People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 231 The Ups And Downs Of Eating Chicken, The Man Who Came Suddenly (Seeking Subscription~)

The recipe of coconut chicken can be said to be simple and outrageous. You can even say that you know how this dish is made when you hear the name, so feel free to speak out your thoughts boldly.

That’s right, it’s stewed chicken nuggets with coconut milk and water. It’s as simple as that. Put the coconut meat in the middle. In order to increase the nutrition and appearance, add some goji berries, jujubes, and ginger slices in it, and it’s gone.

It's that simple, but as I said before, simple dishes often have something special, and the stewed taste of this dish is very fresh, which is not comparable to soup made of water.

It is a unique sweet taste of coconut. The sweet and refreshing is the coconut itself. The chicken stewed with a pot full of coconut juice as the bottom of the pot can be said to have a special flavor.

The entrance of the chicken is delicious and smooth, the coconut fragrance is clear, and the mouth is full of fragrance. The delicious "430" of the chicken itself is vividly displayed in this sweet and fragrant coconut milk.

In fact, the most amazing thing about coconut chicken is the dipping sauce, because the dipping sauce is more than that used in the main dish, light soy sauce, minced ginger, spicy millet, put a little coriander powder, squeeze a circle of lime juice, good Guys, there are more ingredients than just coconut and chicken.

The taste is salty and fresh, with a little bit of spiciness. This is the dipping sauce for coconut chicken. Although it is more complicated than the coconut chicken itself, in fact, this dipping sauce is as simple and ordinary as the coconut chicken itself.

Although some places will thicken the soup before serving the coconut chicken to make the soup thicker, but Bai Yu does not do that, Bai Yu chooses to make it the original flavor, and the original appearance appears in front of everyone.

Some things are perfect and do not need to be decorated, and some things should be so without changing. Cooking is like being a human being. It starts like this and ends like this. If it should be clear and sweet, then don't yearn for thick and turbulent.

Pick up a piece of chicken dripping with coconut milk and put it in the dipping sauce. The whiteness is instantly covered by the dipping sauce, and all the heat is suppressed by the dipping sauce.

No matter what you eat that needs to be dipped, take three steps when eating, dip it once, eat it once, and then put it in your mouth, hoo~ the taste has changed, it is still the same sweet taste, but this time it is a little more salty fresh taste.

Coconut chicken is also the master of Tsundere, he will not let you praise it all the time, it will cause you some troubles, yes, this is the unique trouble of chicken, chicken bones, coconut chicken is not stewed chicken, it is stewed Whole chicken.

If eating chicken is a very delicious and enjoyable thing, spit out the bones while eating is probably the most unpleasant part of chicken. Hold the chopsticks and pick it up after dipping the ingredients. It should be taken directly into the mouth to enjoy That umami, the result tells you that you have to spit out the bones, and you can’t swallow all the food in your mouth. This is probably the pain of the diners.

Coconut flavor is fragrant, the soup is clear and refreshing, smooth and delicious, salty and delicious, the satisfaction and comfort after the entrance, the sweet and salty with a little spicy taste, only coconut chicken can bring, only this simple Terrible guy can bring.

At this time, Sakura Hibiki and Cerberus are like this. They are two foodies. Foodies should enjoy delicious food in big mouthfuls to satisfy their taste buds and appetite, but this coconut chicken is just for them. Live, can you spit out bones while eating?

Sakura Hibiki said with some emotion: "As expected, the culinary skills that can be praised by Sister Kelaqi are too good, this coconut chicken is so delicious, but you have to spit out the bones! It's so troublesome! "

This time, not only Sakura Hibiki but also Qi Luoli nodded along, Bai Yu sat on the side and looked at them with a smile and said: "How should I put it... Maybe this is how you eat it to make you eat more Let’s enjoy the delicious food instead of finishing it soon~”

Hibiki Yasakura nodded and continued to eat the chicken because of the presence of Hibiki Sakura and Cerberus Bai Yu specially changed it to a larger pot. Originally, only three coconuts were enough for one whole chicken, but Bai Yu insisted on making six large coconuts and three whole chickens.

It can be said that it is enough to make these people feel good, because the coconut chicken has given up the gorgeousness of being a hot pot, so it must find it in other places to make up for it. Yes, it is its partner, but its partner is still there. It's simmering.

At this time, Crouch can be said to be eating while taking photos, there are photos of Bai Yu drinking tea and reading a book, there are photos of people eating there, and of course there are more photos of the delicious food in front of them. The steaming coconut chicken is really photogenic.

This is what Dekla and the others specially asked her to make sure to see what they eat every day. They can eat the same food at the same time. In this way, just imagination can solve their strong appetite..

Although it sounds fantastic, it is actually like this. People’s imagination is very scary. You may feel that the egg fried rice is not so delicious when you eat it yourself, but it feels really delicious and delicious when you watch others eat it. It will be much better if you eat it together.

Nakiri Mana doesn't think that the chef on her side can satisfy her god tongue, but she memorizes the taste of Bai Yu's cooking, and can make up the taste based on Klaqi's photos and ingredients, so she eats will be more comfortable.

At this time, Nakiri Mana can be said to have no idea what he was thinking at all, just sitting in front of the table with his face propped on his hands, looking at the position of the door and not knowing what he was thinking. It is worth mentioning that Nakiri Mana’s cell phone Stuck there, it can be seen how many people have looked for her over the years.

"Hey~ I don't know what Mr. Bai Yu and the others are eating now~ It must be much better than the food here~ I really envy that girl Clara..."

"Forget it~ Anyway, I can go back soon. I have endured it for so many years. It's not too late...An'an, are the glutinous rice balls ready?"

Almost as soon as Nakiri Mana finished shouting, she saw An coming in with a bowl of hot glutinous rice balls. Smelling the sweetness of glutinous rice balls, Nakiri Mana sighed and said, "I haven't felt the taste of a dish for many years. Yes, I really miss it..."

Ann said softly: "Master Mana, it's great that you recovered..."

"Yeah~ It's really good~ Mmm~ The glutinous rice is not badly beaten, and the filling is too sweet 4.4, but it's not bad, barely edible~ I really miss Mr. Bai Yu's cooking~ The glutinous rice balls made by Mr. Bai Yu should be It's delicious~"

"Yes, Mr. Bai Yu is a very good cook~"

"So Ann~ Are you moved?"

"Ah? Master Mana, I just want to be by your side all the time!"

Nakiri Mana held the bowl and said with a smile: "Ann, you are so rigid, you should..."

"No! You can't go in! You're not welcome here now! Get out!"

Nakiri Mana and Ann were stunned when they heard the voice, and the next moment they saw the door open, and a man in a suit appeared in front of Nakiri Mana's eyes. Seeing this man, Nakiri Mana's expression changed.

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