Shao Wen’s eyes swept across his face again, and said lightly: “Although Ziwen is young, but he has a splendid chest, I will not introduce you to him.”
Listening to Shao Wen’s words, Zhao Pu opened his mouth, but finally turned into a silent sigh.
“Don’t you really trust me at all?”
Zhao Pu bowed his head and smiled bitterly, his face a little bitter.
“Ziwen was young and did not know the truth that Mu Xiu would be destroyed by Lin Feng,
That’s why he took the risk of the world to develop education and heavy industry as a businessman, which has now become a thorn in the eyes of you and others.
Your Zhao family is a famous family in Suzhou, but you do business as a merchant.
Thinking about the change in the views of the Zhao family from all walks of life in Suzhou, the reputation that your Zhao family has accumulated for a hundred years is now facing a situation of ruin, so you want to teach in Huayin, right? ”
Shao Wen looked at him without any expression in his eyes and said, as if he already knew why he came here.
Zhao Pu bowed his head in response. The Zhao family was called the scholar family for many reasons. In the former Qing Dynasty, there were many ancestors and scholars in the family, and there were not a few officials. It was only a hundred years ago. It was called the famous gate of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
The century-old reputation is now about to be destroyed, and he has to consider this.
Looking at Zhao Pu who bowed his head, Shao Wen asked lightly, “How do you make me believe in you?”
“I would like to donate three million for education.”
Zhao Pu looked up at Shao Wen and said.
After listening to Shao Wen’s expression, he asked, “Can money represent everything?”
“Any conditions, I can agree!”
Zhao Pu took a deep breath, this was also the choice he had to make.
Money, fame, both cannot be had.
Just like you can’t have both, now he chooses fame over money.
Not how great he was, but because it was a choice he had to make.
When Shao Wen heard the words, he picked up the newspaper on the table and put it directly in front of him.
Zhao Pu looked at the newspaper in front of him with some doubts on his face.
Shao Wen stretched out his hand again and clicked on the newspaper.
Looking at Zhao Pu, he said softly, “Your sincerity should be reflected in this.
As long as you can do it, I will introduce you to Ziwen when he returns to Jinling. ”
“So, Brother Ziqing is waiting for my news!”
After Zhao Pu finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the flower hall, took his son Zhao Zhen to leave Shao Mansion, and turned back to Suzhou.
Shao Xun watched Zhao Pu and the others leave before he came to Shao Wen.
“Father, does Zhao Pu come here to restore the reputation of the Su family?”
When Shao Xun saw Zhao Pulai, he had already guessed.
“You saw that too?”
Shao Wen glanced at Shao Xun and said.
“The content of the newspapers during this time seems to be unfriendly to the Suzhou Zhao family.”
Shao Xun said very obscurely, and Shao Wen laughed after hearing it.
Looking at Shao Xun, he said lightly, “The Zhao family has done a lot of dirty things behind their backs in order to make money over the years.
This time when Ziwen was building an education, the Zhao family was put on the spotlight, and some reporters dug up a lot of the inside story of the Zhao family.
Now in the literary world, many people are questioning whether the Zhao family is a scholarly family or not. This matter has dealt a great blow to Zhao’s reputation. ”
Shao Wen said with a smile, and glanced at Shao beside him.Xun continued: “It will take decades, even centuries, for this family to accumulate a reputation.
But if you want to ruin your reputation, it’s just an instant. If Zhao Puruo persisted, there would be no room for Zhao’s reputation to be restored. ”
Shao Xun understood what it meant immediately after hearing it, and there was a sudden look on his face.
For the scholar family, if they are recognized as a family of merchants, it would be unfilial to their ancestors.
And once this is the case, the Zhao family is no longer the so-called scholarly family.
Zhao Pu was forced to the top of the wave by the fishing reel and faced a situation where he had to stand in line.
If you don’t do anything, the Zhao family will become a family of merchants. Only by teaching in Huayin School City can you get rid of the name of a merchant family.
The reason why Zhao Pu was so anxious to find Shao Wen was that he even donated three million for this.
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The breeze blew at this moment, blowing across the entire flower hall.

On the Lu’an side, after a few days of hard work, I only saw a brand new factory in the industrial park.
Many workers wore dust masks and masks and were busy back and forth.
This factory is naturally a cement factory. After a few days, it was finally established today.
According to Robert’s prediction, the annual cement output of this cement factory is about 180,000 tons.
As long as a few more kilns are added later, this cement plant can become the largest cement plant in China.
Su Yun looked at the cement factory in front of him and nodded with satisfaction. With this cement factory, many of the current problems can be solved.
Robert, who was standing next to him, also had a smile on his face. He was still very happy when the cement factory was really built.
When night fell on the earth, after Su Yun returned to the house, he instructed Xie An to call Du Gan.
After a while, Du Qian came to the house.
Du Gan bowed slightly.
“It’s been a while since you came to Lu’an. How was your inspection in Lu’an during this time? Do you have any specific thoughts?”
Su Yun looked at Du Gan and said that Du Gan had been appointed as the person in charge during this time, and Su Yun wanted to hear his different views as the person in charge.
After Du Gan heard the words, he thought for a while before he said: “There are three main problems at present,
…… 0
First, it is necessary to improve the road surface of the industrial park and the road from the outside mine to the industrial park, which needs to be repaired as soon as possible. ”
He also mentioned the issue of roads before, but now he has investigated in more detail, and he has also visited the mines these days.
After hearing the words, Su Yun nodded and said, “This is a top priority, and it is also a problem that needs to be faced at the moment. Yes, go on!”
The reason why the cement plant was built non-stop is to solve these legacy problems.
This is also one of the purposes of his visit to Lu’an this time. The quality of the road is related to the efficiency of industrial production to a certain extent. At least the road is good, and the transportation of industrial raw materials will be much better.
Then Du Gan continued: “Second, the automobile factory needs to be established as soon as possible, and there is no truck to transport the ore raw materials to the industrial park.
The use of small carts will greatly affect the efficiency, and the workers will be very tired. ”
Industrial production is a completely different concept from the previous small workshop production. Industry is all about efficiency and speed.
“Yes, the car factory really needs to be established as soon as possible, not only for the transportation of industrial materials, but there are many places where we need to use trucks in the future.”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. When he looked at Du Gan, there was some admiration in his eyes.
“The third point is that the heating facilities of the plant in winter and the cooling facilities in summer need to be built as soon as possible.
Otherwise, it will be cold in winter and hot in summer in the factory. ”
After thinking about it for a while, Du Gan went on to say that these three points are all he can find so far, and the others don’t seem to have much problems.
After listening, Su Yun looked at him and said, “That’s all? No more?
When Du Gan heard the words, he said with some help: “That’s all!”
He looked at Su Yun again, listening to his tone, I’m afraid it’s not that simple, he thought about it carefully, but still didn’t come up with it.
“One more thing, you still need to build a farm here in Lu’an. The factory consumes a lot of meat every day.
In the future, the industrial park will be expanded, the number of factories will increase, and the number of workers will also increase, and more meat will be needed at that time.
If you don’t build farms, the meat will always be bought somewhere, which will cause the price of meat to rise, which is not a good thing for the people. ”
Su Yun looked at him and said softly, there are a lot of workers in the industrial park here.
The meat consumed every day is also quite large. In addition, I am afraid that the industrial park will be expanded in the future, and there will be more workers.
At that time, the demand for meat will skyrocket. If there is no farm, it will definitely affect the local meat price.
If the amount of meat purchased is limited, not too much, and it will not continue to skyrocket, it is a good thing for the local economy.
To a certain extent, it will drive the local economy, but the amount of meat required exceeds the amount of local meat to bear, which will lead to rising meat prices.
“Boss, I remember, I must do it after I go down!”
After Du Gan stood up straight, he said loudly, his eyes blazing.
Chapter 88: Cemetery
On March 18, after staying in Lu’an for half a month, Su Yun finally returned to Jinling, where he had been away for a long time.
After a long journey, he finally got off the boat at Xiaguan Pier. After getting off the boat, Su Yun saw a car.
“You go back first!”
Su Yun looked at the employee beside him and said, he was going to see how the houses around the school town were being built.
Xie An then followed Su Yun into the car and took the car to the school town.
In the car, Su YunThey saw that the cemetery in the distance was completely built.
“Go to the cemetery!”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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