People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 137 Cooking Only Once Cooked (Subscription~)

With the woman's departure, the sky brightened, and the soft sunlight slowly shone into the room from the window. At this time, Yumiko Fuji, who was sleeping soundly on the second floor, also slowly opened her eyes.

"Hmm~ I really slept comfortably..."

"Looks like it's because I've been too tired lately~"

Fuji Yumiko was taken aback when she heard the voice, then turned her head and saw Bai Yu standing at the door, Yumiko stretched her waist and said with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"I called you up for breakfast. I specially prepared porridge to warm your stomach. If you get up now, you should be able to drink it~"

Fuji Yumiko nodded and patted herself next to her. Bai Yu walked over without saying a word and sat next to Mudo Yumiko and said with a smile, "What's the matter? I haven't seen you with such an expression for a long time.

Fuer Yumiko hugged Bai Yu's arm and said with a sigh of relief: "These girls should finally make up their minds~ If it's later~ maybe there's really nothing to play~"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "I won't say anything about this, after all it's not easy to make up your mind ~ Yumiko isn't ready for 02 yet, okay?"

Fuji Yumiko said with a smile: "I think everyone will make up their minds, at least the two girls Qi Luoli and Rindou should be the fastest to make up their minds ~ I guess the only thing that makes them feel at ease is that you are not a vegetarian animal Right~ It’s just that they might not say it even if they made up their minds~”

Bai Yu just shook his head and said softly: "If I make up my mind to do this kind of thing, I will take the initiative, just like I can see that Yumiko, you are not ready~ Carnivorous animals can smell~ Okay~ Wake up and have breakfast~ Do you have any activities today?"

Yumiko shook her head and said, "No, Bai Yu, are you going to take me on a date?"

"I'm going to make chocolate today, do you want to come together? I can just make some more and bring them to Zhou Zhu and Yuta.

"Okay, but you really take good care of Zhou Zhu and Yuta~"

"He's my brother after all~"

"I haven't decided yet!"

"Do you think I'll let you go if I give you time to prepare?"

Fuji Yumiko blushed and said, "Why didn't I realize that you still have such a tough side~"

"Yumiko, there are many things you haven't noticed~ Hurry up and get up and wash up, we'll wait for you downstairs, Cerberus is hungry~ Hmm? Heh..."

As soon as Bai Yu finished speaking, he saw Fuji Yumiko stretching his arms to Bai Yu, and Bai Yu smiled and walked over.

"Others are prepared but I will not lose to those little girls~"

Bai Yu laughed when he heard the voice in the house and walked downstairs. At this time, Lucifer was chatting with someone, but it seemed that it was most likely Lin Long or Esthers.

After seeing Bai Yu, Lucifer snorted and said, "Why are you so slow? Is Yumiko lying in bed?"

"Maybe it's because I'm too tired from working overtime recently~ I've already woken up~"

Lucifer didn't think much about it, just nodded and didn't say anything and continued to play with his mobile phone. During the day, when it wasn't the two-person world with Bai Yu, Lucifer turned into Tsundere again.

Cerberus has become a person again, Bai Yu looked at Cerberus and said with a smile: "Cerberus, you three are really alike~"

"Different, different, different! Although the likes and dislikes are the same, but the personalities are different!"

Lucifer said casually: "I remember one of them was quite black-bellied~"

"No no no no!"

Bai Yu looked at Cerberus's wandering negative eyes and shook his head with a smile, "It's the one who looks very quiet~"

Cerberus hesitated for a while and finally nodded, Bai Yu said with a smile: "Well~ So Cerberus should have quite a lot of characters~ I suddenly want to see what kind of prank Cerberus is. What does it look like~"

Cerberus moved his ears and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end. He just sat there obediently eating the beef jerky that Bai Yu brought her, but the eyes that rolled twice knew that Cerberus I thought of something.

At this time, Fuji Yumiko from upstairs also went downstairs after rinsing her mouth many times. Cerberus saw Fuji Yumiko and immediately shouted: "Yumiko, Yumiko, Yumiko! Good morning!"

Fuji Yumiko smiled and said, "Good morning, Cerberus, and Lucifer~"

After Lucifer replied, he continued to play on his mobile phone. Fujiko walked up to Lucifer and sat down beside Lucifer, smiling and said, "Are you chatting with the newly added Estes?"

"It's gentian~"

Fuji Yumiko smiled and said: "It seems that what Rindou said about learning is true~ It seems that you have successfully stimulated her~"

Lucifer sighed and said, "She will have to decide whether to sting or not, but it seems that she has this plan~ Yumiko, why do you keep rubbing your chin?"

Yumiko blushed and said casually: "It must be because I chewed too hard last night, and now my jaw is a little sore~"

Lucifer nodded and said, "Hmm~ That's really uncomfortable. I felt my jaw was sore after eating that beef jerky before~ It will be better if you move more~"

Fuji Yumiko said with a smile: "Well~ I will, I heard that I will make chocolate today?"

"Chocolate?! No chocolate! No chocolate!"

Hearing these words, Cerberus woke up. For Cerberus, she didn't want to eat chocolate anymore. It was too painful!

Lucifer smiled 517 and said, "It's not for you to eat, but for you to help with cooking~ If you come to help, you can just make more~"

Cerberus let out a long sigh of relief, and then continued to eat the beef jerky. Lucifer's jaw would be sore when eating beef jerky, but she didn't, and she liked the taste very much.

Fuji Yumiko said with a smile: "Cerberus seems to dislike eating chocolate? Is it because he doesn't like the taste or what?"

Cerberus said in a low voice, "Because if you eat it, your stomach will hurt very much..."

Fuji Yumiko was taken aback for a moment, then said worriedly: "Is it because of gastrointestinal problems~"

Lucifer shook his head and said, "No~ It's probably just that I can't eat it~ It can't be cured~"

Fuji Yumiko nodded and said: "Poor Cerberus~ I will help you today, and I will ask Bai Yu to make you a delicious meal later~ You have never eaten it~ Lucifer has never eaten it~"

Hearing this, Cerberus moved his ears and sat up straight, his saliva was about to flow out, Lucifer tilted his head and said, "Huh? Suddenly it's very mysterious~"

"Of course~ Bai Yu did it once because of that~"

"Huh?!" x2

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