“So even Charles treated me like a mutant?”

Chu Mu invaded Katie’s thinking, and suddenly understood what the situation was, it turned out that when a group of students studied the script in the academy, the more they looked at it, the more angry they felt, feeling that this script was deliberately smearing mutants and increasing the fear of mutants for the people.


The students who couldn’t think about it went to team up to find Charles.

Charles naturally appeased the students, and also told them a secret, “Your director is actually as special as us.” ”

Chu Mu was not surprised that Charles discovered his specialness, after all, he lost control of his superpower in front of Charles.

He was surprised that Professor Charles actually told these mutants about his situation… I don’t know what Professor Charles really thinks.


It was precisely because of Charles’s “leak” that the mutant students felt that Chu Mu was the same as them, and now they felt that the eyes of Chu Mu were much kinder.


“The problem is that I’m not a mutant!”

Chu Mu was crying and laughing in his heart.

He looked at the eager eyes of the mutant students, and didn’t know how to explain it, so he just smiled lightly and gave an ambiguous answer.

“Probably, it depends on what angle you look at it.”

This answer.

Immediately made the mutant students excited, even Jean. Gray looked at Chu Mu twice, they obviously regarded Chu Mu as their own.

After all.

For the people of the Academy of Mutants.

No one went back to doubt Charles’s words.

“Director, director, what are your abilities?” Phantom Cat Katie’s curiosity has always been heavy, and she blinked her eyes and stared at Chu Mu.

The other mutant students were just as curious.

Violin. Gray looked over again.

“My abilities?”

Chu Mu looked around, several of his own employees were not here, he considered it, and felt that closing the distance with the actors was conducive to the filming of the film.

“You may be able to experience it for yourself.”

Finish speaking.

He just stepped forward.

Countless ravens haunted the room, surrounding Chu Mu and a group of mutant students. Gray subconsciously wanted to activate the ability.

But he lowered his hand after seeing Chu Mu’s calm eyes. She looked at the ravens around her, just as amazed as the mutant students.

“Welcome to… Los Angeles. ”

Chu Mu’s voice fell.

Countless ravens dispersed.

Looking at the surrounding environment that had changed, the mutant students all widened their eyes and were speechless in surprise.


Phantom cat Katie After a long time, her eyes were very shining when she looked at Chu Mu.

Space jump!? To say that the biggest reaction should be the piano. Gray, she knew a lot more than the mutant students.

Didn’t the professor say that this person’s abilities are psychic abilities? How could this person’s ability to display this ability to teleport living people on a large scale!?

Violin. Gray was stunned.

She didn’t think Professor Charles’s judgment was wrong… Can a person have multiple different mutant abilities at the same time?

The psychic ability that can move Charles is definitely not weak, and now this ability to teleport multiple targets effortlessly is also extremely powerful!

New York and Los Angeles are not close!

The ability to teleport so many people at once!

The strategic significance is simply terrifying!

Violin. Gray looked at Chu Mu’s face was not red and breathless, and she only felt that the situation was a little beyond her imagination, this person is afraid that it is okay to transmit hundreds of people at once? Oh, my God! Who can have two powerful mutant abilities at the same time?

Violin. Gray’s gaze towards Chu Mu became wrong.

She was originally a scholar who studied the X gene, and now that she saw Chu Mu, a mutant beyond cognition, she immediately had a feeling of subverting cognition.

Let’s be honest.

Violin. Gray now wanted to study Chu Mu’s genes in her heart.

“Huh? This lady, our shooting scene is not on this floor. “Chu Mu was directly teleported to the rented shooting building.

He looked at Jean. Gray stood in place and quickly signaled to Jean. Gray hurried to follow. Now those mutant children are all excited around Chu Mu.

It seems that Chu Mu is regarded as a similar person with extremely cool abilities, among them, the phantom cat Katie reacts the most violently.

Her little face was flushed, and looking at Chu Mu’s eyes was like looking at an idol – it was normal, Chu Mu’s appearance was originally pleasing to girls.

“Sorry, I was thinking about something.” Violin. Gray smiled apologetically, but quietly activated her ability after following Chu Mu.

Leaving aside the power of the phoenix in her body, she also has super telepathic ability and can stun targets through pure spiritual energy.

At the same time, Jean . Gray can read other people’s thoughts, memories, create illusions, and manipulate other people’s thoughts without physical contact.

It can be regarded as an extremely powerful mutant. As a scientist, Jean. Gray couldn’t help but want to find out what Chu Mu was doing.

She unleashed the ability to invade her mind against Chu Mu… However, something unexpected happened, Jean. Gray only felt as if her brain had received a heavy hammer, and her whole consciousness was in a trance for several seconds.

What’s going on?

The pain in the brain eased a little, Jean. As soon as Gray raised her head, she met Chu Mu’s gaze that turned back to look at her.

Deep, secluded… Unusually calm.

“Trust me, that wasn’t a good decision.”

Chu Mu just gently played the piano. Gray laughed for a moment, then turned to talk and laugh with the group of mutant children.


Violin. Gray’s expression was already full of horror.

She knew what Chu Mu was talking about.

The situation just now was completely a warning from the other party!? Violin. Gray only felt her throat tighten, and a huge wave was already set off in her heart.

Such a powerful psychic power, she had only seen it in one person in all these years – that person was Professor X, Charles. Xavier!

A god-like powerful existence in the hearts of countless mutants!

“Is that why the professor values him?” Violin. Gray has already started to make up her brain, and she only feels that she has discovered the incredible truth.

Chu Mu!

This down-and-out Chinese director!

It actually has spiritual power comparable to Professor Charles! So…… Is this Charles finding another backer for the mutants?

For a moment.

Violin. Gray’s inner emotions were mixed.

She was happy because she had found another powerful mutant, and she was also apprehensive, because her actions just now were undoubtedly provoking the other party. Fortunately, the other one is not going to care… Violin. Gray felt that Chu Mu just gave himself a warning, instead of directly ruthless and should be a person who was not more generous.

Favorability +3.

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