“Whatever the truth of Uchiha’s death is, it is undoubtedly a good thing for us.”

Tsuchidai analyzed:

“Originally, I was worried that Uchiha Shisui would grow into a troublesome enemy, and now there is no need to worry about this.”

“However, Uchiha Itachi is also said to be a rare genius, and didn’t he refer to the previous Zhongnin exam with the power of one person?”

Because of the relationship between the two tails in the body, Yukito is still a little jealous of the Uchiha clan.

When Zhao Mei and Ye Cang heard this, they also subconsciously remembered the little ghost with eight marks they met when Konoha disguised himself as a shinobi for the exam before.

Indeed, he is not simple.

“It’s okay, that kid won’t have a few days to live, let’s wait and see.”

Night Moonlight said with an attitude that everything was under control.

“Does Lord Hikaru have any good ideas?”

Tsuchidai asked eagerly.

Before the other party asserted that Uchiha didn’t have much time to live.

To say that Night Moonlight has no tricks, they don’t believe it.

However, this time, Night Moonlight’s answer surprised everyone:


Seeing the hellish expressions of everyone around, the night moonlight is worth repeating again:

“Really no, I have no interest in this matter, and I don’t plan to stir it up, just be a bystander and watch Uchiha die.”

The night of Uchiha’s extermination.

Night Moonlight really has no interest in participating.

Ever since Konoha’s Book of Supreme Treasure Seals was obtained by him.

It can be said that the wool of Konoha has been completely bald by itself.

What are those chakra eyes for?

Mikoto Misaka’s absolute ability template has not been thoroughly studied by herself, how can there be kung fu to transplant that thing?

Treat yourself like Tuanzang who is not a person, a ghost and a ghost.

Get those women of yours transplanted?

Forget it, not to mention that according to Meiyu, Hinata itself has its own blood succession limit, and there is no need for this at all.

Even if Samui, a bloodless ninja, Night Moonlight didn’t want her to transplant that thing.

You know, ninjas who are not of Uchiha and Hinata bloodlines have transplanted Sharingan or White Eye.

It is not possible to automatically switch the chakra eye or white eye back to the normal eye.

Kakashi and Danzo, who have transplanted the Sharingan, both need to be covered with forehead braces and bandages.

That Qing from Wuyin Village also uses an eye patch to block his white eyes on weekdays.

I don’t want Samui’s beautiful eyes to become pink eye.

Who changes eyes for serious people?



Finally, because the night moonlight indicates no interest.

The other Yunyin high-level personnel were also not good to say anything.

He could only announce the dismissal of the meeting, and then instructed the members of the dark department under Hakura to continue to watch Konoha’s movements.

And that night, Night Moonlight did not go home, but went to Terumi.


At night, the roof is beautiful.

Under the starry sky, two figures exist together.

From time to time, there was a low tweed sound of Zhao Mei.

Ye Cang, who was under the eaves, struggled for at least half an hour, and tried to escape several times.

But thinking of the importance of this intelligence, he still summoned up the courage to raise his head and shouted

“Light… Yes, sir, there is something to report. ”

See lipstick prints on the night moonlight and on the edges.

Ye Cang, a female ninja with a serious personality, couldn’t help but tilt her face to the other side, and at the same time took out a small scroll from the ninja bag on her waist and said at the volume of the mosquito level:

“Hinata, an urgent letter from Hinata Hinata…”


Night Moonlight answered, ignoring the pile of red marks on the side, pulled open the scroll and began to look.

The news of Uchiha’s death has not been found out by other countries.

Why did Yunyin get the news so quickly?

Just because he is the patriarch of the Hyuga clan of Konoha’s famous family.

“I’ll go…”

After reading the content of the letter, Ye Yueguang sighed in a low voice, secretly sighing that the development of the situation was really beyond his imagination.

“You go and inform the other decision-makers to assemble in the conference room, and I’ll go later.”

Night Moonlight commanded.


Ye Cang turned around as if he was about to run away.

“Tell me directly if you want to, don’t listen to the corner.”

Hearing the whispered words of the night moonlight in his ear, Ye Cang fled faster.

PS: The number of words is small, because of the deletion of more than five hundred words of that aspect of the content, kneel down and beg everyone’s forgiveness…

Plus more compensation, plus more compensation.

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