People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 177 Don't Bend Down So Early (Please Subscribe~)

Bai Yu didn't let Erina and Hisako follow, but walked over alone. Erina's reputation in the school is still very big, if she followed, the girl might be frightened.

Bai Yu only heard what the girl was saying when he was passing by, and he was slightly taken aback immediately because the girl seemed to be in a bad situation right now.

"Why is this classmate outside before get out of class time?"

The girl turned her head in a daze and saw a man with a gentle smile standing beside her. He wasn't wearing a school uniform and he definitely didn't look like a student, because a student with such good looks had long been a popular character in the school.

After seeing Bai Yu, the girl put away her sad look and asked in doubt, "Who are you, sir?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "If I have to say it, I'm probably the manager of a restaurant, but I have a good relationship with the head coach of this academy and a few Elite Ten~"

The girl was taken aback for a moment and then said in surprise: "Huh?! That's amazing!"

Bai Yu smiled and waved his hands and said: "It's okay, some people are willing to eat the food, so can you answer my question now? Why does it appear in this place at this time?"

The girl whispered: "I was nervous and poured half a bottle of Pepper 02 into the cooking when I was taking the exam... It was too late for the exam, so I came out... woo woo woo..."

After the girl finished speaking, she finally couldn't hold back her tears. Bai Yu looked at the girl in front of her and said, "So, you got the E rating because you were nervous, right?"

The girl wiped her tears and said: "Well! I don't know why, as long as it comes to the assessment, I don't know anything. "Original dishes are very simple, but Gu Tian made a mistake.

Bai Yu thought for a moment and then said with a smile: "Isn't this a good thing?"


"That's right, think about it, you said that you can cook these dishes normally, but you are very nervous during the assessment, so you are still very good~"

The girl shook her head again and again and said: "No, no, it's just a qualified appearance. Maybe I'm not suitable for this path...but that's it..."

"It would be very reconciled to go back like this, right~ I know what you want to say, don't worry, you won't be eliminated, there is a word called survival from a desperate situation, anyway, there is only one chance of assessment left, it's nothing I'm really worried, just think about it like this."

The girl sniffed and said with a smile: "Sir, you are really strange, this is the first time I have seen someone comforting others like this, but you are right, there is only one chance left! There is nothing to be nervous about! "

Bai Yu nodded with a smile and said: "Well, this kind of thinking is very good. Everyone will miss some times. Although you have a little more, it's not a problem. The only thing I'm afraid of is that you have been evaluating in this mood all the time. It's just a failure~ You just lost your self-confidence by failure~ All you need is a success~"

The girl nodded. It is impossible for her to get an A rating, but as long as she can get a passing score, it is a big success for her, even if it is only a D or a C, she can continue.

Seeing that the girl seems to cheer up, Bai Yu nodded with a smile and said, "If that's the case, then go ahead, I won't say anything here, get out of class is about to end, and you should prepare for the next class."

Seeing that Bai Yu was about to leave, An quickly said, "Thank you, sir!"

Bai Yu waved his hand and said, "If that's the case, then try your best not to drop out~"

After speaking, Erina came over, and the girl was stunned when she saw Erina, Bai Yu smiled and said, "Is there anything interesting about Tōtsuki?"

"Yes! Eh? You are..."

"Erina-sama! I am Tadokoro Megumi from the first grade"

Erina tilted her head and looked at Tadokoro Megumi, then suddenly said: "Oh~ I remember you [you were the one who shared the dormitory with the student who raised Dongtao chicken that day~"

Tadokoro Megumi nodded again and again, and Erina was a little speechless after understanding the situation: "It's just an assessment, so why be nervous~ But you are unlucky enough...

Hisako also nodded in sympathy. It is really unlucky to be afraid of taking the exam during the exam. Who can stand it? They will do it but they just can't do it because of nervousness.

Tadokoro Megumi was also a little disappointed, Erina looked at Bai Yu and said: "Shop Manager Bai Yu, what were you talking to her just now? Are you comforting?"

Tadokoro Megumi nodded and said in disbelief, "Eh?! Are you Teacher Bai Yu?!"

Bai Yu nodded with a smile and said, "Yes~ But I'm just a temporary one-day class, so there's no need for a teacher, after all, I'm not a heavy teacher.

Tadokoro Megumi hasn't recovered yet, she never thought that she would meet Bai Yu who has been raging about in school during this time, you must know that Bai Yu was the first one that all the Elite Ten came to class and respected very much teacher.

Bai Yu looked at the position next to the girl and asked suspiciously, "What is that?"

"Ah! That's because I was too anxious in the morning, and I didn't have time to eat breakfast. I brought it over after I finished it. As a result, the first class is the assessment, and I don't feel in the mood to eat breakfast now..."

Bai Yu tilted his head and said, "Breakfast? Did you make it when you were nervous?"

"No, because it's in the kitchen of my own dormitory, so I don't feel nervous...

Hearing this sentence, Erina also knew what Bai Yu was going to do, Bai Yu walked to the small box and got up and said to Tadokoro Megumi with a smile: "Would you mind showing me this breakfast?"

"Of course I don't mind!"

At this time, Tadokoro Megumi became nervous again, Erina glanced at Tadokoro Megumi and nodded, it seemed that she was not lying, this is really a person who gets nervous easily.

Bai Yu stared at it and then said, "You made this?"

"Yes, it's bad...

Bai Yu was a little surprised and said: "On the contrary, if you really made the rice balls, Tiansuo, you are very good. Just the way you make the rice balls is already very professional."

"Huh? Really?"

Erina also leaned over to take a look, and saw several very beautiful and regular rice balls in the box. She poked them with her hands, and the feeling from her fingers clearly told her one thing, the rice in these rice balls was steamed perfectly.

Erina was also a little surprised and said: "Now I am completely sure that you are nervous, this rice is better than many students' steamed rice."

Why did Tadokoro Megumi receive such praise in 497? The whole person was dizzy. Bai Yu said with a smile: "Does Tiansuo have ten Qiyibao?"

"You please!"

Under the expectant eyes of Tadokoro Megumi, Bai Yu picked up a rice ball and bit it down, then nodded and said: "Well, the beef is marinated just right, and the rice is really good, oh? The spinach is very fresh, and the carrots are blanched. A bit over the top, but not bad...”

Bai Yu commented while eating, when one rice ball was finished, Bai Yu didn't say anything but took out his mobile phone to find Nakiri Senzaemon's phone number and said directly: "Master, there is a student's assessment that I will advance Checked, no problem?"

"No no no~ On the contrary, this should be a very good dish I have ever eaten."

"Erina is also on the side. I will give her a try at the daily meeting and I will know. If I were to rate it, it would definitely be the one."


After hanging up the phone, Bai Yu put the lunch box in Erina's hand, and said to Tadokoro Megumi with a smile: "Tadokoro Megumi, if your next class is an assessment, you don't have to go, this rice ball is for students, except for A and me Can't think of anything else to say~”

Tadokoro Megumi was stunned, and looked at Bai Yu in disbelief. No matter who it is, it takes a moment to crush a person, but it only takes an affirmation, a word of encouragement to pull a person up. Life goes on, don't so early to bend over

People may not be very strong, but please persevere...

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