
The moment the transformation is lifted.

Mark tacitly looked at Captain Shaw, who consciously closed his eyes and stopped prying into the alien’s secrets.


Xiao Tian was weak and fell towards that lake!

“I don’t have the strength.”

Xiao Tian fell into the lake with a tired face, and his weak body swayed with the wind.

“The host has successfully stopped the nausea of the thief organization, and according to the difficulty judge, 800 + 200 points will be awarded!”

“What is the point balance?”

“Ding, 1800 points!”

Enough to give an alien, a small reinforcement wave.

This wave of points, earn without loss.

Although tired, Xiao Tian was still in a good mood.

“Hahaha, you got your way, you can attack him!!”

On the small robot, there was a voice of excitement and anger from Mojas!


You can deal with Xiao Tian.


Until today.

He, and his men, saw clearly.

The earthlings who have always been against them are actually a child of his mother!!

A child is actually so strong?


Mark reacted abruptly and looked closely at the small robot in the sky!


And Kraken roared angrily, roaring at the small robot of Mojas, and swam under Xiao Tian’s body and caught Xiao Tian with its body!

With its help, Xiao Tian was returned to Captain Xiao’s boat.

Also under the shelter of Kraken.

Everyone returned to the shore without risk, allowing Xiao Tian’s little broken watch cooldown time to recover!

“It seems that when I have more points in the future, I must find a skill for myself that can be strengthened!” Otherwise, it’s not good to be threatened like this… There are also small lines and small classes that must be strengthened! ”

Points can be redeemed for anything!

Strengthen the skills of the three, you can definitely find it!

Xiao Tian made up his mind in his heart.

“Well, everyone, nice cooperation.”

And Captain Xiao stood on the shore, stroking Kraken’s head with one hand, and waving at Xiao Tian and several people with the other: “Welcome to come back next time.” ”

“What a wonderful fishing experience.”

Mark muttered.

“Well, the change for me… Pretty big. ”

Tian Xiaoban’s eyes were full of brilliance, and in his heart, there were some inherent concepts that quietly changed!

Such a hero as a cousin.


is his pursuit!

“How can I cultivate Heavenly Energy? I really want to help my cousin quickly! ”

Tian Xiaowen had a bitter melon face, looking at Xiao Tian’s tired appearance, and he also felt uncomfortable.

Several people said goodbye to Kraken and Captain Shaw.

Then it’s back to the old broken car.

Xiao Tian bought medicinal wine to play a role, and Tian Xiaowen, who volunteered to help him smear, heal his wounds.

And the news of the demise of Yonamel’s gang was still discovered by people and spread to the Internet.

Because it is not far from Washington City, it should be considered a “masterpiece” of aliens.

For a while, the Internet discussion, boiling!!

Countless virgins, angrily slamming aliens for doing things to kill them all, without mercy!

Peter also had a bit of a Madonna complex at first.

But when he found out the evil deeds of those people, he instantly made up his mind and helped the aliens refute various remarks!

This is the help of animal defenders!

Yonamel is a poacher!

You Our Lady speak for him.

Isn’t it smashing the rice bowl of our animal defenders?


On the Internet, there are quarrels about this topic everywhere, and the amount of topics explodes at once!

At night.

Xiao Tian, who had wiped the medicine, ate the fresh fish he got from Captain Xiao and used Tian Xiaowen’s computer to brush the news.

For his own wind comment, he does not click in.

Whether it is positive or negative, I don’t look at it.

“Huh? So much NYC news?? Spider-Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles… Hey, sure enough, New York City doesn’t feed idlers! ”

When Xiao Tian brushed the news of New York City, the whole person was shocked!

New York.

It’s a dance of demons!!

It’s a city of hodgepodge of beautiful characters!

There, you must be able to brush up on a large number of points tasks and contact a bunch of “famous” people!

But Xiao Tian wanted to fight steadily, cultivate good forces, and increase his strength to a certain extent.

Go to that New York and earn points!!

New York is there anyway!

In Xiao Tian’s mind.

In addition to defeating Mojas….

Going to New York City has also become one of the few things he must do!

One night without a word.

The next day.

The injuries on Xiao Tian’s body are almost better, the human body in this world is generally strong, a small injury, a day to heal itself.

And the old broken car, starting early, headed for a new destination.

Grandpa is always the first to get up.

“Ah, be quiet, you can’t wake up Xiaowen.”

Xiao Tian got up slowly, and Tian Xiaowen was leaning on the side to sleep without any image.

That’s right.

He, Junior, and Xiaowen, the three of them slept in a bunk bunk bed.

Xiao Wei didn’t want to be next to Xiao Ban, so he stayed here with Xiao Tian.

[Thank you 14 brothers for the 100-point tip. Ask for flower review votes!! Today there are still a few flowers, and if you give a tip with a person, you can add more].

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