Knock knock~

“Did you finish talking?”

About 20 minutes later, Terumi, who was guarding outside, couldn’t stand it anymore and knocked on the door and shouted.

The moment she opened the door, she didn’t wait for her to see clearly.

He saw Ye Cang quickly disappear from view with an instantaneous technique.

“She… Well? ”

Terumi, who turned and walked into the room, was just about to ask what happened to the night moonlight.

However, the other party’s livid face made Zhaomei choke the rest of the words back into her stomach as soon as she said a word.

Wow…… What a stinky expression.

That female ninja named “Ye Cang” really has the ability to make the night moon shine like this.

Seeing Terumi come in, the night moonlight pulled the other party into his arms.

“Ahhh~ what for?”

After a soft exhale, Terumei’s love brain attacked again, and he stuck in front of the other party Yuehun strangely.

Ye Yueguang said that he now needs this run girl to soothe his wounded heart… and the body.

Night and moonlight guaranteed, this is definitely the most uncomfortable feeling in his two lives.



The morning of the second day.

Inside the Hokage office.

Night and moonlight, Terumi, Markey, Hakura.

As well as the group of elders headed by Sarutobi Hinata, as well as many ninja patriarchs such as Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Hiashi, gathered here.

Wait for the ape flying sun chop to announce the decision.

This scene is like a reenactment of the time when Sarutobi Hinata handed Hinata Hinata over to the night moonlight five years ago.

When the night moonlight came, he skimmed Ye Cang, the “woman” who gave him the worst experience in his two lives.

And Ye Cang, who has a serious personality, is still a woman in the end.

After that happened, I was also a little afraid to look into each other’s eyes.

And noticed the night moonlight cast on Ye Cang’s eyes.

Markey, whose heart was beating fiercely, was also slightly relieved.

It seems that yesterday Ye Cang had completed the perfect dinner mission and successfully served the night moonlight (shui).

Presumably, Yunyin will also be on the side of Shayin.

Although the method is not very honorable, it is compared to war.

I can only grievance Ye Cang.

“Was it supposed to have been fun last night?”

Markey thought about it, but felt the serious atmosphere of the scene, and immediately dismissed the idea.

If Night Moonlight knew Markey’s thoughts, he would definitely want to beat these two hundred and five out of.

Happy your mother!

Lao Tzu is still a little dull pain now!

And Uchiha Fugaku, who stood in the corner of the office.

A black face throughout.

He had finished discussing with the clansmen.

Once the elder group made the decision to hand over their younger son to Yunyin.

Send a signal yourself, and the ninja above the ninja level in Uchiha directly staged a coup d’état!

Unfortunately, the Hyuga family, represented by Hinata Hiashi, did not agree to cooperate.

Of course Uchiha Fugaku didn’t know that Hinata was now hugging Night Moonlight’s lap.

I can’t look at Uchiha at all.

“I’m very sorry, Your Excellency Markey.”

At this time, Ape Flying Sun Chopper finally spoke, and the first sentence would make many people’s faces change.

Before Maji, who was stunned, and Ye Cang spoke, he only listened to the ape flying sun and said:

“After going back yesterday, after the old man calmed down, he thought carefully, and indeed the evidence obtained at the scene was not enough to prove that Sunoin was the murderer of Shinnosuke and Rie.”

“Therefore, I hope that Konoha and Sunahide can continue to maintain their alliance, and I also ask His Excellency Markey to forgive the old man’s previous faux pas.”

When he said these words, Ape Flying Sun Slash was strong to suppress the anger that his inner madness was about to erupt.

No way!

If he wants to unite with Yunyin to fight Sunahide together, he must hand over Uchiha Sasuke to Yunyin.

In that case, Uchiha rebelled, and nine times out of ten, Hinata would not sit idly by.

Conversely, if he does not agree to the request of the night moonlight, Yunyin will unite with Sand Yin to fight Konoha.

In this way, his only choice is to bow to Shayin and take the initiative to give up the war.

“Hey, old Wang Ba!”

Seeing that the incident was guarded in such a form, Night Moonlight pouted rather displeased.

Although Ape Flying Sun Chopper would take such a countermeasure, he did not expect it.

But I was expecting more interesting developments.

What a shame.

And Ye Cang, who gradually recovered from the shock, showed an expression like the end of the world, and only had one thought in his heart——

“Dry for nothing?!”

That’s right, isn’t this just for nothing?

Or it is more appropriate to add the word “be”.

Originally, he was in order to let Yunyin give up joining forces with Konoha to attack Sunain, so he took the initiative to join forces with Night Moonlight, that…

And now, the three generations of Hokage have voluntarily expressed their willingness to give up the war.

Didn’t all the things he did yesterday with the night moonlight become meaningless?

At this time, Ye Cang felt the deep malice of the world.

PS: I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m wrong, I don’t drive anymore (probably), almost all the car scenes in this chapter have been deleted, so the word count is a little less, kneel and apologize.

Under review, wow a cry….

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