“Then I would like to thank Boss Zhou in advance!”
Su Yun said gratefully.
Then Zhou Xian also left from Su Yun.
Su Yun returned to the boss’s chair and sat there, thought for a while, picked up the phone on the desk, and made a call.
“Ding Yan, come here!”
After getting through, Su Yun immediately ordered to go on, and then hung up the phone.
He tapped the desk twice with his hand, thinking of one thing that he didn’t deal with.
“Dong dong!”
Soon, the door of the office was knocked again.
“Come in!”
Su Yun said calmly, and then Ding Yan walked in.
After Ding Yan stood still, he said solemnly, “Boss, is there anything I need to do?”
“Choose a few people from the company and go to Shanghai to see if there are any passenger cars and trucks.
If there are, buy thirty small passenger cars back, and then buy thirty trucks back. ”
Su Yun crossed his hands on the table and said, his face remained unchanged.
He had already estimated before that 30 passenger cars were not enough at all.
This is like in a city of more than 400,000 people, there are only 30 buses, no other taxis, and no private cars. It is definitely not enough!
But there are some things he can’t help, he wants to buy more, but someone else has to have it! Thirty passenger cars, he doubted that the foreign car dealership in Shanghai did not have them.
Now I can only see the situation. If there are 30 vehicles, it can alleviate the traffic problem in the school city a little. After the car factory is built, everything will be fine.
“No problem, boss, promise to complete the task!”
Ding Yan readily agreed, full of confidence, and then Ding Yan was ordered to leave.
When the office door closed again, Su Yun thought about it again, and it seemed that there was one more thing to do.
Then Su Yun picked up the phone on the desk again, this time he connected Zhao Lin directly.
“Zhao Lin, come to the office!”
Su Yun gave the order directly.
“Okay, boss, I’ll go right there!”
Zhao Lin heard the words, and then Su Yun hung up the phone.
After a while, the door of the office was knocked on again. After receiving permission from Su Yun, Zhao Lin entered the office directly.
After Zhao Lin stood up straight, he said, “Boss, what are your orders?”
Su Yun tapped the desk twice with his hand and asked, “Do these factories under Huayin Company have radio stations?”
After pondering for a while, Zhao Lin replied, “Only cigarette factories, flour factories, wine factories, and clothing factories have radio stations.
This is what the military wants to place orders for these factories for free, and other factories do not have it. ”
The company has acquired too many factories before, so there are not many factories that configure the radio.
Su Yun thought for a while after hearing the words, and then slowly said: “Go buy it immediately, and make sure that every factory under Huayin Company has a radio station.”
If there is no radio, it will be inconvenient to connect, and the number of factories will increase in the future, so there must be a way to contact Qian.
Chapter 93: The Simple Is Not Simple
After Zhao Lin was ordered to leave, Wang Qing had already knocked on the door and came in as soon as he left.
Wang Qing looked at Su Yun and said, “Report to the boss, the farm on Meishan has been fully established.
During this time, I have purchased piglets from various other farms. There are currently more than 10,000 piglets.
In addition, hundreds of sows and more than 100 boars were bought. Now there are more than 50 people recruited to manage the farm. ”
“You did very well!”
Su Yun said with a smile, his eyebrows stretched, and he was very satisfied with Wang Qing’s speed.
Then Wang Qing also left the office, Su Yun raised his hand and glanced at his watch, before he knew it, it was already afternoon.
He thought for a while, there shouldn’t be anything to be busy with today, so he can prepare and go back early to take a good rest.
“Dong dong!”
But at this moment, the door was knocked again.
“Come in!”
Su Yun looked at the door with some doubts.
“Boss, Mr. Xu Deli wants to see you and is outside.”
Ding Yan looked at Su Yun and said.
“Let him in!”
Su Yun didn’t think much about it.
Soon, Xu Deli walked in with a smile.
“Mr. Su, stay safe!”
Xu Deli’s face was full of spring breeze, and it seemed that something good had happened.
“Deputy Director Xu, long time no see! Sit down!”
Su Yun said with a smile, and invited Xu Deli to take a seat.
“Deputy Director Xu, come today, but are you going to place an order for Su again?”
Su Yun said with a smile, he had some guesses in his heart.
“I didn’t come here today because of the order.” “Seven Seven Three”
Xu Deli said, took out an invitation and a certificate, and handed them to Su Yun.
Su Yun looked at the two items in front of him with some doubts in his eyes. What does this mean?
Xu Deli then smiled and said, “Tonight, people from the Logistics Department, the Quartermaster Department and the Ordnance Department will hold a dinner party at the No. 5 compound beside Crescent Lake.
I came this time to invite Mr. Su to this dinner. Mr. Su only needs to rely on the documents in his hand to participate in this dinner. ”
After Su Yun heard the words, he took over the invitations and certificates in Xu Deli’s hands, and then he looked at Xu Deli.
“Isn’t it the logistics department before? Why is it now the logistics department?”
Su Yun asked with a smile, his brows stretched out, thinking in his heart that it seems that the movement on the military side is not small, and some things have been changed, I am afraid there is any plan?
But nowThese have nothing to do with themselves.
“Some time ago, the department adjusted and changed some things, so it was changed to the Logistics Department, and the General Administration of Military Industry was also changed to the Ordnance Industry Department.”
Xu Deli said with a smile, he didn’t plan to say more, and Su Yun didn’t plan to ask.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile, “Su will definitely go to the dinner party.”
For this dinner, Su Yun is definitely going. Whether there are some military bosses attending the dinner, it has nothing to do with him.
But the Logistics Division and the Quartermaster Division, of course, do not belong to the bosses, but they have something to do with them.
The latter part of the money-burning plan is on them.
After getting Su Yun’s affirmative answer, he also left Su Yun’s office.
Su Yun raised his hand and glanced at the time, it was almost time for the dinner to start.
Su Yun got up and was about to leave, thinking that burning money in the future would be on these people attending this dinner.
At that time, when they place more orders and pay more IOUs, these light industries make money and can easily burn them out.
After Su Yun left the company headquarters, he drove towards the place where the dinner was held.
“The 5th compound of Crescent Lake.”
Su Yun instructed the driver, and then the car drove in the direction of Crescent Lake.
Crescent Lake is located in the East City of Jinling City, and the No. 5 compound has always been under the jurisdiction of the military.
When Su Yun came to the intersection in the car, he was stopped.
The driver turned to look at Su Yun, there was a barricade set up here, and he couldn’t get in.
And then several soldiers stationed there stretched out their hands to signal to stop, and then walked towards the car.
“Please show your ID!”
A soldier said calmly, he looked ahead, and there was no impurities in his eyes.
In the latter area, if you do not have a certificate, you will not be allowed to enter.
This is why Xu Deli gave Su Yun a certificate after giving the invitation.
Su Yun showed his credentials, and the soldier nodded after looking at his credentials.
“Mr. Su, you can enter, but you can’t bring other people, including cars!”
The soldier stood up straight and said.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, put away his documents, and got out of the car. A black military car drove over.
“Mr. Su, please!”
The soldier trotted over, opened the car door, and Su Yun took the opportunity to get into the military car and head to the No. 5 compound.
The military car stopped at the No. 5 compound, handed the invitation to the soldier at the door, and walked into the No. 5 compound.
Su Yun saw the screen in front of him at a glance, and the screen blocked the inner scene, making it looming.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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