People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 181 It's Time For The Wanderer To Go Home (Please Subscribe~)

Just as Bai Yu thought, at this time Nakiri Senzaemon didn't have the same calm feeling as before. Just one day made an obviously calm and wise old man look like a child looking forward to Christmas presents.

Nakiri Senzaemon is standing in his office now, looking at the door from time to time, and now he hopes that that handsome young man will suddenly appear in front of him.


There was a sound of footsteps, and Nakiri Senzaemon's whole body showed a gleam of joy and looked at the door for an instant, but then Nakiri Senzaemon's face changed from excitement to disgust, yes, disgust.

The person who came was naturally not Bai Yu, but Dojima Gin who walked in with a smile on his face. Dojima Gin was in a good mood, because today is an important day, so he spent "700" days without eating. Dealing with government affairs like this, the whole person seems to have a surge of adrenaline, and he can't stop at all.

And he didn't choose to bring the driver with him when he came here, but he drove here by himself. He has finished all the work today, faster than usual, and originally wanted to come here happily I saw Jōichirō and Nakiri and they went to have a meal together to solve the house of the gods.

As a result, when he entered the door, he saw Nakiri Senzaemon's disgusted expression, and Dojima Gin said that his fragile little heart was severely injured.

Dojima Gin clutched his chest and said, "Commander, your expression..."

Nakiri Senzaemon waved his hand and was about to say something when he heard footsteps again. This time, he was obviously not alone. Nakiri Senzaemon finally cheered up this time, and Dojima Gin also turned his head to look forward to the upcoming "Legend" "The store manager Bai Yu in ".

"You are... you are Mr. Dojima, sir, we are here~"

Dojima Gin looked at Bai Yu who was hugged by Lucifer with a surprised expression and said with a smile: "I have tried my best to make you look young, but I didn't expect you to be at least six years younger than I imagined."

Bai Yu just smiled and said nothing, Nakiri Senzaemon said angrily: "Dojima Gin, is this the place where you make friends? Now it's time to get down to business.

Dojima Gin nodded again and again, Bai Yu said with a smile: "If the old man goes back at this time, my shop is not open yet~"

Nakiri Senzaemon said with a smile: "Of course I know this. After all, I am a regular customer. If you don't mind, I think we will pick up Mana and the others first, and then go to the store together. In this way, you can communicate and make sure." How to solve it."

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Okay, old man, don't be so nervous, Mr. Dojima, as long as it's human senses, it's not a difficult thing after all."

Bai Yu's words gave Nakiri Senzaemon and Dojima Gin a shot in the arm, "The fact that Bai Yu can still say this sentence calmly proves that there is really nothing wrong with it.

Cerberus looked at Bai Yu and said, "Bai Yu Bai Yu Bai Yu! Is that Nakiri Mana sick?"

"It's not considered sick, but some mental problems. It's very simple. Then, old man, let's go."


Looking at Nakiri Senzaemon's excited look at this time, he still looks like the calm and wise old man I saw before, but this is the magic of emotion, and people are such a race that cannot avoid this very mysterious thing.

Bai Yu touched Lucifer's head and said warmly: "Does Lucifer still have psychological shadows?"

Lucifer whispered, "I never want to leave you again..."

Until just now, Bai Yu did not know where Lucifer was taken by Cerberus, but what is certain is that Cerberus is indeed a powerful existence 1, who can actually leave such a big shadow on Lucifer , she now feels that she is about to lose herself, and she is holding on to Bai Yu all the time.

In the car, Bai Yu chatted with Dojima Gin and Nakiri Senzaemon, and Cerberus also used his cuteness to enliven the atmosphere at the right time, which made Nakiri Senzaemon calm down slowly.

On the other side of the plane, Nakiri Mana and others were also very excited, especially Nakiri Mana. After all, she was the biggest beneficiary this time, so she was naturally the most excited.

Rantabi looked at a small notebook in his hand with a tangled face, writing and drawing on it, making a rustling sound that made it hard for everyone not to pay attention..

Crouch, who was putting on makeup, said angrily: "Rantabi, what are you doing, you bastard? You have flipped through that notebook no less than twenty times! What are you writing and drawing!"

Rantabi said with some headaches: "I'm going to Mr. Bai Yu's store soon, but I still don't know what to order. You may not believe me. I'm not even sure what to eat or what to drink. ~"

Dekra said helplessly: "I was like this before, but let's forget it now, I gave up, and I will see my first thought after I go, otherwise I'm afraid I will starve to death if I want to eat~"

Rantabi nodded, put away the notebook, looked at Crouch and Dekla suspiciously, and said, "Why are you two wearing makeup? You have never seen you so serious when you participated in activities."

Hearing this, both of them blushed, and didn't say anything. How could a young dead girl like Yangtabi know the distress of these young, beautiful, white, rich and beautiful leftover girls~ No matter whether that Bai Yu is really like As Jōichirō said, being so good at least makes a good impression.

Yukihira Jōichirō sat at the front and put on a blindfold and said with a smile: "Ranta is younger than you, I don't know the distress of those two little girls who can't find boyfriends over there~"

Lantabi glanced at the two of them and then showed a strange big sister's eyes. Both women blushed at 0.5, but they didn't say anything. If you want a lady, they need makeup.

As for Nakiri Mana, at this time Nakiri Mana looked at the gradually visible buildings outside the window with an expectant smile and whispered: "I'm back..."

Yukihira Jōichirō pushed up the blindfold and looked at Nakiri Mana who was lost in memory, smiled and said softly: "Welcome back...."

The plane is getting closer and closer to landing, and it is getting closer and closer to home, in that familiar place, with the warmth that I will never forget, the familiar little bed, the parents who love me, and all the love in the world. tolerate.

The birds that go out to play and fly for survival have returned to their nests, and the wanderers who have gone out should also go home. …

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