“Lord Mojas, I want to say, it’s not like this, the one who was stopped and beheaded, it’s not Xiao Tian!!”

His men summoned all their courage to avoid Morjas’s anger even more when he discovered the truth, and he trembled.

The audience fell silent.

Many people looked at Mojas.

Mojas looked angry, and said in an unpleasant tone: “What do you mean?? What you mean is that it was the little ghost called Tian Xiaoban who was stopped and beheaded, Xiao Tian ran away, and only three Tian family members died from beginning to end! ”

He glared angrily at his men.

He wondered.

Is this answer true?

Those four wastes actually let Xiao Tian run??

The four of them already have a way to die!

“Let Xiao Tian run??”

“This kid, it’s really a useless thing, just know to run!”

“The alien with the pulley he was the last time he became! Specially for escape! ”

The subordinates also all glared angrily at this subordinate who was investigating intelligence, and angrily cursed Xiao Tian, who fled.

The subordinate squeezed out a smile, a smile worse than crying, and continued to kneel there, looking at Mojas tremblingly.

“What are you still kneeling for! I know the answer, let those four wastes come back to me immediately, and I will personally ask them what they eat! ”

Mojas said angrily.

If it weren’t for the lack of hands, he would want to slap the cultivation warehouse and come out and ask about those four wastes!

What are you guys doing!

And let Xiao Tian run?

01 “No, it’s not… I’m on my knees because…”

“Scared? I already know the answer, give me up, don’t get in the way! ”

Mojas said impatiently, glancing strangely at this subordinate.

“Lord Mojas. Let’s just say that you, you probably won’t see the four of them. ”

In the most euphemistic tone, trembling and insinuating, his subordinates reminded Mojas that he did not dare to look directly!


Mojas’s volume suddenly increased, and his head leaned outward: “Don’t tell me, out of the four of them, one of them died!” In fact, it was one of them who died, the two imps of the Tian family died, and Xiao Tian and Mark ran away? Isn’t that so! ”

He is very dissatisfied with this answer!!

Everyone’s eyes also focused on this subordinate, as if to say.

How can such an important thing be made clear now!


The subordinate was still silent, his face weeping, and his hands trembling.

“Why don’t you talk yet?? Tell me, which bounty hunter died, I will kill his family, let them die without a place to bury!! ”

Morjas asked with a growl.

“No, it’s not… Is it because of you, Lord Mojas, or did you say something wrong? ”

Subordinates who provide intelligence.

Faced with him for the rest of his life.

The most terrifying Asura field.

As soon as the words fell.

The audience fell silent.

Everyone looked at this subordinate with a look of disbelief.

Mojas “banged” even more, his face hit directly on the glass of the cultivation warehouse, and his blood-red eyes were as wide as copper bells, staring at the subordinates outside!

“Or wrong? Good, good! I give you three options, and you tell me what a terrible consequence it really is! ”

His lungs were about to explode, and he said tremblingly.

“One! A bounty hunter died, and Xiao Tian and Mark both ran away! ”

“Two! Two bounty hunters died, Xiao Tian still ran away!! ”

“Three! Two bounty hunters died, Xiao Tian and Mark also ran away, and two useless imps died! Choose it!! ”

Mojas was furious.

He didn’t even dare to imagine.

This subordinate of his own, if you say, turned out to be the third.

He really can’t accept it!

This is the worst ending!

Two bounty hunters actually died, what a joke!

Smell it.

The subordinates were silent for a long time and did not speak.

Everyone glared at him angrily and questioned him.

“Why don’t you talk, choose!!” Multiple choice questions, wouldn’t you? You can pick one at random! Afraid that if you say something that will die, I will spare you death! ”

Mojas glared angrily at this subordinate and said loudly.

“It’s not that I don’t choose, Lord Mojas. It’s because… There is no correct answer to the multiple-choice question you gave. ”

The subordinates answered honestly.


On the big screen of the spaceship.

It shows a picture of a small robot broadcasting.

Krab, who was cut off from the waist, fell there, without even a head.

The Vulcan monster was cracked in bones, with blood at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes looked at the sky mockingly, as if to say: “It’s your turn next.”

The heads of the six monsters were separated, and only the body was left to lie there.

Diamond King Kong has already run away, and he can’t see anyone else, either running away or simply dying without a place to be buried.

Watch this result.

The spaceship hall was silent for a long time.

The men looked at the bounty hunter like this.

I couldn’t help but feel a chill.

“Ha, hahahahaha!!”

Mojas laughed maniacally.

Laughter broke the silence.

Watch three bounty hunters in crazy X’s pretend to die like this.

Recall that he had asked this subordinate over and over again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Is Xiao Tian dead?

Xiao Tian is the one who ran away??

Don’t tell me two bounty hunters died!

Mojas felt.

Myself TM is a clown!!

Downright clown!

It’s a big deal!

“Crazy, crazy, Lord Mojas is crazy by Xiao Tian.”

“Mom… Xiao Tian, this guy, is really dead. ”

“Earth will also be angered by Lord Morjas because of him.”

Each subordinate did not dare to breathe, lowered his head, and his body tensed.

“Xiao Tian!!”

After the maniacal laughter is over.

It was a roar that tore through the sky, and the glass instantly shook, and a slight crack appeared!


You gave me my first experience.

What is clown behavior!

What is the face swollen!

I want you, I want your planet, to accompany the burial!!

Mojas broke the defense.

The subordinates who delivered the information were directly lifted under his orders, sent to the furnace, and directly burned into slag.

Talk like hyphenation, right?

Like not having a name, say how to die, right?

Die you!!


Xiao Tian, Mark and his group, slowly walked to the edge of the town.

Look into the air.

Diamond King Kong looked resolute and said, “I have a plan to pull Mo Jas off the throne, Xiao Tian, you wait for the next transformation to finish, the two of us will directly take the spaceship to lurk into the Mo Jas spaceship, and find an opportunity to him!” ”

He actually wanted to fight a direct decisive battle!

“No, no, don’t worry, you can go first, lurk near Mojas, and when I need you to make a move, you will strike with thunder means!”

Xiao Tian hurriedly shook his finger and decisively refused.

It’s too early to strike now.

He also wants Mojas to continue sending him points.


If he really went to the universe, he didn’t worry about his grandfather and they stayed here.


Xiao Tian is confident that the speed at which he becomes stronger will surpass everyone!! The 803 diamond King Kong was stunned, looked at Xiao Tian, and sighed: “Xiao Tian, you have the power of the God of War, I see what you mean, you want to become stronger and find trouble with the Mojass army again.” However, Mojas will soon make a comeback, how much stronger can you become? ”


You can’t get stronger.

“Maybe, yes.”

Xiao Tian evoked a smile and said lightly.

“…… Listen to you, you are my boss! ”

Diamond King Kong bowed his head slightly and chose to obey the God of War in his eyes!


The next plan is simple.

Diamond Kong has his own things to do, will go to outer space to do his own things, and keep an eye on Mojas at any time.

He has an instrument to detect the signal of a small broken meter.

When, Xiao Tian constantly transformed with a small broken watch, releasing a violent signal.

When, it is the day of the diamond king’s shot!

Although this is Xiao Tian’s “SSR character”, Diamond King Kong obviously has more ideas of his own, so he does not force it.

“So, I’m leaving. The boss, and the eldest family. ”

Diamond King Kong picked up the hoverboard, nodded slightly, and said.

“Well, wait a minute! Your hoverboard… Can you borrow me to play? ”

Tian Xiaoban trotted to Diamond King Kong, smiled, and said.

“Here you go. You are also a child with courage. ”

Diamond King Kong showed a gentle smile, touched Tian Xiaoban’s hair, and left the hoverboard to Tian Xiaoban!

Just like the original!

Look at his departing back.

Xiao Tian’s confidence in defeating Mojas in his heart increased by one more point!


“Look at my reward of 5,000 points, and think about how I spent the large points I had on hand!!”

Xiao Tian’s gaze was cold, ready to give himself a wave of great strengthening! .

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