People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 215 Crouch And Others Who Are Ashamed Early In The Morning (Please Subscribe~)

Since Hōjō Miyoko left, there hasn't been a single customer in the store, but Bai Yu feels that it's better to have a customer, because there is a lady named Lucifer next to him, who claims to be a great detective...

That's right, Lucifer was still struggling with who the guest Bai Yu mentioned was, and of course Bai Yu told Lucifer who that person was, but what Lucifer cared about was the person's figure and appearance.

Cerberus was stunned by this level of brain supplementation. In Lucifer's eyes, my wife Yuno at this time has a perfect figure, a lovely face, pink double ponytail hair, and a weak woman. girls.

Bai Yu really doesn't know how Lucifer came up with such an image, except for that cute face and pink hair! Nothing is right!

Lucifer looked at Bai Yu's helpless look and thought for a while and said, "I feel that such a girl should not exist, forget it~ But I'm sure, she will definitely become a regular customer

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I am the Queen of Hell! My guess must be right!"

Seeing Lucifer who was proud again in a strange place, Bai Yu sighed and looked at Cerberus and said: "Cerberus, what do you want to eat in the morning?"


Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "That's right, Ms. Nakiri Mana and the others are here too. If you eat some meat, you can also supplement your nutrition. Let's wait for a while. I believe that the professionalism of their executive officers will not be lazy~ bed~ "

Cerberus nodded, then lay down on the table and looked out of the window, not knowing what he was looking at, the dog's thinking may be so outrageous at times

In comparison, Bai Yu was a little stunned, because just now Qi Luoli sent him the address of the gym, and this gym made Bai Yu startled, it looks familiar...

Lucifer looked at Bai Yu who was holding the phone and didn't know what he was thinking. He also quietly approached, and after seeing the message on the phone, he whispered: "I have something to do this morning.

You, Lucifer and Cerberus go first, I have registered members for both Lucifer and Cerberus, we will arrive around ten o'clock~"

Lucifer read this and said puzzledly: "Eh? Why didn't Qi Luoli sign up for you as a member? Does she know that you, a big pig, are rich?"

Bai Yu tilted his head and said, "Eh? Why can't I be a member myself?"

Lucifer said suspiciously: "It's unlikely~ because you said before that you were playing games when you were out of business, and you have been opening a store since you came back. You didn't even know that you opened the biggest basketball court and opened a gym. It's normal if you don't know."

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Gym~ Lucifer, what if I told you that I'm really a member~"

"Eh?! You went to the gym before? But you probably don't have time to go to the gym, why did a member of the gym pop up all of a sudden!"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "Because this is a chain gym around the world~"

"Hmm, what then?"

"Then, probably... I got a very long membership due to certain things, and my membership should not have expired according to common sense~

Lucifer nodded and covered his face and said, "I'm really curious what you do when I'm not around you!"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "It should be a lot, I was a martial artist's training partner for a while..."

"Eh? Who is it..."

"It's Gaolan and the two of them. They happened to be playing games at that time, so I saw them for a long time, and we kept in touch with each other in private, and I was still in the same shop with Gaolan. I have a membership~"


"Boxing Gym~"

Lucifer didn't know what to say anymore, Lucifer decided, no matter what, he must, must follow Bai Yu all the time, otherwise he would run to Fang somewhere and then have a strange experience!

"Eh? Cerberus, where are you going?"

"Go get your phone!"

Cerberus ran upstairs as soon as he said that, Bai Yu shook his head, he didn't know why Cerberus was very active every day, but as soon as he lay down, he could sleep and watch.

0…ask for flowers…………

"Hey~ Crouch~ Is this really okay?"

"Decla~ This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity~ Mr. Bai Yu's room~ It's the room that best embodies Mr. Bai Yu's hobbies!"

"So you two just woke me up?"

"Rantabi! We are your seniors as executive officers, but, as women... uh... girls! We are also your seniors! Trust us! That's right

"Oh! It's on fire!"

Cerberus stared blankly at the doubts on the faces of the three of Craki who gathered together and looked at Bai Yu's room. Cerberus didn't quite understand, but she always felt that these three people might not be very smart.


"Clutch! Good morning! What are you doing?"

"Hey! Ahaha ~ Cerberus~ Good morning~"

"Damn it... just a little bit! A little bit!"

"Hey~ Forget it, let's tell the truth~ The thing is like this..."

A few minutes later, Cerberus looked suspiciously at the three beautiful girls who didn't know why they were there with a look of unwillingness. After thinking about it for a while, he said suspiciously: "So, you want to see the room of the Lord... Bai Yu?"

Crouch and the others nodded, and Cerberus said casually: "Let's see then~ I come in often~ It's nothing~ It's just very clean~"

Cerberus opened the door as he said that, and then he saw Craki and the others looked in expectantly, and then they were all taken aback [Cerberus crossed her fingers and said in disbelief: "Oh my God .... Mr. Bai Yu's room is really clean! He also grows flowers! He loves books! Are there so many books? Wow, he really is a treasured man! Life is really romantic"

Dekla and Rantabi also nodded. At this time, Nakiri Mana also came out after washing, looking at Klaqi and the others who were standing in front of Bai Yu's door and shouting all kinds of things, tilting their heads and looking puzzled. Is a stupid girl so outrageous?

"Master Mana, good morning."

"Ann~ Hurry up and call them over, it's so embarrassing..."


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