When they got out of the car, Mr. Zhang saw that the crowd was full of people, and the entrance of Huayin Company’s headquarters was almost crowded.
Long dragons lined up one after another, and Zhang Laosan was surprised when he saw it.
“Don’t worry everyone, come one by one!”
There was also the voice of Huayin employees maintaining order at the scene, while Zhang Laosan dragged his children and lined up.
Unconsciously, after a few hours, it was finally Zhang Laosan’s turn. Zhang Laosan handed the wrinkled and disfigured form that he had already grabbed to the employees of Huayin Company.
The employees of Huayin Company then filled out the name, age, home address, and family members on the form again.
Zhang San looked at them, his heart skipped a beat, his palms were sweating, he looked at them and then at himself, feeling uneasy in his heart 0 ……
Fortunately, there were no major problems in the end. The employees of Huayin Company then looked at Mr. Zhang and smiled politely.
Then the employee of Huayin Company asked, “Are you going to use the credit student loan?”
No matter who is coming, Huayin employees will ask again.
When Zhang Laosan heard the words, he looked around nervously, and when he finally got close, he said cautiously, “Yes!”
Registration at Huayin’s headquarters is still proceeding in an orderly manner.
Su Yun and Shao Wen looked at the crowd of people in front of them, and both had feelings in their hearts.
“Ziwen, do you know? This old man never thought that teaching the world would one day be so close to this old man. What the sages of all dynasties wanted to do but failed to do, has been accomplished in your hands.”
Shao Wen couldn’t help sighing. He had a panoramic view of the enrolled students in front of him, as if the whole country was in front of him.
Su Yun was silent when he heard the words, but his heart was happy.
So many people came to sign up, more than he expected, the money will definitely be spent,
“I’m afraid the school city can’t hold it!”
Su Yun thought to himself, but if there were so many people, the current school town would be too small.
But even so, Su Yun did not stop enrolling students, and let the people from Huayin Company continue to apply.
Su Yun already had plans in his heart.

Early the next morning, Su Yun came to the office, then picked up the phone and called Ding Yan.
“Ding Yan, come here!”
After Su Yun thought about it, he called Ding Yan over.
“Boss, do you have any orders?”
Ding Yan hurried over.
“Call Zhao Qingshan back from outside the city, and then notify everyone in Huayin Company to go to the conference hall to hold an emergency meeting.”
“Okay, boss, I’ll notify you right away!”
After Ding Yan took the order, he immediately went to deal with it.
It didn’t take long for a lot of people to gather in the conference room, and Zhao Qingshan also rushed back from outside the city.
Zhao Qingshan’s face was a little puzzled. After all, he was in a hurry recently, and he was basically in the construction site outside the city.
Suddenly he was forcibly summoned to come back for the meeting, but he wondered what was going to happen?
“I’m so anxious to let everyone over today, mainly because the company currently has several decisions to announce.”
Su Yun stood in the middle, looked at everyone, and said aloud, his face was serious.
All the employees sat upright and no one spoke.
“First, I decided to set up a new company called Huayin Construction Company.
Huayin Construction Company is a subsidiary of Huayin Group”
Su Yun glanced at everyone sitting in the conference hall.
They were not surprised by this 4.2 point. The contractors on the construction site outside the city were all employees of Huayin Company.
It’s just that the engineering of the school city outside the city is large, and the Huayin Company has not been established for a long time, and many departments have not been established..
After things are slowly sorted out, it is normal to establish various departments and subsidiaries.
“Zhao Qingshan!”
Su Yun then called by name.
Zhao Qingshan quickly stood up and said seriously: “Boss, I’m here, what’s your order?”
“You will be the general manager of Huayin Construction Company in the future, responsible for the company’s construction and other matters.”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Qingshan and said sternly, Zhao Qingshan was the general person in charge of the school town before, and his performance was quite good.
“Please rest assured, boss, that I will not fail the company’s expectations for me!”
Zhao Qingshan said with excitement on his face, that was the general manager, but he never thought he would do this.
Su Yun nodded in response when he heard the words, and then continued: “The Huayin School City that has been built now is officially named the first district of Huayin School City!”
After finishing speaking, Su Yun pondered for a while, and then called by name: “Fang Mingshan!”
“Boss, I’m here, is there anything I can do?”
After Fang Mingshan stood up, he said with a serious expression on his face.
“You take people to negotiate the purchase of land, buy a lot of land nearby, and build the second district!”
Su Yun looked at Fang Mingshan and said sternly, there are so many people signing up now that the original school said it could no longer accommodate it.
Now there is only one way, that is to expand, and then expand to the second district.
Chapter 75: The industry that takes off in an emergency
“Finally, it is about the specific arrangements for the second district of Huayin School City.”
After Fang Mingshan took the lead, Su Yun looked at the employee in front of him and said, and then called by name: “Zhao Qingshan!”
“Boss, I’m here, you can tell me!”
“The construction task of the second district, hurry up and build it before the school starts.”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Qingshan and said that once the New Year’s Eve is over, the school will start, so the construction period is short.
“No problem, boss, it will be fixed in a month.”
Zhao Qingshan said sternly, full of confidence.
After the meeting, Zhao Qingshan returned outside the city and called the other 18 contractors.
At the beginning of the nineteen foreman, he was the general manager, and the other eighteen foreman were in charge of different areas.
“I called everyone here to convey the boss’s intention. First, Huayin School City was officially renamed as the first district of Huayin School City.
Next, Huayin School City will expand the second district, so you will start to mobilize people now, and once the land is taken, start construction immediately. ”
Although the specific start time of Huayin School City has not yet been set, he knows that after the New Year’s Eve, the school will not be far away.
“Boss, no problem, we’ll start preparing now!”
After everyone left, Zhao Qingshan began to ponder in his heart.
The second district is not as huge as the first district, they have experience now, plus some other reasons, a month or so is not a problem.
In the next time, the headquarters of Huayin Company was busy with registration and other matters, and the number of people who came to register every day was still endless and overcrowded.
As for the land outside the city, it was taken down soon after, and Zhao Qingshan immediately put people into the construction.
Time unknowingly came to January 16, 1933.
There was a knock on the office door.
“Come in!”
Su Yun said lightly without raising his head.
“Boss, the commander of the ninth division, Li F, sent a telegram saying that more than a dozen factories have been completed, and the machinery and equipment have arrived before.”
Ding Yan stood at the desk and looked at you, Su Yun said.
“You go and send a telegram to Master Li, saying that after the new year, you will build housing for industrial talents, which is very troublesome.”
Su Yun didn’t expect the construction of the plant to be so fast, but it’s normal to think about it. As one of the industrial parks of Huayin Company in the future, there are indispensable employees, and it is time to build the dormitory.
“No problem, boss, I’ll do it now!”
After Ding Yan left, Su Yun looked at the document for a while, and then looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky outside. He couldn’t help shaking his head slightly, got up and left the company.
Walking on the street, looking at some people in a hurry around, and the New Year’s goods on display, it seems that there is a little bit of New Year’s flavor.
“I’ve been here for so long without knowing it. This year should be my first New Year’s Eve, right?”
Su Yun had a little sigh in his heart, and he had been in this era for so long before he knew it.
As he was thinking in his mind, more than a dozen military trucks passed by not far from him, and then drove out of the city.
Looking at this scene, and looking towards the north of the city, his lips were slightly squeamish.
As the New Year’s Eve was approaching, more than a dozen trucks were pulling east and west north at one time, and he had already guessed some reasons in his mind.
He stretched out his hand and closed his clothes, looked at the snowflakes that were getting bigger and bigger, shook his head slightly, and went back to the company headquarters for a car ride home.
Back at the door of the house, I saw a middle-aged man wearing a military uniform inside and a military coat outside walking back and forth at the door.
“You are?”
Su Yun got out of the car and looked at him and asked in amazement.
“Hello, Mr. Su, I have something to discuss with you.”
The middle-aged man looked at Su Yun and smiled gently.
“Please, let’s go in and talk slowly.”
After Su Yun took the middle-aged man and sat down in the hall, he didn’t speak.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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