This moment.

Maintenance crew logistics department.

Savenga and Uyingdam have already been transported back and are undergoing emergency repairs.

Because of this battle.

Savenga started to go to the battlefield inexplicably.

The first thing Shota Snake Kura came back,

Just start investigating.

But unfortunately, no clues were found

"Captain, I called up the monitoring of the entire armory, and I didn't find any suspicious people, and I didn't see anyone entering Severngar, but the strange thing is that it actually started by itself... Could it be that mysterious person!? "

Yuka Ota picked up the tablet,

Call up the screen of each monitor.

From before the start of Severn Plus to after the start.

Read them all.

No problems were found.

And She Cangxiang watched the video calmly,

The heart is determined,

The other party must be someone hiding behind the scenes.

And like himself, he has the ability to teleport.

What I just don't know is whether it's Ultraman Saiga's transformation, or the man behind the summoning of the golden giant and Hong Kai last time!

What he was curious about was,

What is the purpose of this man driving Severnga to fight monsters?

And the driving skills are better than the professional Yoko and Yaohui.

It's incredible...!

"It's really interesting... This driving technology is in the arsenal, and it is the top existence, Yuka, continue to investigate, by the way, there is also that Ultraman Saiga."

She Cangxiang didn't think too much about it.

On the contrary, I am more and more looking forward to what interesting things will happen in the follow-up.

at this time.

Several figures appeared from the side.

I saw Yoko, Yaohui, Zhou Jie and Lin Lan,

It's all here.

And Yaohui was still wearing a cane, looking extremely aggrieved.

"Yaohui, what happened to your leg?"

"Captain, it's okay, I just accidentally fell..."

When she saw Shecang asking enchantingly and interestingly, and Yaohui concealed it.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, Zeta with a broken leg!"

"I'm dying of laughter, Juggler, don't you know! Still asking!"

"That's right! I, Superman, don't want to lose face?"

"Jagula, you come to catch this flying kick, you'll break your leg too, hahaha!"

"Fuck! It's Mr. Ye Hu! Sister Zhou! It's up to you!!"

"Don't forget the task assigned by the organization!! Sister Zhou gkd!!"

The barrage of countless viewers filled the screen.

Sister Zhou also shifted her gaze to Mr. Ye Hu who was watching the video next to Jie Hua in the distance.

Then pretended not to know anything, looked at Shota Snake Kura and asked:

"Captain Shecang, who is driving today's Severnga? I just heard from Yaohui that it wasn't him, who is that? And it looks like he has very strong driving skills. Could it be Mr. Ye Hu?"

Sister Zhou looked at Mr. Ye Hu while talking.

All the audience are staring at their facial expressions.

Looking forward to hearing from them,

Unexpectedly, Shecang shook his head and frowned and said:

"We are also investigating this... We haven't found out who it is yet. Besides, Mr. Ye Hu has been investigating in the armory and Yuhua, not him."

Shota Shekura not only explained it to Sister Zhou,

It was also explained to Yoko Nakajima and Yaohui.

I will explain it later in the province.

When Sister Zhou and the audience in the live broadcast room heard this, they were all dumbfounded.

? !

what! ?

Mr. Ye Hu has been in the armory? ?

"Fuck! What's going on?? It's not Mr. Ye Hu??"

"I'm so stupid, is Juggler lying?"

"No, no, look at Ota Yuka and Mr. Ye Hu who both nodded!! Nima! Tsuburaya lied to us??"

"My dear, I thought I really caught the mastermind behind the scenes! As long as Mr. Ye Hu leaves the armory, it will prove that he is the mastermind behind the scenes, but now you tell me that he never left!?"

"I'm numb, who is behind the scenes!?"

"Suspense drama! This **** is a suspense drama! Who is the person behind the scenes!!"

Countless viewers scratched their heads.

After learning that Mr. Ye Hu never left the armory.

While they were extremely disappointed, they were extremely itchy inside.

Crazy to know who is behind the scenes!

This time the appetite is much stronger than before!

And Sister Zhou didn't ask too much.

My heart sank.

I thought I was going to catch the person behind the scenes!

Unexpectedly, I was so happy!


This guy who drives the Severnga.

Where is he meowing? ? ? ?

[Shock value +100]

[Shock value +100]



Hear the reminder of the system mechanical sound.

Lin Lan glanced at Sister Zhou and then at Mr. Ye Hu.

Immediately realized what sister Zhou said just now.

It was obvious that they were investigating Mr. Ye Hu.

I didn't expect to drive Severnga by myself,

To actually point the suspicion of sister Zhou and countless viewers at Mr. Ye Hu?

Thinking of Mr. Ye Hu's series of operations in the play.

It is indeed quite easy to become the object of suspicion.

It's just that this time it's an oolong.

But it provided a lot of shock value for myself!

It seems that I am driving the Severnga for fun,

What a wise choice!

"Speaking of driving skills, the arsenal is going to organize Wuyingdam to fight against Severnga, so as to find a way to defeat monsters efficiently. I wonder if Lin Lanjun will have time to come and take a look? My driving skills are not bad, okay? it is good!"

"That's right! When my legs get better, I'll show you my driving skills!"

Yoko Nakajima and Yaohui began to compare with the mysterious man.

I don't want Lin Lan and sister Zhou to look down on them.

And Shekura Xiangtai also nodded when he heard the words, and said:

"Yeah, every time the armory conducts mecha training, many people will come to watch it. If the two of you are free, you can also come and watch it. It must be very interesting."

"Okay, if we're free, we'll come over."

Lin Lan responded lightly.

In the starry eyes of Yoko Nakajima and Yuka Ota.

She left the armory with Sister Zhou who looked disappointed.

And Shota's eyes are intriguing...!

on the way.

Sister Zhou's brows did not relax from the beginning to the end.

I have been staring at the barrage in the live broadcast room, thinking with the audience who the Saiga transformer and the person behind the scenes might be.

It seems that because there is no clue.

So she looked at Lin Lan and asked:

"Shop manager, what do you think of the mysterious man driving the Severnga today? It's the mysterious man who turned the monster into a more powerful monster, but drove the Severnga to save Yoko."

"Mysterious man?" Lin Lan pondered for a while, and then replied: "From this point of view, his style of doing things is both good and evil, which is quite interesting, otherwise I would really worry about Yoko and Yaohui... "

Lin Lan first showed a look of interest,

The second half of the sentence turned into worry.

This made Sister Zhou fall into deep thought.

Is it both good and evil...?

When Lin Lan's words came out,

It immediately resonated with countless audiences.

"Yes! I also feel that the person behind the scenes is both good and evil! Just like Juggler!"

"I agree with the store manager's point of view, it's really interesting!"

"That's it, that's why it looks better than Yuangu's photo!"

"I'm really looking forward to what will happen next! I hope the people behind the scenes and the saiga transformed will show more of their feet! I really want to know who they are!"

"That's it!"

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