Like any elementary school, one teaching building is definitely not enough.
Cover hard.
A row of teaching buildings is full.
Isn’t high school an experiment? Is there always a place to eat?
All over.
There are seven or eight experimental buildings, and every experiment is done again.
There are five or six in the canteen.
There are also libraries, etc.
Not to mention university.
Full set!
It’s all full.
Playgrounds, lecture halls, and basketball courts are all set up. At that time, the greater the investment, the more students will lose in the end.
“No, it’s not enough. If you want to repair it, repair the school town, or even…”
Su Yun’s eyes became brighter and brighter.
If you build a school town and then build up the infrastructure in the school town, the money you need will be gone.
Don’t be afraid, isn’t the system asking me to invest in this product anyway? Don’t you want me to lose money? This is not easy, educate this gold swallowing beast here, no matter how much money you have, you will lose it.
Su Yun couldn’t help but start to fantasize.
The money prepared by the system for him will be his own at that time.
Simply fantastic.
He now feels like a genius.
Su Yun felt that he couldn’t sleep today just thinking about it.
Chapter 13: I’m not afraid of you accepting it, but I’m afraid that you won’t accept it
“Ok, deal!”
Su Yun made up his mind, but then he thought, with a school, you need to recruit teachers.
Hiring teachers is good, this is another expense.
It was just that there was no channel, which made Su Yun embarrassed for a while, but soon a smile appeared on his face.
“Isn’t there a government?”
He has no channels.
Doesn’t the government have it yet?
What’s more, he knows that education in this era is not good, but it does not mean that the above does not pay attention to education. Some time ago, didn’t the newspapers still say that the chairman gave instructions at the meeting to educate and rejuvenate the country?
If you ask the Ministry of Education to help you, it shouldn’t be a big problem. If they don’t want to help, it’s even easier.
The so-called wealth can make a ghost run the mill, that is, I don’t know how to manage officials, whether it is an investment or not.
“System, if I use money to manage officials’ preparations for the school, will it be considered a commercial investment?”
Su Yun asked about the system.
“Forget it! You use money to manage officials, and the officials will give you returns in terms of policies and convenience. It belongs to the relationship between investment and return, and it is an investment.”
The system replied mechanically.
Su Yun was happy when he heard it.
To let people do things, you must give some motivation and something.
Otherwise who will work for you?
Isn’t this a place to spend money again?
When he thought of this, he immediately felt that the future was bright.
Su Yun looked out the window.
Those clouds are waving to themselves like a lot of banknotes.
“Boom, boom, boom!”
Just as he was preparing to go to the Ministry of Education, there was a hurried knock on the door.
“The shopkeeper!”
I saw Zhao Lin came in at this time.
“What’s the matter, why are you in a hurry?”
Su Yun frowned and said.
“Wang Yuan, Secretary General of Jinling City Hall, invites you to visit the mansion at No. 86 Xingdaoli.”
Zhao Lin replied.
“Jinling City Hall?”
Su Yun raised his eyebrows, and his heart suddenly understood.
The business of Shengqing Restaurant is so good, it will definitely be noticed by others.
Ordinary people don’t know who is the owner of Shengqing Restaurant, but these officials can definitely find out.
As for why Wang Yuan checked himself, he even sent someone to find him.
Don’t just want money, he knows this by heart.
These guys are very interested in money.
“Exactly what I want!”
Su Yun thought to himself.
They wanted money, he was going to ask them for help, and that was it.
“Go, go get a long experience!”
Su Yun said with a smile, left the room and came to the front desk of Xinyue Restaurant.
“Bring me 10,000 oceans in a box, I’ll use it later!”
Su Yun instructed the guys to prepare quickly.
Ten thousand now the ocean will be installed in a short while.
Zhao Lin asked the four guys to carry it out, and stopped a few rickshaws for Su Yun. Su Yun took the people straight to the mansion No. 86.

Jinling City, inside the city, the mansion at No. 86 Xingdaoli.
Su Yun and the others got off the rickshawAfter that, when I looked up, I saw the mansion in front of me. The house number next to it had the words 86 on it.
Through the iron fence, you can see that behind the gate of the mansion is a flowerbed and meadow, and some precious flowers and plants are planted in the flowerbed.
Su Yun couldn’t help showing a smile when he saw these, and then looked at the white marble pillars on both sides of the gate, and raised his eyebrows even more.
He could see that this Wang Yuan is not an honest guy. The salary of a secretary of the city hall doesn’t seem to be very high, right? Can you afford to live in a mansion like this?
After entering the mansion, I found that the flowerbed and grass were just the tip of the iceberg, and there was a long corridor behind the gate.
There are two gardens on both sides of the promenade, which made Su Yun even more surprised. From the configuration of the two gardens, it is enough to see that this mansion covers a large area and the price is not cheap.
There is also a fountain in one of the gardens.
The decoration can be said to be quite stylish.
You can tell it’s a rich family.
However, as a secretary of the city hall, Wang Yuan’s position is not bad, but his monthly salary is not very high.
If you want to buy this place, you don’t have to work hard.
“I’ve come to the right place today!”
Su Yun raised his brows and thought to himself.
“Please come in, the Secretary-General has been waiting inside for a long time.”
At this moment, a man in Tsing Yi came over and said respectfully.
Su Yun nodded.
Then several people entered the mansion under the leadership of the man in Tsing Yi.
“Please come in!”
Su Yun and the others were walking on the corridor, and many servants stood on both sides respectfully to welcome him.
But after a few people entered the mansion, they suddenly became enlightened.
The mansion has a corridor leading to the living room
The hallway can be described as extremely luxurious.
Precious plants and trees are neatly placed on both sides.
There are also murals on the walls.
Everywhere along the road, there are various antique decorations.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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