Chapter 57 “The Abyss Supreme Treasure”! Rich loot!!

The moment Nanjing walked out of the flames in the sky, the new armor in the form of a hot flowing black hole was revealed!

The originally pure white armor turned orange-red in the heat flow mode, and the combat units on both shoulders became energy-like levitation units! Secondly, the special transformation furnace on the chest completely turned into a black black hole.

Finally, the black hole trigger is in heat flow mode, and the meter takes on a pure black attitude!

“This is the form of a hot flow black hole…!”

Nanjing can feel a huge power, which is far more than dozens of times the black hole form!

Dozens of times here, but tens of times under the fifty-fold increase… If you say that it only used eighty percent of its strength before.

Then now he, in the form of a hot flow black hole, is enough to kill Wan Yan in seconds! The gap in strength is so large.

“New form…?”

“What the hell is going on?”

Witnessing Wan Yan, I was a little confused.

Why did Southview appear with new powers twice? Moreover, it can increase the power span by dozens of times…?

In Nanjing’s body, there may be some unknown secret lurking! And yet, right then.


Nanjing appeared behind Wan Yanyan.

There was no movement, no sign!


In Wan Yan’s vision, the south view seemed to have suddenly disappeared.

But her perceptual unit reacted immediately… At this moment, Nanjing is behind her!

Without any hesitation, Wan Yan turned around and slashed out with a silver blade at the same time! Swish!!

The silver blade slashed out a blade-shaped impact slash and went straight to Nanjing’s chest.

But the moment the blade-shaped impact slashed in front of Nanjing’s body, it turned into a particle point of light and dissipated.

“This can’t be…!”

Wan Yanxian knew very well how powerful the attack from the silver blade was.

It will never turn into particles and disappear as a point of light…!

Then, it can only be what Nanjing did to make the impact disappear!

“Under the black hole, there will be no objects.”

In a short sentence, Nanjing explained the reason for the disappearance of the impact.

It’s just that whether Wan Yanyan can understand it or not is not what Nanjing needs to think about.


“So what, I have a way!”

As Wan Yan said, he opened the distance from Nanjing. Because she felt a sense of oppression on Nanjing’s body.

That sense of oppression forced her to subconsciously open the distance!

“Take a good look, what is this…!”

Immediately afterwards, Wan Yanjie pulled his hands and condensed a mirror in front of him.

And in that mirror, there are several figures!

The figure in the front, the south view is very familiar.

It was Mu Shenyu from the “other side”…

Behind Mu Shenyu were the others “on the other side” and “Biming”.

Even Wang Jie is among them…!

“I really have to thank you for this meeting.”

“Otherwise, there is really no way to ensure that I take you down!”

Wan Yan let out a chuckle.

Apparently intending to threaten Southview with people from other academies.

Use this to achieve your goals!

“Wan Yanjie, you are taking them hostage.”

“But what do you care about me…?”

The words fell, and Nanjing instantly activated the spatial warping.

In just an instant, he appeared in front of Wan Yanyan!


Before Wan Yanyan’s words were finished, Nanjing’s right fist had already landed on her lower abdomen! Bang!!!!

I saw Wan Yan Huang instantly flying into the air.

And higher in the sky, Nanjing is already waiting for her! The next moment, Nanjing’s right hand was one, and the small black hole instantly condensed.

Against the Wan Yan that flew upside down, it was a violent buckle! Bang!!!!

The sound of the explosion resounded in the sky, and at the same time, Wan Yan fell straight down.

The ten thousand faces that landed on the ground splashed several meters high of dust on the spot! And the south view, only slowly descending…

“Uh-huh… Ahem!!! ”

“Damn, what kind of power is the special code?”

Wan Yan, who was lying in the phantom flame, stood up tremblingly.

She is now completely unable to understand the power of Nanjing, and it can even be said that she can’t even react!

Is there really a knight who can instantly cross from one dimension to another…?


The slowly falling South View, the moment your feet are about to touch the Phantom Flame, the Phantom Flame instantly turns into a little starlight and disappears, and spreads out around, but from the visual effect, it looks like the Phantom Flame is avoiding the South View!

“It’s over, Wan Yan Huang.”

Nanjing said, walking towards Wan Yanma, who was a little unsteady on his feet.

In the form of a hot flow black hole, Wan Yanjian couldn’t even fight back.

So is his current strength enough to reach the “Breaking Knight” where Xu Jinyi is?

At least Nanjing is not clear now, but he will definitely arrive later!

“The end?”

“Do you know how long I’ve been preparing?!”

“I gave everything to fulfill my ideals!”

“Now, definitely not the end time…!”

Under the mask, Wan Yanyan’s expression began to go crazy, but she also noticed that the Phantom Flame had no effect on Nanjing.

Now all she can do is hit with all her strength…!

Next second

Wan Yanyan withdrew his right foot and put on a knightly kicking starting style.

Immediately after, three broken horns appeared in front of Nanjing, Agito emblem, but Nanjing knew that it was Wan Yanxuan’s last strength and her last struggle!

“Pointless struggle.”

The moment when the South View voice fell.

Wan Yan Huang had already jumped up and followed through the first broken corner AgitO emblem!

Through the heraldic coat of arms, the strength and speed of Wanyan Yan have been improved! The remaining two coats of arms were completed almost instantly, and the knight kick belonging to Wanyan Yan came to Nanjing’s eyes in an instant! And Nanjing just raised his hand…!

An extremely dazzling light bloomed, illuminating the entire space, just like the midday day!

Boom rumble——!!

After the light came the sound that shook the earth!

When everything is calm again.

The phantom flame on the ground and the black hole in the sky have disappeared.

Only Nanjing standing on the ground remains, and at the foot of Nanjing, lies Wan Yanjian.

At this moment, Wan Yan looked very embarrassed, and he also lifted the state of transformation.

She is now in tatters, and she has lost a leg…

“In the end… I still failed. ”

“It’s ironic, the top ‘peak knight’ lost to a child like you…”

Wan Yanjian said, vomiting a mouthful of blood in his mouth.

It can be seen that there is not much time left for Wan Yanyan.

“I’m not small.”

Looking at Nanjing, he refuted it out loud.

Just kidding, he’s going to be eighteen soon! Already considered an adult, okay?

Wan Yan Huang, who is about to die, still put this on hold to say that he is a child!


“This special grade holy relic will be given to you.”

Saying that, two “Dinosaur Core Coins” appeared in Wan Yanxuan’s hand, and at the same time, a small mirror engraved with mysterious words appeared! Presumably, it was another special grade holy relic “Mirror World” that Wan Yan had mastered.

“Then you’re welcome.”

Nanjing manipulated gravity and dragged the three holy relics into his hands.

It can also be regarded as his combat power product, right?

This battle is not a loss!

“The last time…”

“I hope that when you see the truth of the world, you will not be like me… Wan Yanyan’s voice was getting smaller and smaller. ”

The moment the words fell, Wan Yanxian stopped breathing.

“The truth of the world…?”

“I’ll untie it myself.”

Holding the two core coins, the core coin in Nanjing’s body flew out and fell into his hand.

“Mirror World” and Nanjing also established their connection with him at the same time.

How to use the “mirror world” comes to mind!

The “mirror world” can bind any existence and can store anything.

It can also transfer any attack to the mirror world unless it exceeds the power it can withstand!

You can even bounce off the attack you received to the attacker!

“Special grade holy relic, the function is really powerful.”

This was also the first time that Nanjing had come into contact with a special holy relic.

At this time, a figure stood on the side of Nanjing.

Even Nanjing didn’t react, not even his perception unit didn’t react at all!

“The battle is over.”

“It seems that I came one step late.”

The person standing beside Nanjing was Xu Jinyi who rushed here.

He forcibly broke through the countermeasures of the mirror world and defeated Nakronos.

But wait until here.

Nanjing has already completely defeated Wan Yan Xuan…!

It can only be said that it is not that he came slowly, but that the battle in Nanjing ended too quickly!


But for Nanjing, Xu Jinyi’s appearance made him have a lot of shock.

He is still in the form of a hot flow black hole!

But even so, the perception unit did not react to Xu Jinyi.

What does this mean…?

It shows that Xu Jinyi’s strength is far above him!

What kind of height is “Breaking Knight”? And what decisive power does it have…?

Many questions left question marks in Nanjing’s mind.

“Xiao Wan, I’ll give you the last ride.”

Xu Jin squatted down, and the moment his right hand touched Wan Yan Huang, he let Wan Yan turn into countless points of light and float away!

Xu Jinyi watched as the light spots drifted in the air until they disappeared completely.

“Nanjing, you did a good job.”

“Your growth is truly amazing…!”

“Tell me quietly, what is your form?”

Xu Jin returned to his original appearance in an instant, and looked around Nanjing to look at his new form!

“…… You’re recovering really fast. ”

“The hot flow black hole form can be regarded as the full power at this stage.”

After complaining, Nanjing still said it.

There’s nothing you can’t say anyway.

Moreover, now that he has unlocked the Emperor Horse, the hot flow black hole form will become his card’s full power at this stage. ”

“Are you in Versailles?”

“You know, in terms of your current strength.”

“It’s more than ninety percent of knights!”

Xu Jinyi sighed and explained for Nanjing.

It is necessary to let Nanjing understand the situation well…!

“Ninety percent, isn’t there still ten percent left?”

“I still have to work hard!”

Exhaling, Nanjing stretched.

It only exceeded ninety percent of the knights, which really made Nanjing not expect…!

So what kind of strength do the remaining ten percent of knights have? It seems that there is still a long way to go…

Nanjing’s answer gave Xu Jin a whole stunned.

He obviously wants Nanjing to have an understanding of himself, who knows that Nanjing himself thinks that his efforts are not enough…!

“I almost forgot something.”

Nanjing snapped his fingers, and a mirror appeared in front of him.

In the mirror, the person who was imprisoned inside by Wan Yanxuan was printed.

The “Mirror World” immediately opened, releasing all the people imprisoned inside.

“Xu is three years old, the rest will be left to you!”

Release the people, and the south view directly slips away.

He didn’t want to stay and take care of the aftermath, and it would definitely be right to hand it over to Xu Jinyi!

“Nanjing, you give me…!!”

Before Xu Jin could shout, Nanjing disappeared in front of his eyes.

And was surrounded by people who walked out of the “mirror world”!

And the south view here came to Yangchen’s side after using space warping.

Yang Chen stayed away from this side after they fought, he was really afraid that the battle scene would be affected, otherwise it would not be enough to give him hundreds of lives.

“What a tiring exchange meeting…”

“Eh, what kind of eyes are you?”

Disarming the transformation, Nanjing sat on one of the few intact grasses.

Yangchen next to him is looking at the south view with a tiger’s eyes!

“This time I saw it clearly.”

“Your new form was triggered by the trigger of the black hole!”

“Can’t you really lend me a bit?”

“As long as you are willing to borrow me, I can be used as a cow and a horse!!!.”

Yang Chen seemed to have made a lot of determination, and his restless little hand wanted to reach out to the drive that had not yet dispersed in the south view.

“No talk!”

The south view is very decisive.

The drive that directly dispersed the waist did not give Yangchen any chance!

“Alas… What a ruthless person. ”

Yangchen watched the black hole trigger disappear, and immediately sat back like a wilt, and his face was full of loss.

“In other words, do you know the truth of this world?”

“When Wan Yan was in a hurry, he said this.”

Nanjing asked casually.

It is estimated that if he wants to know the real answer, he has to ask Xu Jinyi!

“The truth of the world…?”

“I haven’t heard of that.”

“But if there is any truth, it’s not good now.”

Yangchen said and lay down, basking in the warm sun, he was very satisfied.

As for what the so-called truth is, he is really not interested.

“I knew I couldn’t ask you.”

“What do you know?”

Yang Chen’s answer made Nanjing not surprised at all.

After all, Yangchen is the kind of person who is more casual and free.

“Ha, what do you mean by that?”

“I know a lot!”

“Then do you know that in addition to the special grade holy relic, there is also a special existence?”

“It’s called ‘Abyss Supreme Treasure’…!”

When Nanjing said this, Yangchen instantly became energetic.

He wants to prove that he is not a person who knows nothing.

“‘The treasure of the abyss’? Expand and talk! ”

Nanjing heard it for the first time and was a little interested.


“I don’t know the specifics of the ‘Abyss Supreme Treasure’.”

“I actually overheard it from the elders of the family…”

“It is said that the ‘Abyss Supreme Treasure’ is at the lowest level of the abyss.”

“Just get it, and it will satisfy any wish of the righteous man!”

“Has the power to truly rewrite the world, and even the universe!”

“Whether it’s the Raiders group, or the knights who go to explore…”

“Whoever knows it wants it.”

Yangchen’s face was full of proud demons, as if to say, look at me flowing beer or not?!

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