Chapter 58 Little Brother! The strongest true god!

Under the aerial photography drone field of view of the chicken strip group, the fog-shrouded sea surface is like a battlefield!

One ghost ship after another, killed in the mist, on each ship, there is not a single figure!

This is the most strange, ancient warships, which did not yet use steam engines, needed to artificially paddle the large bridges on both sides, or raise the sails, to make the ship move.

But now, no one is sailing the ship at all, how do they ~ work?

Could it be the paranormal of legends!

This situation is difficult to explain, and in the face of life-threatening danger, the explorers here sometimes care about this kind of problem.

Of course, hurry up and start the speedboat to avoid those dangers.

On the side of the chicken strip group, all the members were very embarrassed, and as soon as they came in, they were hit by a ghost ship, but fortunately, all the members jumped in advance and avoided the danger.

Wearing a life jacket, Red Lei was rescued by a lone wolf and boarded the other yachts that accompanied her.

He patted his chest with trepidation, revealing a frightened expression.

: It scared me to death, but fortunately everyone jumped off the boat in advance, otherwise it would be dangerous!

: Brother Hong Lei and Brother Xun, they must miss the days of messing around with Lin Shen for a while

: Don’t talk about Lin Shen, I opened three live broadcasts at the same time, watched three program groups, there is a ghost ship in front of Lin Shen, and there are giant squid behind, as a result, Mr. He also drove the boat to the dragon fire area, and now the hull is like a candle melting when heated, which is more dangerous!

:What the? Lin Shen’s side is even more dangerous! I thought that Lin Shen’s side would be relatively plain, so I came to see the big army here, I have to go and see it quickly!

Back to the yearning group here.

Although there are not many underwater dragon fires floating up, it has caused irreversible huge damage to the yacht!

One after another hole appeared in the bottom of the boat, and the sea water gushed up from below.

Huang Lei desperately tried to plug the loophole below, but wave after wave, wave after wave, the entire bottom of the ship was like a fountain, a large amount of seawater drilled in, and the whole yacht was out of balance.

“Can’t stop it, we have to abandon the ship now!”

Fortunately, this special underwater dragon fire does not melt and burn anything except steel metal.

Even toilet paper, plastic and rubber, will not be ignited.

Peng Peng’s shoes were soaked and he shouted, “Master, do you want to leave some supplies?”

Longing for the luxury yacht rented by the program group, it looks like a two-story bungalow from a distance,

There are huge bedrooms for eight people and a spacious dining room.

Everyone’s backpacks are in the bedroom on the second floor, and the current situation is to rescue the backpack first, and put the spare hovercraft inside into a safe place in the water.

Huang Lei responded nervously: “While the yacht has not completely sunk, rescue the materials in advance!”

The supplies were packed in wooden boxes, with water and food, as well as weapons and ammunition, and the rest of the tents and the like, all in huge backpacks on their respective bodies.

At this moment, the soldiers were divided into three ways, Peng Peng and Zi Feng raced against time to inflate the hovercraft, and the two girls, Naza and Damimi, went to take out everyone’s big backpacks, ready to throw them into the hovercraft when the time came,

Huang Lei and Chen Xi, the girl with the greatest strength, desperately ran into the bottom warehouse to take out the fresh water and some food packed in wooden boxes,

Drifting on the sea, the most important thing is fresh water, the salt content of seawater is too high, drinking a sip can kill people!

He Jiong was still preoccupied, nervously sailing the boat.

Suddenly, someone in the live broadcast room found an abnormality.

; I’m through! What about the little brother, where did the little brother run?

: I Nima! What about the little brother, how does the director do things, I beg you to quickly find an electronics factory class, the most important little brother you can follow?

: Such a big person, how come it’s gone!

All drones began to search carefully, from the sky, inside the cabin, including the sea.

After exhausting the heavens and the earth, but still can’t find Lin Chuan’s trace.

It’s as if the world has evaporated inexplicably!

At this time, Lin Chuan had already arrived on the Warring States Ghost Ship, and when Lin Chuan searched the strange source of the warship with qi technique,

A system prompt that surprised him a little sounded in his ears! (Play 50% and reward two-star unicorn bloodline!)

(Hint: 55% of the play degree rewards god-level crafting ability!)

Bloodline improvement, one star and cold face brother at the same level,

Two-star, in addition to the huge transformation in terms of individual strength and the stronger ability to suppress evil, at the same time, there is also an extremely special effect!

Lin Chuan’s Qilin blood could only help people disperse poisonous insects and evil.

Now, he can inject blood into other people’s bodies and strengthen their bodies!

Perhaps because of the success of a play of the little brother missing professional household, the degree of play that has not increased for a long time has been improved again.

Reach 55% to get god-level crafting ability?

Lin Chuan now understands that anything linked to the god-level, in addition to superb and unparalleled technology, will also come with some special effects!

At this moment, Lin Chuan entered the warship, and in the field of vision of the qi technique, the ghost ship’s inner ghost ship was rich in gloomy and dead qi.

But there is also an extremely powerful vitality, coming from inside the cabin, from the bottom of the ship.

It should be a creature with extremely strong vitality, stronger than the sea monk big squid, but the qi is not so strong.

Lin Chuan took out his mobile phone and glanced at the current live broadcast screen of the yearning group,

All the members of the yearning group are suffering a shipwreck, and the luxury yacht cast of steel, in front of the dragon fire under the sea, seems to break like a bubble.

Without time to delay, Lin Chuan immediately stepped towards the bottom of the boat.

Stimulating the blood of the unicorn, Lin Chuan’s current combat power is several times stronger than when he fought with the Squid King.

Not only the all-round improvement of all aspects of physical fitness.

Lin Chuan found that this time, after activating the Qilin Blood, everything around him seemed to slow down.

You can completely and 100% control your body.

Control every muscle in your body as you wish, and your brain captures all the information around you at breakneck speed.

This, and the zone in Kuroko Basketball! Some similar! zone!

is real, Jordan and Kobe Bryant have said in interviews that in the extreme confrontation of playing basketball, sometimes you can enter into one,

The ability to increase strength, bouncing power, speed, field of vision, and reflexes to 100%!

Like a wind, Lin Chuan ran down the stairs and came to the cabin of the warship.

Here, Lin Chuan saw a huge bamboo-like body like an arctic shrimp!

Shrimp and crab creatures that resemble mutants!

This kind of creature, the neural composition is simple, even if it is magnified thousands of times, it is still like this at this moment, Lin Chuan finally understands the truth of the existence of the ghost ship, and

Why do ghost ships run in the sea without engines and without hand-cranked oars.

It turned out that it was parasitized by a giant sea hermit creature that used the big ship as a snail shell!

For this creature, Lin Chuan searched for the memory of the little brother, and did not find a single cent about them.

This should be counted as a special acquired species that exists especially in this space.

If you want to hard classify, it can be regarded as a hermit shrimp crab!

Lin Chuan knows that in some waters of the Pacific Ocean, because a large number of plastic bottles were thrown into the sea, a special crab with plastic bottles as a hermit was later produced!

It is also similar to the giant creature living in the cabin of a large ship in front of you.

The yacht has been damaged, if you want to rely on a hovercraft, or float along the current, you don’t know the year of the monkey and the horse moon, you can reach the Overlord’s Mausoleum.

Until then, the problem of fresh water alone is enough to kill everyone in the yearning group, except yourself!

After learning the truth at this moment, Lin Chuan moved smartly,

He took out the Miaojiang worms obtained from the previous lottery, opened the incense burner, and blew the whistle that controlled the insects in his mouth.

I saw that in the incense burner, an extremely small black dot flew out and drilled into the gap on the body of the hermit sea beast!

It is worthy of the enhanced version of the worm produced by the system, and it took almost a moment to successfully control the body of the hermit sea beast.

On the yacht, Peng Peng finally filled the hovercraft with gas and, together with Zi Feng, threw it into the water.

In the past, in variety shows, Peng Peng’s performance was a little humble,

But in the crisis of life and death, his potential exploded and showed his most wonderful operation in front of the camera.

More and more sea water enters the yacht, plus the air bed has to hold eight people, eight giant backpacks, and there is not much food and fresh water anymore.

Huang Lei stopped Chen Xi, he felt a little strange at the moment, and when he counted the number of people, he found that he had lost Brother Lin Chuan!

Huang Lei hurriedly shouted: “What about the little brother? Where did the little brother run?”

Da Mimi and Na Za ran up and down, there was no idea at all, He Jiong was driving the boat, and Zi Feng and Peng Peng were just concentrating on pumping up the hovercraft.

Everyone didn’t notice that Lin Chuan suddenly disappeared!

Purple Maple looked pale: “I don’t know, I’ve been inflating the hovercraft on the deck with Peng Pengge.”

Naza’s expression was anxious: “Sister Honey and I just ran back and forth in the bedroom, and we didn’t see Lin Shen!”

Huang Lei scratched his head, how could it be that when it was so critical, there was one more important person missing!

It’s weird and difficult now!

Huang Lei immediately called Yan Min with his mobile phone,

“Director Yan, the situation is urgent, you help me ask in the director group, have you seen the little brother of our group?”

“Okay, I’ll let them adjust the video immediately!”

The phone is still ringing here, and there because the hull of the boat is too flooded, plus the yacht is too damaged, the wheelhouse is completely out of order.

He Jionghuo ran out of the cab, and seeing how everyone was talking, he immediately shouted: “Why haven’t you left yet, what are you waiting for?”

Huang Lei’s expression was bitter, and he was sweating profusely: “Little brother, little brother is gone!”


He Jiong’s face was full of question marks, how could the little brother disappear at such a time?: I just rewound the live broadcast footage, watched it several times, and didn’t find the little brother!

: The little brother seems to have disappeared four or five minutes ago!

: Little brother, where are you? When is this all over, stop joking!

; It won’t come back before, it’s the phantom of the little brother, the real him, has he been killed by the big squid in the sea!

: You fart! I warn you, oh, don’t curse our great Lin Tsai

At this moment, the ghostly Warring States ship actually drove over from the front again!

: What’s the situation? Could it be that the yearning group was in the fog, spinning in place, why did the ship come from the front again and again?

: Is it the sea ghost hitting the wall, no matter what, you can’t escape this endless loop?

: It’s terrible, a weird ghost ship that no one pilots, just passed by, and rushed from the front.

: The only consolation now is that the giant sea monk did not chase after him!: But the little brother is not there, my God, the yearning group will not be the first to go out!

: Now being out is a trivial matter, but life is at stake, the situation is too bad, it is really dead!

: Sanqing is on top, Hongjun ancestor is on top, Haotian God blesses, bless the little brother to come back quickly and safely, and bless the whole yearning group can successfully land on the island!

: O gods of the Dragon Kingdom, bless our little brother and yearning group!: Is the situation so dangerous that I can ask God to worship the Buddha to tide over the difficulties, that is also too desperate!

This time, in the face of the huge warship coming from the front, the completely dysfunctional yacht was no longer able to control, and everyone was desperate.

Huang Lei hurriedly roared: “Get on the hovercraft first, we must live to find the little brother.”

He Jiong said urgently: “Yes, yes, first get on the boat and avoid the crisis in front of you.”

The backpack or something, it would have been thrown into the hovercraft long ago, and Huang Lei was the first to jump down, and the hand paddle brought the hovercraft closer.

Huang Lei helped below, first the girls, Peng Peng and Teacher He finally boarded the boat

Everyone has done their best and acted as fast as they can, but the weird ghost ship in the sea is too terrifying.

The speed is fast and approaching slowly.

The fog was thick and the huge ghost ship gradually became clearer and clearer from just one silhouette.

A huge sense of despair weighed on everyone’s heart, it was difficult to breathe, and the body trembled.

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed Huang Lei was surprised to find that this time there seemed to be a person standing on the bow of the warship!

That figure is long and majestic, but it is inexplicably familiar.

He Jiong also saw it, and he muttered at this moment: “That figure, why is it so similar to the little brother?”

Little brother!

Little brother, could it be that he just boarded the ghost ship and also controlled the entire ghost ship!

It’s also too…..


Everyone did not dare to continue to imagine, it was too incredible, like a myth, who can have such a heavenly ability.

In just a few minutes, you can control an ancient ghost ship that is extremely strange, as if controlled by supernatural forces!

Gradually, the warship approached, yearning for the crowd of the group, including nearly 70 million viewers in the live broadcast room.

It’s all in tension, and I was instantly shocked! The scalp is numb, as if the whole body is electrocuted,

That figure is really Lin Chuan!

In just a few minutes, he actually controlled a strange Warring States ghost ship,

How did he do it, is he a god?

: I Nima, the means are through the sky, the little brother and his work unit are afraid that it is not the heavenly court!: Showdown, little brother, you are an inferior immortal!

: This operation is even more awesome than the opening and hanging videos I have watched!: Little brother, the strongest true god Ding!.

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