People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 162 Double Yolk Eggs? ! (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, Tony Stark's mood is so complicated, thinking that he is also a playboy, a tall, rich and handsome man who has lived among thousands of flowers and never touched his body.

But now he finally knows what it means to eat dog food. It’s too much, can you be a bit majestic, queen of hell? Do you have to show affection in front of a mortal like yourself?! Too much! You have to take time to go back and say anything Go relax (cough cough cough...).

So Tony Stark intends to turn grief and anger into appetite, looking at the A5 steak exuding a tempting aroma, Tony Stark must admit that he is really hungry.

First took a sip of non-alcoholic champagne. Originally, Tony Stark really regarded this as a drink, but after drinking it, he realized that he had made a mistake. The glass of wine in front of him was actually indistinguishable from real champagne. Difference.

This made him look forward to the steak in front of him even more. The meat is graded, and A5 is the highest grade. The whole piece of meat is as beautiful as snowflakes, and the meat is extra soft, fat but not greasy. Soft.

Tony Stark, who can be said to be a man who grew up eating money, was surprised by a piece of food he often ate. If it wasn't for the taste and taste, he could vaguely feel that it was A5 beef. He even suspected that this was the meat steak of some otherworld creature.


Bai Yu, who was talking to Lucifer about Nakiri Mana, was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and said in doubt: "What's wrong? Mr. Tony Stark.

Tony Stark said in disbelief: "This, this salt! Boss! Tell me that the salt flower in your world is ordinary edible salt, or I will be surprised!"

Even if A5's steak barbecue uses salt, that is, ordinary sea salt or sea salt with a garlic or pepper flavor, it does not reach the point of using salt flower, which can be said to be the most precious salt in the world.

This kind of salt has a supernatural aroma. The taste is not salty but fragrant. It has a violet-like aroma and a delicate taste. Just a little bit of salt can bring amazing taste and sublimate the taste, no matter what Dishes can add some soft and clear feeling out of thin air.

If you have never tasted this salt, you may not believe it. Salt is not only salty, but it is even more impossible to believe that salt can taste elegant.

Tony Stark can easily afford it, but he was really surprised, because in a sense, the flower of salt is even rarer than A5 meat, so it can be said that eating like this is the most perfect configuration.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "It is very precious salt in other places, but it is very common here. Mr. Tony Stark, I really tasted it. It seems that this is very important to you. something familiar~"

Tony Stark nodded, no matter how precious the salt flower and A5 meat were, they were very common things for him, but it was the first time he had eaten such a delicious steak.

The supernatural taste brought by the violet aroma of the flower of salt, combined with the A5 beef is fragrant but not greasy, and the meat is soft and rotten. Tony Stark feels a little bit unable to stop eating at this time, and he can't stop at all. The machine is as precise The brain actually got a little out of control.

After all, there is no way to resist the soft and soft taste and texture when the aroma is overflowing in one sip, and the high-grade ingredients are not called high-grade ingredients because they look good.

At this time, Lucifer looked at Bai Yu suspiciously. This was the second time she had heard of the flower of salt. It seemed that Bai Yu would use this salt when cooking those special-sounding barbecue steaks.

Bai Yu also seemed to see the doubt in Lucifer's eyes and said with a smile: "Let's have this for breakfast tomorrow morning~"

"I can do it~"

Although Lucifer's eyes were full of expectations, he still insisted on his image of Tsundere in Bai Yu's eyes, and Bai Yu just shook his head at this.

When only Tony Stark was enjoying his delicious voice in the store, the WGO on the other side was much more lively. At this time, the four executives stood behind Yukihira Jōichirō with a look of expectation.

Rantabi, an already lively girl, yelled directly at Yukihira Jōichirō: "Mr. Caibo! That Mr. Bai Yu seems to be very talkative!"

The others also nodded, Yukihira Jōichirō thought for a while and said: "The thing I have to say is that there is a natural warmth in that kid's body, which is very healing. Once you enter his shop, you will calm down."

Crouch was a little surprised and said: "Wow... Is this the magical shop and magical cuisine that Commander Nakiri said? Just entering the shop will have this effect?

Nakiri Mana is here listening to Yukihira Jōichirō talk about Bai Yu without even doing work, and she is also very interested in this kind of magical Mr. now.

Yukihira Jōichirō also said with a look of nostalgia: "The quietness of his store is not the quietness of the sound, but the quietness of the spirit. Even if someone is noisy, it will only feel warm."

Nakiri Mana put his face on one hand and said with a smile: "Eh? So that Mr. Bai Yu is really a formidable person, and I heard Saiba senior say that Mr. Bai Yu is very young and handsome?"

Both Crouch and Dekla's eyes lighted up at this sentence. The sentence they said before is not beautiful and no one is still single. If it's not a joke, the two of them are really single all the time, and they haven't even talked about love. Pass.

It was because I didn’t have time before, but now it’s not only because I don’t have time, but also because I have a higher vision. They don’t care about money. I have to find someone with excellent cooking skills to satisfy my taste buds, and then I have to be handsome and have a good temper. There are a lot of requirements.

Although it's not too much to take out alone, but together you can't find it, so the two of 383 are always single and now they are really interested in this Bai Yu.

Yukihira Jōichirō smiled and said, "Well, but Rantabi, what are you doing?"

Lan Tabi, who was paddling with a mobile phone, said without raising his head: "You'll know if you're handsome or not, and you won't know until you arrive if the restaurant is warm or not, but that restaurant doesn't have a menu. I don't want to have such a hasty meal, of course I want to see what I eat..."

Everyone froze for a moment, and then took out their mobile phones to search, even Yukihira Jōichirō, who was defeated by the delicious food for a moment in terms of appearance and atmosphere.

"Huh?! It took me so many years as an executive officer to realize that there are so many kinds of food?! And I haven't eaten many of them!"

"Stop talking! I want to eat it all!"

At the same time, Tony Stark on the other side was still enjoying the delicious food, but he suddenly felt that something was wrong, turned around subconsciously and saw the door lighted up, and Tony became excited all over.

Lucifer said blankly: "Did you come here a little bit harder today..."

Bai Yu also nodded in sympathy, but before the door opened, he heard a very youthful voice shouting: "Don't run around!"

Bai Yu froze for a moment, is this still a double yolk egg?

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