Zuo Shotaro looked at Lin Wei with shock in his heart.


Philip was also shocked.

“King Shi Second Order…”


“We’ve seen King Shi strike with this form several times…”


“I think we probably don’t know how powerful this form really is…”


“Every time, Wang solved the doping body with just one move.”

“Whether it is an ordinary doped or a cadre, it is only with a sword!”

“King Shi…”

“Really strong…”

“It’s really interesting!”

“I don’t know when I became the king of the Chonghuang Emperor…”

“How strong will he be…”

“What about the Demon Time King?”

Philip laughed.


Shotaro Zuo was a little jealous.

But…… Even if he was jealous, he still felt that Philip was right, Shi Wang was too strong.


The saber-toothed tiger doper transforms back into the miku in the explosion.


Miku lay on the ground and screamed lazily.

Boom! The saber-toothed tiger memory and the Earth Drive were blown apart.

See here.

Terui Ryu was slightly startled.

“It’s a cat?”

Terui Ryu wondered.


Shotaro Zuo was full of doubts.

“This is the cadre of the organization?”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.

“It’s really interesting…”

Philip smiled slightly.


Lin Wei walked over and lifted Miku from the ground.


Miku struggled in Lin Wei’s hands.

However…… Lin Wei’s big hand pinched its neck.

No matter how it wiggles the little feet is useless.

“So cute…”

Menya came over at night.

“Can I hold it?”

Menya Xiaoye asked.


Lin Wei originally wanted to throw Miku to Philip.

But…… Since Monya Xiaoye liked it, he threw Miku to Monya Koye.

Menya held Miku in his arms, and he couldn’t put it down.

See here.

Ola and Tsukiyomi couldn’t help but lean over and touch Miku.


Lin Weijian pointed to the sea.


“Terui Ryu!”


Lin Wei smiled.


Zuo Shotaro, Philip, and Terui Ryu all looked in the direction Lin Weijian was pointing.

On the surface of the sea… Akutsuken is leaving on a yacht.


Terui shouted.

The words are said.

He hurriedly wanted to catch up.

However…… Akuzuken is already too far from the sea.

I can’t catch up.

“Escaped by that bastard…”

Zuo Shotaro said helplessly.


The nine Aya-transformed Triceratops doped appeared not far away.

She threw the club-like weapon in her hand towards Akuzuken’s yacht.


Akuzuken’s yacht was smashed and exploded suddenly, and Akuzuken died in the explosion.


The club-like weapon thrown by the Triceratops doper returned to the hands of the Triceratops Doper.


Shotaro Zuo was surprised to see the triceratops doped in the direction of the club-like weapon back.


Zuo Shotaro said in a deep voice.


Philip shook his head slightly.

“Not Mizoguchi…”

Philip Drive.


Terui Ryu nodded slightly.

“What do you mean?”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.


Lin Wei walked over slowly.

“You really can’t do it…”

“Isn’t the true body of this doped body Kujo Aya?”

Lin Wei smiled.


Zuo Shotaro wondered.


The triceratops doped stared at Lin Wei.

“Who are you?”

“Why would you know?”

Triceratops doped wondered.


Lin Weijian pointed to the triceratops doped.

“It’s going on now…”

“There is no need to tell you anymore.”

Lin Wei sneered.

The words are said.

He crosses the Kamen Rider Double Ride and the Kamen Rider Police Ride and walks alone towards the Triceratops Doped.


The triceratops doped body changed back to Kujo Aya.

See here.

Lin Wei still walked towards Kujo Aya with his sword.


Zuo Shotaro was slightly startled.

Closely followed.

He glanced at Lin Wei.


“Are you going to attack the transformed human?!”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.


Lin Wei shook his head slightly.

“Let me teach you…”

“Kamen Rider’s method of dealing with humans who deliberately dismantle their transformations…”

Lin Wei sneered.

“What way?”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.

“Is there any other way?”

Philip muttered in surprise.


Philip smiled.


Kujo Aya took a step back in surprise.


“Also Kamen Rider?”

Kujo Aya wondered.


Lin Wei’s footsteps paused slightly.

“Guessed right.”

“But there is no reward!”

Lin Wei smiled.

The words are said.

He continued walking towards Kujo Aya.

See here.

Kujo Aya took another step back.

This time she retreated, she hit under the guardrail, and for a while, she looked a little helpless.

“What do you want to do?”

Kujo Aya wondered… The words are said.

She quickly took out the Triceratops memory.

She has been in contact with Shotaro Zo, Philip, and even Ryu Terui.

She can trust that Kamen Rider Duo and Kamen Rider Police Rider will not hurt her when she is no longer in shape.

But…… She couldn’t believe this Kamen Rider in front of her who appeared out of nowhere! Because! She could clearly feel the dangerous aura from Lin Wei… If she hadn’t misjudged… This Kamen Rider in front of you is different from the Kamen Rider Twin Ride and the Kamen Rider Police Rider! She guessed… This Kamen Rider in front of me is afraid that he has killed someone! She’s a police officer! Deal with this… She trusts her own judgment.

Let alone! Lin Wei just said that he would teach Kamen Rider Twin Rider and Kamen Rider Police Horse how to deal with humans who deliberately dismantled their transformations.


Terui Ryu felt that it was still a little inappropriate to let Lin Wei solve Kujo Aya.

So far…… He had seen Lin Wei strike twice.

Both times were extremely ferocious, and they were directly solved by the other party with one sword, which made him worry that Lin Wei would directly give the result of Kujo Aya with one sword.

“Wait a minute!”

Terui shouted.

The words are said.

He quickly stepped forward to stop Lin Wei.

“Get in the way!”

Lin’s only foot directly kicked Terui Ryu away.


Shotaro shouted.

Closely followed.

He couldn’t stand it.

He quickly controlled the Kamen Rider Twin Rider to stop Lin Wei.

See here.

Lin Wei stopped for the time being.

“Don’t get in the way…”

Lin Wei was a little impatient.

Closely followed.

He dodged and kicked Kamen Rider Twin.


Zuo Shotaro screamed in pain and flew out backwards.

Thump…… Kamen Rider Duo Ride fell into the sea.

“You guy…”

Shotaro left shouted on the surface of the sea.


Kujo Aya was frightened by Lin Wei’s actions and pressed the Triceratops memory in his hand.


When the sound sound, Kujo Aya inserts the Triceratops memory into the interface on her thigh.

In the blink of an eye! Kujo Aya transforms into a triceratops doped.

See here.

Lin Wei turned to look at the triceratops doped.

“Here’s the way…”

Lin Wei smiled slightly.

In fact…… His methods are even more ferocious… It is directly forcibly helping Kujo Aya transform.

But…… Since Kujo Aya transformed himself, he didn’t have to show his murderous methods.


Terui Ryu wondered.

The words are said.

He glanced at the triceratops doped.

In a trance… He thought he understood…

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