
A spaceship that covers the sky is docked over New York City!

Under the overwhelmed, terrified gaze of people.

A humanoid robot, carrying a flying machine, landed on the city.

Armed with cutting-edge weapons, they couldn’t help but say that the moment they landed in the city, they began to wantonly destroy and destroy!

“Hmph, you’ve had enough… And me!! ”

Mojas spread out his limbs, showing the solitude of the overlord of the universe, and actually jumped from a high altitude, like a god and fell into the world!

As soon as he landed.

Directly and wantonly exert the power and momentum in the body, pushing all the buildings in front of you!

Call it by fine-sounding name of.

Warm up!


Kevin, and the elite robot soldiers of Mojas finally walked down.

Compared with the calmness and madness of Mojas’s subordinates.

Kevin was overwhelmed.

He, who has always called himself a bad boy, is at a loss in the face of this situation…

Mojas’s mechanical army.

Just start trampling the city!!

Only the deputy and a small number of robots remain, still in the spaceship, cooperating with the action!

And the commotion caused by Mojas and his group naturally caused the reaction of countless forces!

“Even if we die, we will fight until the last moment, fight until we survive!!”

Countless plumbers, as well as various heroes who heard the news, stood up 360 and came to the location where Mojas and his gang were destroying.

They came with a passion.

“What an admiration… Then you all die together!! ”

Mojas glared angrily, stretched out a pair of ruthless claws, and tore the person who blocked it! ! !

A cavity of blood.

Under the cold murderous aura.

It’s so trivial.

Here, it quickly became hell.

“Run! Run, I won’t fight anymore! Stop fighting! ”

“Please let me go!”

The apocalyptic scene makes people with poor psychological qualities kneel and beg for mercy, or try desperately to escape.

“You guys have to die!”

Mojas kills up, how can he let the enemy go!

He was covered in blood, mixed with various fragments, and released the evil qi in his heart.

Just waiting for Xiao Tian.

His favorite prey!

Except for Mojas and his gang, who wreaked havoc in New York City.

According to the plan, Jin He’s people quickly controlled the city’s water and electricity system, took advantage of the empty security force, and also took down the monitoring system of the entire city…

Take control of all the resources and rights of the city!

And share it in real time with the deputy of the Mojas spaceship.

And so it goes.

Mojas and his party defeated the security forces of New York City and even nearby cities, water and electricians!

Jin and they only need to cooperate and seize the right to allocate resources in the city while chaos, it is enough!

A city.

Just a few hours.

It has already been indirectly controlled by Mojas!

In the suburbs outside of downtown New York City.

The plumbers who heard the news were all heartbroken, constantly reporting the news to their superiors, but they never got the results.

It’s really that the enemy is too terrible.

The superiors don’t know how to deal with it!


They could only wait and wait for Mojas to destroy New York.

Waiting for Mojas to take over the entire earth step by step??

And at the request of Mojas and the deputy.

He actually allowed the staff of a news media to take a helicopter to the city center, where Mojas and his party wreaked havoc.

When the helicopter moves to this.

See the stump and broken arm here, and see the purgatory-like scene on earth.

Especially when a few stray dogs, calmly biting something, run down the street.

The people in the helicopter completely collapsed, and the cameraman could not hold the camera!

“Remember my name, earthling, my name is Mojas!”

“New York City’s today is your tomorrow! If you don’t want to die so miserably, prepare early, and be ready to surrender to me Mojas and beg for mercy!! ”

Mojas raised his head, looked at the camera, and unleashed the most shocking intimidation towards the people of the world!


The old plumber, Phil furiously threw the remote control in his hand, looking at the shaky picture, and the face of Mojas: “This guy let the reporter in, completely out of calculation!” In this way, hearing the media has instead fueled the horror of Mojas!! ”


The strength of Mojas.

It made him very hungry.

“How could it be… Many of Mojas’s subordinates are criminals, haven’t they all been captured by the Heavenly Guild? Wait, what the hell is it all jailbroken?! ”

After watching the tragedy in the world, he investigated the escape.

He suddenly felt ridiculous, ridiculous.


Ahdh’s words also caused panic in New York City.

“I… I can’t sit still, even if I can’t deal with this monster, now that the law and order on the street is so chaotic, I have to go out to maintain order! ”

Peter puts on a Spider-Man outfit and is ready to sacrifice everything.

The four turtles quietly turned over the manhole cover and began their actions.

Heroes, silently paying.

Even if you can’t deal with Mojas, you still play a residual heat!

Just wait.

The one who can deal with Mojas appears!!

Ordinary people, hiding at home, ask for blessings. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And outside New York City.

The people of the United States are the most panicked!!

The whole world is watching this live broadcast, and the reactions are also different, but there is a certain degree of fear!

“According to reports, wild survival tents, wild survival tools, have risen in price in a short period of time, and the increase has exceeded the increase in houses…”

“A large number of citizens began to move to deserted places.”

“A famous actor proposed that everyone surrender to Mojas together and let Mojas kill him, so that Mojas will let everyone go when he is happy.”

All kinds of strange things, absurd things, in a short time, in one night exploded!!

Old broken car.

When the four woke up.

The world has changed.

Mark sat in the driver’s seat, tuning the radio station and listening to the radio, but each station was full of the host complaining and playing up the nervous voice.

Outside the car, there are constantly cars that start early and drive towards uninhabited places!

The pedestrians on the road, for some reason, became exceptionally few!!

Tian Xiao tattooed up and found it on the Internet.

Today’s network, the degree of discussion is simply bursting!

People are hiding at home, asking for help online, discussing things about Mojas!

And Xiao Tian went out to buy some breakfast, but was prompted by countless prompts from the system, it was some people who took advantage of the panic and began to realize the sins in their hearts and began to get drunk and dream of death!

“Grandpa! Something has happened, Mojas…”

“Mojas has appeared, right in New York City!!”

Tian Xiaoban looked at his phone excitedly and wanted to speak.

Xiao Tian walked in with the dish and said calmly.

The surface is calm.

But there was an uproar in his heart.

Finally here!


And it provoked such an earth-shattering thing as soon as it came!

Their kind of city, which is not very close to New York City, has already experienced a certain degree of chaos.

It’s hard to imagine how New York City is a purgatory on earth.

“So… Is it to use “Mojas Happy Man”, or the ultimate evolution of Ben15 to solve Mojas that guy! ”

Xiao Tian slowly turned on the screen, took a deep breath, and said word by word.


They are needed!

“Wait, Xiao Tian, let’s not go to New York City first… Go to Mount Lasimo first! There is a base for plumbers in Mount Lasimo, which is near here, and it only takes us ten minutes to go for a trip! ”

Mark took a deep breath, immediately fastened his seat belt, and said as he filled the old broken car state!

There, there are countless weapons of plumbers in reserve!

They must go get their weapons and everyone is fully armed before they can go to New York City to find trouble with Mojas!


The strength reserve is not enough, rush over, what if you suffer a big loss?

“…… Good! ”

Xiao Tian turned on the TV and looked at the moody appearance of Mojas on the TV, but he still made up his mind and nodded and agreed.

Bear with it for a while, and then deal with Mojas!

Just right.

He also needs to inform King Kong to come and help him overthrow Mojas!.

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