Chapter 64 Descending from the Sky to Face the Skeleton Lizard!

Yearning for the group side,

Huang Leiya shouted, and Mimi quickly looked over and asked with concern, “Teacher Huang, what’s wrong with you?”

Chen Xi also hurriedly said, “Teacher Huang, is there any bug that stung you?”

Huang Lei’s expression was anxious, as if burning his eyebrows, “Chicken strips and running, they encountered a huge blood python!”

When He Jiong and the others heard this, they immediately took out their mobile phones, and when they saw it, their whole hearts instantly lifted.

This kind of blood python, today the director team has sent them the tragic situation when the Mark team encountered.

This is a blood python with scales as hard as steel and extremely cunning! Able to swallow an entire adult body in one bite!

And very killing, Mark’s team of dozens of people, equipped with the most advanced firearms and weapons, barely killed one head.

Peng Peng exclaimed, “Oops! What to do, in the face of this crisis, can they deal with it?”

He Jiong: “We are too far away, now we can only ask the little brother, the weakness of this python!”

However, everyone looked around, where was Lin Chuan’s shadow.

Lin Chuan, disappeared inexplicably again!

Back to the chicken strip group,

The huge blood python more than ten meters long gives people a sense of endless oppression.

Hong Lei was trembling with fright, his forehead was full of cold sweat, and he whispered to the surroundings: “We must not run, the snake’s eyesight is very poor, he relies on hearing and taste to lock on to the prey!”

Huang Bo cried: “Chao, are you sure that this big python in front of you is the same?”

The huge blood python was very fast, and a murderous flash flashed in its eyes, and the snake body curled up, and then burst out violently, catapulting towards everyone.

Obviously, the giant blood python in front of him has at least no worse strength level than humans.

As soon as it appeared, it locked the cold quotient as the target.

The blood python is a cold-blooded creature with a strong sixth sense, and can sense that among the people on the other side, the blood qi of the ancient martial arts masters of the Leng family is the strongest.

He wants to be the first to solve the outliers he thinks is the most threatening!

The blood python weighs several tons, and if it is smashed, it will die immediately.

Leng Shang made a sensitive tumble to avoid the blood python’s frontal smash.


A shocking huge pit was smashed out of the place, and the force of that smash was enough to smash through a wall.

Leng Shang cultivates the hard qigong in ancient martial arts!

At this moment, he stood up, his legs were on horseback, boosting a breath of True Qi of the practitioner, and with a bang, his upper body clothes burst open, revealing his strong tendon flesh.

Pulling out the slashing knife he was carrying, he slashed towards the blood python.


The sword light cut a snowy match, the wind roared, and the big knife slashed on the scale armor of the blood python, and Mars splashed everywhere when it landed.

This knife, Leng Shang used the strength of his whole body, with his waist as the axis, even the inertial force brought by the weight of his body was used by him, but it only left a slight wound on the other party’s huge body!

Leng Shang’s expression was shocked!

“Back off!”

The lone wolf of the soldier king roared, suddenly took out a modified rifle, and added a powerful howitzer.

The cold merchant gave up the position in time,

The lone wolf grenade was loaded, and a dark green howitzer burst towards the python!

The howitzer the size of an iron box coffee accurately hit the blood python’s body, causing an explosion, and blew the blood python several meters away when boarding.

The fire burst out, and a large hole was blown out of the blood python’s abdomen, and the black snake’s blood flowed to the ground.

The smell of burnt protein fills the air.

The lone wolf’s expression was crazy, staring at the blood python in front of him and scolding angrily, “Beast, grandpa will send you back to the west today!”

At the scene, the smoke was billowing and the trace of the blood python could no longer be seen.

The lone wolf took advantage of the situation to frantically mend the knife, and one howitzer after another burst out.

The flames of explosions are one after another!

Smoke rushes into the sky!

The audience was shocked at the moment.

: Still a lone wolf is reliable, to deal with that kind of terrifying giant beast, you can only use a big killer such as a howitzer!

: Enjoyable, so enjoyable! Lone wolf awesome!

: If the lone wolf and the little brother are combined, it can definitely protect the safety of all stars.

: Dozens of people in Mark’s team can’t solve the big blood python, and our lone wolf alone is enough.

Suddenly, in the thick smoke, a conspicuous bulge on the ground slowly spread underground.

Li Muzhi glared at the tiger and roared: “Lone wolf, retreat, that blood python has escaped into the ground!”

The soil by the river is as soft as sand, and the blood python is strong, and he can not take him at all.

The lone wolf switches to firing mode, and the modified rifle in his hand can be equipped with armor-piercing shells in addition to howitzers!


The lone wolf frantically poured bullets towards the bulge of the ground, but there was no way to stop the blood python from traveling underground,

After approaching, the blood python suddenly burst out from the spit, and Zhang Wang bit the lone wolf with a big bite.

At this time, Li Muzhi was also on the.

He was tall, combed his long hair, and rolled on the ground and took off the King Kong umbrella, the watchman weapon on his back.


Open the umbrella leaf and resist the impact of the blood python.

The Vajra umbrella in his hand is not an ancient product, but a copy of the Li family later based on the records in the ancient books and the ancient template.

A lot of new, modern technology is used in it! And made of special steel, very strong!

When the three of Li Muzhi were dealing with the blood python, they had already privately asked the other stars to leave quickly.

Against the behemoths, they can’t help much, and they may become a burden.

Although Li Muzhi used the Vajra umbrella to carry the blow of the blood python hard, this collision directly made his internal organs have a sense of seven meat and eight vegetables.

The lone wolf is a natural king of battles, and the more he fights, the more courageous he gets.

The big blood python opened its mouth and bit the Vajra umbrella, and the lone wolf took the opportunity to take out a clay bomb from his waist bag.


Stuck to the wound of the blood python.

The lone wolf roared, “Let’s go!”


Li Muzhi immediately released the Vajra umbrella, and the lone wolf ran backwards at great speed, and just before he ran far, the clay bomb exploded directly.


The scene lit up, the shock wave scattered, and the lone wolf and Li Muzhi hurriedly jumped on the ground.

This time, it finally hit the blood python hard, but the other party’s vitality is really strong, the body is cracked, the wound is deep in the bone, and the scales are shattered to the ground, but it is still not dead.

The lone wolf wanted to continue to go up to mend the knife, but was stopped by Li Muzhi.

He knew that the beasts had the instinct to trap the beast, and the other party seemed weak at this moment, but if he really wanted to fight him, the blood python would definitely be able to burst out with terrifying strength far beyond before.

“Let’s go first, we make such a big move, maybe there will be other giant beasts following the sound.”

The lone wolf glared at the thing, turned away, and went after the celebrity guests.

At this moment, Leng Shang also picked up Li Muzhi’s blown up Vajra umbrella and ran around the blood python.

: It scares me to death, fortunately, Li Muzhi has a vajra umbrella, but seriously, that thing is really strong, and it was exploded so close by a clay bomb, and it failed to destroy it.

: Let’s go, let’s go, this is not the place to talk to Ben!

: That blood python doesn’t seem to be dead at all, why don’t you make up for it?

: I once watched a video where a snake has only one head left, and it can burst out and fly out, biting people’s fingers.

: Yes, the more this creature looks like it’s going to die, that’s when they’re most dangerous.

The force of the previous collision of the blood python was almost all resisted by Li Mu alone, and at this moment he was full of qi and blood, and his bones seemed to be scattered, and he had to be supported by someone to walk.

Leng Shang and the lone wolf were alone, and they set up Li Muzhi’s legs and ran.

The blood python whimpered a few times, seemed to feel that he couldn’t swallow this breath, raised his head and roared angrily, endured the severe pain on his body, and chased after it again.

The crisis was still not resolved, and at this moment, everyone panicked and ran into a forest that Lin Chuan had deliberately avoided before.

This is an old forest of dead wood, and it looks ten times dangerous!

There are white skeletons of huge beasts everywhere, some of which are old, and the whole body is gray and withered color.

There are also brand new ones, the bones are still stained with blood, and those bones are very huge, some of them are several meters high and more than ten meters long!

Li Muzhi and Hong Lei met here, and after running here, the blood python seemed to be jealous, wandering outside the old forest, and did not dare to enter.

Hong Lei turned her head and ran in with everyone: “Great!” The python didn’t chase in!”

Didn’t chase in?


Li Muzhi shouted, “Stop first, we can’t go inside anymore!”


Huang Bo was puzzled, at this time, a big blood python chased behind, why didn’t he run!

After Li Muzhi eased up, plus took the special healing medicine, he was already partially healed and was able to go on his own.

“That thing didn’t dare to come in, which means that there must be something in this old forest that makes him even more afraid!”

Li Muzhi’s words immediately scared everyone into a cold sweat.

: I said that this big blood python, how to chase and chase will not chase, it turns out that he is afraid of this old forest!

: What would it be something scarier than that behemoth? I can’t imagine it anymore!

: The three little brothers, even to deal with a blood python, are already extremely difficult, and there are more terrifying beasts than blood pythons, how do they deal with them?

: But what to do now, the road outside is blocked by blood pythons, and if you go deeper, you are vulnerable to even more terrible unknown damage!

Huang Bo wiped cold sweat from his head and asked Li Muzhi, “Muzhi, how do we arrange it now?”

As soon as I finished this sentence, I saw a black shadow, suddenly killed from the old forest, and rushed towards the blood python.


A large area of trees was broken, and the speed was too fast, as if electricity, directly pressing the blood python under him.

At this time, everyone could see clearly what the black shadow meant?

It looks like a giant lizard without hind limbs, with a body length of more than ten meters, black all over, only the face is white, as if hanging a skeleton mask.

As soon as he appeared, he showed a huge bite force that made his scalp numb, and the python body, which was constantly blown up by howitzers and clay bombs, was actually bitten to pieces by him!

: What kind of monster is this, with a face like a white skeleton!

: It’s terrible, that blood python carried the bomb, but it couldn’t carry his terrifying mouth.

I think he can even bite off steel!

: Look no further, Brother Red Lei, run!

: Run, where to run? I’m afraid you didn’t see the speed of this giant beast when it came out just now, like a ray of light, and even the blood python didn’t have time to react, and he pounced on it.

: Could it be that Brother Red Lei and Brother Bo are really going to be less fierce today? With the landing of the Overlord Tomb on the island, a large number of unheard of giant creatures appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The Dragon Country Taipaleontology Research Institute immediately compared the giant beasts in those videos with some existing ancient fossils.

They were surprised to find that the image of those giant beasts matched the prehistoric creatures!

This time the giant lizard, the dragon country also preserved fossils.

At this moment, a scientific researcher who was watching the live broadcast spoke in the live broadcast room

:I am a commissioner of the Longguo Paleontological Research Institute, and after the fossil comparison that has just been carried out, I can conclude that.

This is a prehistoric creature, scientific name skeleton monitor lizard! It was when it survived in the Jurassic

A super behemoth, a predator of the same level as a Tyrannosaurus rex!

: No, doesn’t that mean that now the chicken strip group has to deal with a Tyrannosaurus rex!

:It can be understood this way.

The people who come here can’t deal with a tiger, let alone this terrifying lizard giant beast in front of them.

The people of the chicken strip group were completely desperate, and the lone wolf was fierce, took out all the clay bombs and hung them on their bodies.

“All of you go first, labor and capital will die with him today!”

: Brother Lone Wolf! Don’t!

: Brother Lone Wolf, you are really responsible!

: The king of soldiers from the Dragon Country, the sublime qi is really 730 is admirable, but in my opinion, even if all the clay bombs explode, it is not necessarily able to kill the giant lizard!

The skeleton monitor lizard was enjoying the blood python under him.

At this moment, the blood python has been bitten into several pieces by him, and the blood has flowed to the ground, and the situation on the scene is extremely cruel.

The people in the running group and the chicken strip group seem to be waiting for death to come at this moment! After that monitor lizard eats the blood python, I’m afraid it will eat them as a snack!

Superbrother’s Adam’s apple squirmed, and the whole person was about to collapse.

Huang Bo trembled all over, and the red lei’s pupils also trembled, and Wang Baobao stuttered when he spoke: “He seems to want to, finish eating!”

There is still most of the python corpse left under him, but the skeleton monitor lizard seems to be tired of the smell of the python.

Supporting the ground with his tail limbs, he slowly got up, turned his head, and stared behind with a cruel and raging gaze.

As if being watched by death, all the people on the scene felt cold all over, like falling into an ice cave.

At the same time, in the picture taken by the drone, above the sky, a small black dot is gradually enlarging.

The director team Yan Min asked the director to adjust the focus and switch the shooting drone,

When the picture was closer, everyone in the director team, including the audience in the live broadcast room, was violently shocked, and at the same time ignited a sense of blood and tension.

I saw a black figure with a hood in the picture.

One hand was raised, grabbed by a snow-white handsome condor, from above the woods, staggering forward.


Lin Chuan fell from the sky and the ground shook.

His eyes were cold, looking directly at the skeleton monitor lizard in front of him, facing the prehistoric behemoth, his aura did not look at the other party at all.

Around him, Supreme Hai Dongqing surrounds, and behind him, there are people from the chicken strip group and the running group! Red Thunder was pleasantly surprised: “Little brother, you’re here!”

Li Muzhi saw Lin Chuan for the first time, and the great figure that fell from the sky shocked him.

The cold merchant of the ancient martial family, when he looked at Lin Chuan’s back, his heart was terrified, he could feel that the other party’s internal qi was extremely strong, probably thousands of times his own

Wang Baobao exclaimed with joy: “Brother Lin Chuan!”

Not only was everyone present who encountered a life and death crisis surprised, but also the barrage in the live broadcast room was also instantly exploded!

: He came, he came, he flew with a Geshi condor!: No wonder the little brother disappeared over there again, it turned out to be rushing here!

: This appearance is simply handsome and explosive, driving the divine eagle, falling from the sky, the last time I saw this picture, it was still the star version of the Monkey King, driving to see the colorful auspicious clouds to save Zixia!

: Little brother, almost all my imagination of the high cold male god, he is my favorite!

: But what is the use of him coming, to come and send him to death? That’s a prehistoric behemoth on par with a Tyrannosaurus rex!

: You fart! Curse my little brother, I will stab you tonight!”

: Brother Lin Chuan, he can definitely burst that skeleton lizard! Definitely!

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