When Lin Wei ran, he could feel that there was a wind around him supporting him, speeding up his speed.

This wind is the power of the whirlwind memory!

“How is it possible…”

The strange shrimp doped body glanced back at Lin Wei, he didn’t expect that Lin Wei’s speed was so fast.

It was so fast.

I’m afraid it won’t be long before Lin Wei can catch up with him.


Even if he couldn’t escape, he had to run to the water’s edge to fight Lin Wei.

Otherwise, he has no chance of winning.

However, his idea is very beautiful, but the reality is extremely cruel.

Lin Wei took out the Time Limit Gun, and immediately followed, he shot towards the strange shrimp doped body.

Boom boom….

Several gunshots echoed through the factory, and in the blink of an eye, several energy bombs hit the strange shrimp doped.

After the strange shrimp doped body was hit by the energy bomb, his body exploded one after another, and his speed slowed down.

Before the odd shrimp doping ran to the water’s edge, Lin Wei had already chased behind the odd shrimp doped body, and he could give a blow to the back of the odd shrimp doped at any time.

“How so…”

The odd shrimp doping couldn’t believe it.


Lin Wei casually put away the Time Limit Gun.

Immediately followed.

He will clench his left fist, and the power of the ace memory will pour into his fist.


Lin Yi’s fist smashed into the back of the strange shrimp doped, and the strange shrimp doped body was immediately punched by Lin Yi’s punch.


The strange shrimp doped body fell to the ground, and for a while, he felt numb all over his body, and he couldn’t move.

“How is it possible…”

The strange shrimp doping body was shocked.

He never thought that he couldn’t even resist Lin Wei’s punch.


Lin Wei stopped and glanced at his fist.

In fact, even he didn’t expect it a little, just a punch, the strange shrimp doping seemed to be about to die.

Is the odd shrimp doped weak?

Or has he gotten stronger?

Speaking of which, his knightly power is already one hundred and seventy points, it is he who has become stronger.

Lin Wei didn’t think much about it, in short, first solve the strange shrimp doped body.

“It’s over.”

Lin Wei said with a smile.


Kamen Rider Duo just happened to arrive not far away.


Lin Wei pressed the middle of the space-time drive.

“Finish.Time! (End Moment)”

When the sound sounded, Lin Wei pressed the Shiwang dial and the double riding dial again.

“W! (double riding)”

When the sound sounds, the side of the dial of the Time King installed on the space-time drive is slightly tilted.

Immediately followed.

Lin only turned the space-time drive around his waist.

In the blink of an eye, the space-time drive turned around.


When the sound sounded, a tornado appeared around Lin Wei’s body, slowly bringing Lin Wei into the air.

Immediately followed.

Two pieces of memory mechanics broke away from Lin Wei’s body and transformed into memory mechanical villains and came to Lin Wei’s feet.

Followed by.

Lin Wei’s feet, together with the two pieces of memory, the mechanical villain turned into the shape of “W” and flew towards the strange shrimp doped body.


An explosion occurred on the strange shrimp doped.


Lin Wei fell to the ground.


Zuo Shotaro was a little puzzled.

“It always feels a little strange.”

Lin Wei’s transformation has become similar to that of Kamen Rider Double Rider, however, the painting style is far from the same, especially the special moves.

“Forget it.”

Zuo Shotaro said helplessly.

Just now, he thought he had a chance to play.


The strange shrimp doping body turned back into the Eagle Village Genzo, and the strange shrimp memory shattered in his hand.


“I’ll leave it to you next.”

Lin Wei smiled.

The words spoke.

He turned and left.


On the way home, Lin Wei used the number of times the base reward draw of the designated item was used to draw a new knight’s dial, the Gaim dial!

Counting up, he already had four dials, and it didn’t take long for the task to be nearly half complete.

Just as Lin Wei was playing with the armor dial, suddenly, in his eyes, except for him, everything around him suddenly stopped.

Time stop?


Lin Wei wondered.


Aura stepped out of the fixed crowd.

She hugged her chest with both hands, walked to Lin Wei’s body, and looked at Lin Wei with scrutinizing eyes.


“Who the hell is it?”

Ola asked.

“I am the King of Time.”

Lin Wei smiled.

“King Shi?”

Aura frowned slightly.

To be honest, she already believed that Lin Wei was the King of Time, after all, she had seen Lin Wei transform into the Kamen Rider King of Time with her own eyes.

However, she still wanted to find out why Shi Wang was Lin Wei and Tokiwa Zhuangwu?

“Stop talking nonsense.”

“King Shi is Tokiwa Shogo, however, you are not Tokiwa Shogo.”

“Say it quickly!”

“Who the hell are you?!”

Aura asked pretending not to understand.


In the face of Aura’s questioning, Lin Wei smiled slightly unhurriedly.

In fact, long before he wanted to see Ola, he guessed that Ola would ask this, and he had already made up a lie.


“I am a time king in a different time and space than you.”

“In your time and space, the King of Time is Tokiwa Shogo.”


“In my time and space, the king of time is me.”

Lin Wei smiled.

“Time Kings of different time and space?”

Aura wondered.

For Lin Wei’s lie, she didn’t believe it a little.

Is it really possible that there are different time kings?

To be honest, she didn’t know, but she had seen Lin Wei transform into the Kamen Rider King with her own eyes.


Lin Wei continued to lie.

“The universe has many space-times.”

“Different time kings will naturally appear in different time and space.”

“However, when the Demon Time King is only Tokiwa Shogo.”

“You, as a time robber, don’t you know?”

Lin Wei asked with a smile.

With the system, Lin Wei clearly knew that it was only a matter of time before he became the King of Demon Time.

However, he also knew that Aura hated the Demon Time King.

Now, he is deceiving Ola with lies, and naturally he is simply dissociating himself from the Demon Time King.


He didn’t have much to do with the Demon King of Tokiwa Shogo’s transformation.

Aura pursed her lips.

The King of Time is not the King of Demon Time….

To be honest, even as a time robber, she couldn’t understand what Lin Wei was talking about.

However, as soon as she heard Lin Wei say that she was not the King of Demon Time, she relaxed her guard against Lin Wei a little.

In a trance, she also felt that Lin Wei’s words sounded quite reasonable, as if this was the case…

“That is to say…”

“In this time and space, you are the King of Time…”

“But you’re not Tokiwa Shogo?”

“You’re not the Demon Time King either?”

Ola confirmed.

“That’s right.”

Lin Wei said with a smile.


A smile appeared on Ola’s face.



Aura smiled slightly.


“Do you want to be king?”

Ola asked with a smile.

The words spoke.

She took out a blank dial.

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