People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 233 Claypot Rice Support, Cooking Is Like Being A Human Being (Please Subscribe~)

No one knows where Nakamura Ji went, and no one cares about where Nakamura Ji went. After Nakamura Ji left WGO, he still had a smile on his face, but no matter how you looked at it, it was uglier than crying.

At this time, Nakamura Ji really felt that he was a clown, a clown through and through, and he didn't expect such a thing to happen, but he still had cards to use, but now he only had one idea...

"Help me find someone..."

Just when Nakamura Ji left here, Bai Yu's side was still as lively at this time, Qi Luoli was different from Sakura Hibiki staring at the meat, Qi Luoli suddenly found that the coconut inside seemed to be still alive nice look...

Just when everyone was enjoying their meal, Bai Yu suddenly stood up and went back to the kitchen. Sha Cangxiang held a piece of chicken in his mouth and said vaguely: "Huh? What did Brother Bai Yu do?"

Crouch shook her head while eating, whether the fat is high or not can be eaten. It is obvious that coconut chicken is one of the rare meats that can be eaten when losing weight.

When everyone was puzzled, Bai Yu pushed the dining car out, and behind the dining car was a black porcelain pot and a bowl of black things. For some reason, everyone felt as if they would be complete after eating this thing. ..

Bai Yu had no intention of hiding anything, so he just opened the lid, and inside was a very beautiful pot of rice, eggs, sausages, and vegetables. That's right, the coconut chicken invited a helper, this guy's name is...

"Then, claypot rice, it feels complete now~"

Everyone nodded when they asked about the taste, Bai Yu smiled and poured the black sauce on the side directly on the rice, and when he was about to stir with a rice board, he saw Crouch standing up and shouting Said: "Mr. Bai Yu! Wait a minute!"

Bai Yu was taken aback when he saw Crouch quickly took a photo and then smiled and said: "It seems that you really have a mission on your shoulders~"

Crouchie smiled and said, "It's okay~ Mr. Bai Yu can do it!"

Bai Yu nodded and took the rice board and turned the claypot rice that he couldn't wait for completely upside down. He messed up the beautiful pot of claypot rice beyond recognition, but it replaced all the excellent delicacies with its beauty. An alluring aroma.

Claypot rice can be said to be very powerful. There are more ways to make this thing than spicy chicken, but it must be admitted that no matter what kind of claypot rice has its own unique taste, that deliciousness is called salty fragrance.

Brush a layer of oil on the bottom of the pot, just this action is enough to give the rice a unique taste, but the claypot rice is afraid that its partner coconut chicken is too simple, so the various processing is very simple in one pot .

The soaked rice must be mixed with salad oil for initial processing. You must know that this is just rice. As a rice, such treatment is rare.

Because of the presence of oil, the rice is soft and slightly burnt. There are two things in the world that can sublimate the essence when slightly burnt. One is meat and the other is rice.

Claypot rice, no matter what is spread on it, whether it is sausage, beef or pork ribs, these are not important. This dish is called claypot rice, and the core is on this rice.

The rice made by the flexible fire is extraordinarily fragrant. The slightly burnt rice is dyed another color with the help of the seasoning sauce. It is fragrant and crispy in one bite without losing the softness and saltiness of the rice itself. The three senses of fresh fragrance rush directly into my mind.

The top row of slightly raised sausages exudes the unique flavor of cured meat, and the vegetables dripping with oil are also extraordinarily green at this time. For medium-boiled or fully-boiled eggs, you can either enjoy the fragrance of the egg liquid or Enjoy the richness brought by well-cooked.

Rich in nutrition, rich in ingredients, and rich in taste, who would have thought that a rice can be so rich? It just messes up the layout directly, and fully makes every ten minutes full of satisfaction.

After this bite, the cured flavor, fragrance, salty taste, salty taste, crispy, soft and glutinous, it is no longer important how to resist this problem, just eat it, and it is enough to eat without even eating vegetables.

Who would have thought that a pot of rice could be so delicious if they hadn’t tasted it, seen it with their own eyes, and smelled it with their own eyes? This feeling is what this person can give.

Coconut chicken is salty and slightly spicy, clear and sweet, tender and refreshing, and claypot rice is rich in taste and has a variety of tastes. After one bite, it will leave a long aftertaste on the lips and teeth. No wonder it needs the cooperation of these two. These two are really excellent partner.

Cooking is not absolutely perfect, and there is no perfect cooking, they all need their own partner, maybe another dish, maybe a bowl of rice, a bowl of noodles, a bowl of soup, etc., maybe even a little green onion and coriander, A small dish of dips, that's all.

When you meet with a partner who can make you perfect, the meal will be complete, and you will feel no regrets when you eat it. The same is true for people. As I said before, cooking is the most important thing. Like being a human being, I have learned a lot and learned a lot.

At this time, Sha Cangxiang and others can be said to be very happy to eat. Bai Yu knew that it would have such an effect, so he not only cooks a lot of coconut chicken, but also claypot rice.

Looking at Hibiki and Cerberus at this time, if you want to use one word to describe it, it would be happiness. If you want to use one word to describe it, it would be, these two people are crazy!

Just take care of those things and just eat it. With claypot rice, it doesn’t matter even if you eat chicken bones~ Anyway, the soup will drip on the claypot rice, and it will have a special flavor at that time.

"No... no... I can't eat anymore... I feel that if I stay with Mr. Bai Yu for a long time, I must go to the gym, otherwise I will definitely gain weight... Even low-calorie food is useless what..

Everyone nodded at this sentence, Bai Yu just smiled and took a sip of black tea and continued to read the book quietly, while Craki stared at Bai Yu with her face propped up, suddenly Craki thought of something and said: "Mr. Bai Yu, can you really not eat when the shop is open?"

Gina held a piece of chicken in her mouth and said, "That's right, Brother Bai Yu, I don't think it's that mysterious!"

Bai Yu sighed and said, "It's okay, anyway, I'm full of energy after working out today, so it's okay to have more guests~"

As Bai Yu said that, he walked to the dining table, under the nervous gazes of Klaqi, (Wang Hao), Hibiki Sakura, and Gina, he picked up the chopsticks without any intention of eating, and just put the chopsticks directly into the pot. In a moment, the store door opened.

Crouch said blankly: "My God! This is really a curse! It's too outrageous man!"

Sakura Hibiki and Gina also nodded blankly, Qi Luoli said with a smile: "Just get used to it~ Then come on~ You should go to work~"

Bai Yu sighed, put down her chopsticks, and walked over. Qi Luoli picked up the claypot rice bowl she had eaten before, took a sip of the steaming coconut chicken soup, and then the corners of her mouth twitched. This guy, not bad....

A sip of the sweet and clear soup will wear away all the salty aroma, all the crispiness, everything will disappear with this simple sweetness, and all the noise will end with one sip, in this noisy scene , Find a quietness that belongs to you, not bad...

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