best way now is to let explorers from all over the world enter the ruins.

Mankind now has a very high level of science and technology and has all kinds of missiles and missiles, but when it is not a last resort, 477 countries do not want to use this weapon against those historical sites.

This move is a kind of harm to the ancient civilization of mankind!

The best way is to let the more powerful individuals in the human race enter the inside of the ruins and solve the puzzle!

Just like this trip to the tomb of Song, let a hermit master like Lin Chuan enter it, almost did little damage to the tomb, solved the crisis, and got the treasure in the tomb.

It’s a big congratulations!

The west called, claiming that he could take out those two treasures to help the archaeology community of the Dragon Country and open the tomb.

However, the requirement is that their Western explorers can also enter it in a team way.

And everything obtained in the tomb shall be owned by the nations.

At that time, in order to prevent humans from killing each other for treasures in the tomb, drones can be used for live broadcasting.

To put it bluntly, it is the Western Exploration Alliance, which is full of curiosity about the mysterious ancient dragon country.

They are very interested in the legendary elixir of life, and they all want to get a piece of the pie.

Of course, the Western Alliance promised that in the future, the opening of some ruins in the West, the Dragon Country can also send its own team into it.

All proceeds from the tomb belong to their respective teams!

After a lot of discussions between the Dragon Kingdom official and the Mojin family, they agreed to the initiative request of the Western Alliance.

They welcome the Western Alliance to join, after all, when it comes to touching the golden tomb, the Dragon Country is an expert.

There are eight great gold families in the Dragon Country, and a mysterious brother comparable to a god, for the exploration of the mausoleum, the Dragon Country official is full of confidence,

After getting the news, the heads of the eight golden families all laughed out loud.

The head of the Chen family said disdainfully: “Their little abacus, I know what it means.

I want to come and snatch our treasure, but it requires skill!”

The head of the Wu family: “I’m afraid that they are a ball, and our ability to touch gold has been passed down for thousands of years, how can the background be compared to those people?”

The head of the Li family: “I am looking forward to letting the children of the family go to their western ruins and raid them once!”

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