Su Yun looked at Xie An and asked.
“This morning, the second of the hostel found more than ten people dead at the door, with guns on them!”
Xie An said to Su Yun with a look of admiration.
Hearing that, his brows slightly wrinkled, someone died, this is not a good sign, it is still at the door of the hotel where he lives.
After Xie An finished speaking, he added: “Now the police have come to take these corpses back, and I don’t know who committed the ruthless hand. More than ten lives, all of them are still young people, so they died like this~¨.”
Xie An said with another expression of admiration.
“It seems uneasy here!”
Su Yun said, shaking his head slightly, he died on the first day of his arrival, so he should not be affected.
If these people accidentally hurt themselves, it would be bad luck.
“Wang Qing!”
Su Yun couldn’t control so much, and immediately called Wang Qing over.
Wang Qing came to Su Yun and asked, “Do you have any orders from the shopkeeper?”
“Tell our people to eat breakfast quickly, then refuel the military truck and go, don’t delay here!”
Su Yun instructed to go on, it is better to leave this place this morning.
After Wang Qing took the order, he hurriedly ran to wake up the nurses. He was speechless. It was this time, and the nurses were still sleeping. I don’t know if they had any consciousness, but the bosses all got up.
After breakfast, Su Yun and the others set off again.
The moment he got into the military truck, his heart was a little calmer.
Walking on the road, you will not be accidentally injured, right?
But what he didn’t know was that on both sides of the road he had to go to Lu’an, there would be some young people wearing the coarse cotton clothes of the common people on both sides of the road from time to time.
These people are not like ordinary people.
Their temperament and their clothes seem to be out of tune.
They have a straight upper body and sharp eyes, and they seem toAlways watching every move around you.
As if he was on guard for something.
Others braved the heavy snow and drove ox carts on the road.
The heavy snow covered them, and they didn’t seem to be affected in any way.
In a distant mountain pass, there is a group of people, all wearing ordinary people’s clothes.
The leader of the group had a bulging waist and was wearing a blue cotton suit. He seemed to be the leader of the crowd.
His eyes are extremely sharp, looking straight ahead, not angry but powerful.
After a while, a young man in a gray padded jacket ran over from a distance.
“Boss, both sides of the road have been cleared, and there’s no one else left.”
The young man in the gray padded jacket squatted on the ground and looked at the man in the blue padded jacket.
“Have the patrol team been arranged? There must be no mistakes in this mission, otherwise the above will not spare us.”
The man in the blue padded jacket asked in a deep voice.
“Boss, don’t worry! The brothers in the patrol team are all arranged to patrol this section of the road secretly.
As long as there is an emergency, more than 50 elites can be assembled to protect Mr. Su within ten minutes. ”
The young man in gray padded clothes looked at the man and said with certainty.
The man in the blue padded jacket nodded in response.
He didn’t speak, his sword eyebrows stretched.
Then at this time, a man wearing a common people’s padded clothes with a radio station on his back came.
The radio station behind him and the padded clothes on his body look very inappropriate, and his radio station looks very awkward on him.
He looked at the man in the blue padded jacket and said, “Boss, there is news from above that the ninth division stationed in Hefei has dispatched an infantry battalion on the way to respond to Mr. Su.
The infantry battalion behind will protect Mr. Su’s safety all the way until Mr. Su returns to Jinling. ”
“Okay! Very good, the order goes on. In the section where the infantry battalion did not receive Mr. Su, everyone opened their eyes to me. As long as any suspicious person tries to approach Mr. Su, they will be arrested immediately. If they resist, they will be shot!”
The man in the blue padded jacket said sharply.

Su Yun was sitting in the military truck at this time.
Little did he know that on his way to Lu’an, hundreds of people were running around in the snow for his safety.
“Should be able to arrive in Hefei today, right?”
At this time, he calculated in his mind.
The distance from Quanjiao County to Hefei is about 140 kilometers.
It is snowing now, the road is not easy to walk, and the visibility is also low. The speed of the truck is very slow, and it can only run more than ten kilometers in an hour.
“I should be able to reach Hefei smoothly tonight!”
Su Yun thought that it was almost the same time at night, and after arriving in Hefei, it was close to Lu’an, and he had to hurry up.
At this time, in Jinling City, at the headquarters of the Military Statistics Bureau, Dai Yunong sat in his place with a gloomy expression on his face.
How long after the chairman’s order, Su Yun was shot and killed right under his nose. Isn’t this slapping him in the face?
Fortunately, his people are vigilant enough. Once Su Yun encounters an accident, his position will not be guaranteed.
Just then, there was a knock on the door.
“Come in!”
A low voice came out of his mouth.
After one of his subordinates came in, he glanced at Dai Yunong and found that his face was not very good, his face became serious, and he said seriously: “Officer, there is news over there, the journey is normal, and no suspicious people have been found!”
Their people checked it several times, and they were even about to dig three feet into the ground, but still no suspicious people were found.
However, they have stepped up inspections, and they dare not neglect at all.
“Let Lu Anshan over there be careful. If he finds out that someone with bad intentions can approach Mr. Su, he won’t come to see me!”
A cold, emotionless voice came out of his mouth.
After the subordinate took the lead, he quickly backed out. Now that the boss is angry, he doesn’t dare to touch the bad head.
After that, Dai Yunong was the only one left in the entire office.
Dai Yunong sat on the chair, crossed his hands, and placed it on the table.
“Who is it?”
He thought to himself, frowning slightly, who in the end wanted Su Yun’s life?
He had done a very comprehensive investigation on Su Yun before, and he had done investigations on the people Su Yun had been in contact with in business in the past few months, and then at the Jinling Chamber of Commerce.
Su Yun has been running Xinyue Restaurant and Shengqing Restaurant for the past few months. Is it because his peers are jealous?
Just thinking of this, Dai Yunong shook his head again, thinking it was unlikely.
Xinyue Restaurant has small profits but quick turnover. Although there are many guests who come to eat, the profit is not much higher than that of other restaurants.
It doesn’t make sense to be jealous and send someone to assassinate if it’s just a little more profit. What’s more, more than a dozen people are carrying guns, which is not something a restaurant owner can do.
Shengqing Restaurant is also impossible, taking the high-end route and having no competitors.
Dai Yunong was a little worried as he thought about it, and he couldn’t imagine who wanted to attack Su Yun.
“‘ ‘Damn, who the hell wanted to attack him? Education and industry are out of the question, and he…”
Dai Yunong muttered to himself but suddenly stopped, his eyes narrowed slightly.
“The human heart, is it the human heart?”
As Dai Yunong spoke, he had some thoughts in his heart.
At this moment, the door of the office was knocked again.
“Come in!”
A young man walked in with a telegram.
“Bureau seat, there is news from the people in Quanjiao County. They identified the bodies in the police station. They seem to be members of the Xiaodao Society.”
The young man looked at Dai Yunong and said with a serious face.
“Are you sure? Why did the people of the Xiaodao Society go to Jiangbei?”
Dai Yunong frowned slightly.
“It shouldn’t be wrong. Our people said they found snake-shaped flying knives on those people.”
young manLooking at Dai Yunong, he said.
Dai Yunong stood up and punched the table.
“It’s a goddamn knife club, they are so rampant.”
After speaking, he picked up the phone and dialed a number to go out.
“Get me the Secret Service.”
Then he ordered: “Arrange staff immediately and secretly arrest everyone in the Xiaodao Society tonight.”.
His eyes were dark, and his tone became a little heavier. After he ordered, he put down the phone (Zhao Li’s).
And just after he put down the phone, a middle-aged man knocked on the door of the office with a document and walked in.
“Bureau seat, after our investigation, we found that there were people following Mr. Su’s courtyard during this time.”
The middle-aged man said and handed the document to Dai Yunong.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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